I fucking hate this world.
I fucking hate this world
>god gave the biggest responsibility to the dumbest people
can't even trust these retards to drive properly
>yfw she is actually right but forgot same people who say dont kill your unborns also say dont masturbate
74 thousand. fuck me twitter is cancer
lol p good troll
Ejaculation is murder and every single male masturbator needs to be arrested and hanged.
yeah i mean, she's not wrong. men have some problems to fix too but actually killing an actual developing baby is literally murder and she should be executed for the abortions she obviously had
Time to ban periods too, no wasting eggs roasties
lol she's not right, sperm isn't a life until fertilisation. This is why sex is a reproductive act mateski
She is actually correct retard. Men dont even fucking care either when they blow a load, meanwhile women grieve over the decision of getting an abortion
So does every egg, but they still drop it like it's hot every month.
>comparing a developing human fetus with brain activity and a heartbeat to a fucking gamete
These people are actually retarded and evil and I fucking hate them
Kill all women who ovulate without conceiving.
she's not right at all you retard. a sperm cell isn't a fetus.
So periods are murders too ... stop the bleeeeedinnnngs !
This is bait.jpeg
She's a little misguided, but essentially correct. A man shouldn't be ejaculating unless it's for procreation. The loss of sperm weakens the man not only from the loss of the nutrients of semen, but also because of the chemicals that flood your brain during orgasm. The dopamine receptors become weakened making you feel dull. And prolactin spikes making you feel moody. Try semen retention for a month to learn the truth.
'fetus' kek nice latin word there, why not speak english? it means developing small baby, btw. also ejaculation is not murder but she's right in saying men shouldn't be careless with their ejaculation, the bible addresses this directly. it's not the same as abortion though, which is literally murder
Sperm dies even if you don't ejaculate though, so by that logic every moment you spend not impregnating someone is murder
Sperm doesn't metabolize or reproduce on its own though. It doesn't satisfy the definition of life. No one cares about the potential to become a child.
I would say just let these people show the world how stupid and anti-science they are, but too many people actually believe it. We're in trouble.
Call me when you can perform your own abortion in front of a bathroom sink with the lights off and wash it down the drain when you're done with no fuss and no muss, roastie
Checked. This is the correct response
sperm can only survive for 2 to 3 months in your testicles
so even if you decided to run around with blue balls you'd still kill millions of unborn on a regular basis
inb4 its like anada shoah
Does she take fertilized chicken eggs and make omelettes out of them too? There's difference between a cell and a fertilized egg after all, so she should have no problem seeing a developing chick plop onto her frying pan
Monty Python cover this thirty years ago, and this bitch probably thinks she's witty.
It takes two to tango and make a kid and two adults have to make dozens of decisions to get into a bed and fuck with the implication always being the possibility of reproduction protection or no. Intervening after fertilization is murder because without intervention the child will be a person hook or crook. The roasties want sex to remain feel good rubby parts instead of what it is and deny even the acknowledgement of moral hazard.
It's murder even if you don't believe in slave morality jew paganism.
>A man shouldn't be ejaculating unless it's for procreation
Yes, I am working at this, it is not easy but I'm trying
>it's not the same as abortion though
which is exactly what I said. Thanks for the useless reply.
>this how fkn dumb yall sound
Woke af
They don't mind killing it when it's in their own egg.
Hypocrite cunts really. Oversized children without an instruction manual (thanks dad).
Oh now im sad
Huge nipple.
She's right tho. Most abortions are done during the utmost early stage of pregnancy. It's just a clump of cells not a parasitic baby yet
>Potential to become
Not on its own, no. But whenbit fertilises an egg it quickly becomes an unborn child.
If you don’t like reality you can’t argue it away, it doesn’t care about what you want you weak cow,
someone tweet this to that whore
shes saying that cause shes got sperms on her mind
its her purpose to seek it
You're a clump of cells. Why can't I "abort" you, leaf?
>clump of cells
>every sperm is a viable human
>this how fkn dumb y'all sound
So she’ll be bringing every ovulation to term and childbirth until she reaches menopause?
This is how dumb that bitch is.
