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Xi just explained why the White race is doomed
Bentley Reed
Oliver Hernandez
Patriotism is about loving your country, not necessarily your government
Lincoln Barnes
Jow Forums will never accept that socialism is less jewish than capitalism.
Ethan Williams
He is right if you dont take csre of your people how can you say that you care or love your race?
Matthew Rodriguez
Patriots love the government
Nationalists love their race
Jose Harris
>patriotism, nationalism and socialism are inseparable
Aaron Robinson
>Patriots love the government
Tyler Hall
Is china really communism though? They don't give a shit about regulations or workers.
Camden Stewart
No they are.
You can just have patriotism, nationalism and capitalism.
Try harder.
Ayden Rogers
China is an ethnostate.
Daniel King
>yfw eternal china finally admits to being NatSoc
Asher Wright
Huh. National Socialism. I've seen this story before but I can't put my finger on it.
Nathan Gomez
Whinny the pooh
Jeremiah Lopez
Jacob Richardson
>Listening to Han political babble.
Adam Hernandez
Bentley Watson
Patriotism = civcuck. Nationalism is blood based. Even in an ethnostate we shouldn't be saving the bottom 1%.
Parker Wright
based and redpilled fellow MAGA goys!
Anthony Wright
Ethan Collins
> patriotic socialism
Literally national socialism
Grayson Peterson
> nationalism, patriotism and socialism are inseparable
Yes, it's called "National socialism" aka Nazism and is a great model, assuming it is one ethnic group or 95% plus of the population of one people who work together. America is a mongrolized kike ZOG owned and run shithole , and the hard working whites would not want to distribute their money out to 20% of the population that doesn't work as hard, calls them racist all the time, undermines social cohesion etc. That's why socialism wouldn't work in America, and instead it's rampant unhinged corporatism Zionism and Israeli lobby groups buying power. "b-but muh libertarianism"
Thomas Edwards
Ironically China doesnt give a fuck about human life, only about the greater good. Not saying youre wrong, but you gotta crack some eggs to make an omelette.
Jacob Perry
>and the hard working whites
You should travel through the South and have an eye-opening experience.
Luke Campbell
Poorer than Mexico
Adrian Baker
>China doesnt give a fuck about human life
Brandon Sanders
of course there's deadbeats, but where do you think all that GDP and exports come from? Hard working whites (mostly German stock) . Look at Detroit, once bustling white economic power houses, now more resembling the Congo.
Jaxon Wilson
China is a mixed economy with a large public sector
Gavin Martin
He is not wrong
Elijah Richardson
Nationalist socialism
> History rhymes.
I think we found our new Hitler boys.
Logan James
Except that national socialism was capitalism
Blake Brooks
the chinese have ethnic socialism, we tried that in europe once but we are no longer allowed to do it again
how many niggers do you see in china? none. its not socialism, its ethnic socialism the chinese have
Aiden Jackson
Oliver Cook
China has some very nationalist socialist aspects to their economy, such as the fact it benefits the han majority over anyone else, I.e they are not even allowed to export most food out of the country despite what profit it would bring. No foreign ownership, like zero, regardless of what profit it would bring. Because the han well-being Comes first. Where as in America Shlomo sheklestein will hire illegal workers to save on costs.
Jordan Sanders
Colton Scott
Connor Morgan
the most retarded post of Jow Forums.
Anthony Anderson
How can a race be a nation? Race lovers are called racists
Carter Stewart
>Waah free markets
Command Economies are shit.
Noah Ramirez
It is politically commie and economically capitalist.
Lincoln Reyes
They also have a lot of marxism
Christian Williams
It’s because of American auto decline and cheaper Mexican and Chinese labor
Kayden King
Patriots are basically civcucks, or boomers holding on to an old white America that no longer exists. Ethnic nationalism is needed even more so in USA now that it's being ethically fragmented. Patriotism and the idea of one America is gone after the 1965 act, meanwhile Israel, who controls the vassel state of America, grows stronger and declare themselves as an ethnic state of jews. White Americans lost their greatest country on earth in just a few decades and not a bullet was fired at the kikes that usurped and destroyed it from within. Very very good goyim! Now go fight and die for Israel, cause Iran is the last formidable foe of Israel in the region. Hehehe shalom!!!
Grayson Moore
refusing to open up and accept some economic and social diversity is communism you chink shill
china bad
capitalism and black voter rights good fellow goyim
Jacob Howard
It has a large public sector
Adrian Diaz
>that picture
LMAO Man i love Jow Forums sometimes.