Women don’t grieve dumbass
They have the mental capacity of a 5 year old or a 35 year old gorilla
They are basically walking talking wombs for children and that’s about it
Lmao I unequivocally agree with this thot. Men should only be busting unprotected in women.
>Doesn't even know biology 101.
>Attempts to point out hypocrisy.
Every sperm is sacred,
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.
by this logic having a period is murder
Do these cunts not know what a haploid cell is
it's so tiresome
No one is protesting women's ovulation, not the period.
Shit ton of eggs get wasted during ovulation where the sex doesn't happen
So her is a false equivalency and thus complete bullshit
She has 80 iq and calls others dumb.
Clown world.
>sperm die within 4 days
>the fertilized egg is BECOMING A CHILD AS WE SPEAK.
>these things are exactly the same
God women are fucking retarded and the people that allowed them power and votes should be written as evil scum in the annals of history.
Take that...extremely rare people with disciplined ,hard-line attitudes towards sex. Maybe Puritans made of straw...
Calling them stupid feels like a compliment at this point
People are retarded and women are even more retarded.
Lmao that isn't a baby. Looks like it would be delicious fried in a pan with some garlic butter
you go girl
Get out of Vancouver, you chink
>ejaculation is murder
Then come sit on my cock bitch
>Some random cunt on Twitter says a dumb thing.
Fuck all women we might as well kill ourselves
>TFW you don't fap for weeks on end, resulting in your body killing off its own sperm due to passing its expiry date, killing untold millions without leaving the comfort of your own room.
sperm is just another one of God's clues that this world is mostly going to perish. few are saved.
2 Esdras 8:1
And he answered me, saying, The most High hath made this world for many, but the world to come for few.
You’re retarded, does that mean we should revoke your right to vote? The majority of all people are basically retarded. And IQ scales are quite well-established for the genders. It averages out almost perfectly. Men have more genius and stupid, women cluster around the middle a bit more. Simple as that.
What you’re actually angry about is the inherent weakness of Democracy (although Churchill was right, there’s nothing better), without realizing that that weakness has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with how easily duped all humans are.
>3 weeks ago
women shitting on no fap
women promoting no fap
liberals are just contrarian at this point.
No she's not, dipshit. Sperm alone does not result in conception. Ovum alone does not result in conception. New life is created when a man impregnates a woman. You shouldn't have the right to end a life in development just because you don't want to answer for the risks and responsibilities of your actions.
Don't want kids? Then don't be a whore or use protection. Same thing goes for men, stop being a worthless piece of shit and take care of the kids you bring into this world.
June 4, 1919 is the day America officially rejected the Lord to embrace Satan. Prove me wrong.
obvious bait and you faggots still take it
Out of all the people saying this stupid shit, women should be the last, considering they have no choice but to lay an egg every month.
Hitting the wall in 1..2...3
No, she's retarded. Just because 1 + 2 = 3 doesn't mean 1 = 3 or 2 = 3.
She's still retarded though
And only a tiny minority of those sperm make it to the egg anyway. The rest always die.
Sperm don't have a full set of human genes, neither does a human egg. They're not genetically distinct human beings.
How do I even talk to these people? We have to remove their right to vote. It's the only way.
The difference is that what used to be comedy is now being spoken in earnest by retards.
Literal clown world.
>retard pretends people think she's being serious about her retarded statement when they're actually criticizing the comparison itself as being shitty episode #83,732,849,803,893,283,983,232
>that isn't a puppy, it's a furry sex toy
oh Canada
Literally everyone is aware she's joking. Her argument is still retarded.
this world needs less fucking people? fuck that.
nobody cares about the kids once they’re born anyways then get all pissy when they use welfare resources.
>a fetus is what is born of sperm and an egg
>women shit eggs every month for that matter in a bloody mess
>somehow sperm cells equal a growing child
False equivalence and typical toastier retardation
>She is actually correct retard. Men dont even fucking care either when they blow a load, meanwhile women grieve over the decision of getting an abortion
So she does not have the responsibility of not allowing men to have sex with her bareback. Or she could even carry condoms, or take the pill.
Because with women always blame men for their bad decisions. Being equal mean fessing up to your action, even when they are mistakes.
only one sperm makes it to fertilization. So that means even if you ejaculate inside a woman thousands of sperms will die regardless.