Alexander Lee
Winnie the Pooh is correct, national socialism has been demonstrated without a doubt to be an immensely powerful form of government. You just better let the Rothschilds continue to be in charge of printing your money or the Mammon worshipers of Global Jewery will declare all-out war on you.
Adam Wood
he's right you know.
fuck off boomer faggot
Ayden Russell
this is good bait
Kayden Cooper
Political genius, because refusing to share what chance has granted you is egoistic, individualistic, anathema to nationhood. Never you mind that fathers are naturally responsible for the survival of their nonproductive children, and all the evil that is done for a limited number of individuals to do the impossible and provide for the well being of so many.
Gabriel Lewis
Ethan Miller
what lol
this nigger forreal?
Sebastian Rodriguez
>Nazi Germany was capitalism
LMAO bruh you need sum milk
Xavier Cox
China the communist country with more millionaires then the United States saying anything about what socialism is.
Lincoln Long
lol socialism starts everything with a lie
Kevin Watson
Did your boomer tard daddy teach you that in between worshipping jewsus and praising Israel?
Dylan Harris
Daniel White
Watch murdoch murdoch yello dawn...whites are not doomed
Ryan Reyes
六四事件 did I trigger you chink?
Nathan Murphy
>love the government
women love the government
Oliver Hernandez
China will finish what Japan started and finish the whites in asia pacific. go back to europa whities
Charles Butler
Just wait until Jinping figures out how to shame white people into surrender by calling them racist when they complain about anything. The fat, happy, self haters won't know how to do anything other than shake in a ball on the floor for having displeased their non white betters.
Alexander Jackson
socialism is a drug
national socialism is demanding citizens do drugs
this is what the democrats want
Gavin Gutierrez
>You can just have patriotism, nationalism and capitalism.
Right up until capitalists want cheap labor
Juan Gonzalez
Isaac Sullivan
>retarded the post
Ryan Harris
It's government of a nation, not the nation of a government.
Aiden Cruz
Kevin Gray
>pic related
Cameron Green
is this bait? it smells like bait
Kayden Wilson
You mean the majority black south? If Austria was 50% black it'd have the same education and obesity rates as the American south. Instead it's a miracle that whites have kept the south as nice as it is in parts. Kike lie believing faggot.
Julian Foster
this is objectively true, modern 'patriots' are bootlickers and jarheads that follow orders no matter what.
Lincoln Miller
"White" americans are nearly as lazy as their niggers...
The myth of the hard working American is just that, a myth. Its a nation of lazy ass busy bodies who only have wealth because it was convenient for international bankers for a short period of time
Leo Wood
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Asher Foster
China is a very openly natsoc country, ppl who think theyve "gone western/capitalist" by developing cities like Shanghai are not seeing the full picture
Carson Reed
Daniel Long
I just watched an interesting Chinese propaganda movie last night. It was produced by a Chinese production company and was named The Wandering Planet. It's on Netflix and I think it sheds some light on what they're aiming for. I think the chews (lol get it?) are trying to mind fuck the chinese middle class like they did America's.
There was "one world, climate change" propaganda. There were two main characters, one chinese and the other Russian, who worked together as a team and the Russian sacrificed himself for the Chinese character. There was a world government where the Chinese guy's main contact was a French dude. There was a brief mention of "Israeli scientists" who had worked out a plan to save the planet and the interesting part was that there was really no reason to mention anything about any Israeli scientists, they just kinda threw them in there to make them look good. Any mention of America was limited to two American workers that had given up on trying to save everyone. One of the main characters was half Chinese, half white and they made fun of him about not being a real Chinese person but towards the end they had him work with the main character to make him look good to the audience. The ending had everyone "come together to work together to save the planet as a whole." Typical globalist stuff.
Also, they had built giant underground bunkers where less than half the Planet's population was going to live. Everyone else had already died. The sun expanding is what was going to destroy the planet and Jupiter was the "antagonist" they fought during the movie.
Xavier Ortiz
>source: I lived there
Jack Cruz
China doesn't care about its people
Ian Reyes
Using rigged Marxist terminology for an unrelated oligarchic system 150 years later.
Kevin Stewart
at least that hafu's mother isn't chinese
Nicholas Hall
that movie is indeed terrible. it praises the big government and globalism
Thomas Barnes
How hard it to understand that political ideology is different from economic policy?
Communist country with market economy is not something out of order. Look up Lenin's New Economic Policy.
Isaac Nguyen
just like the ussr
but ultimatelly they decide who is rich and who is poor and for how long
not free market
Logan Williams
*YAWN* China is a third world shithole with third world capabilities. They are nothing to fear.
Gavin Clark
Most countries that have attempted anything that resembles communism are third world. For example, Russia is a third world country.