Did the (((NeoCons))) fools us? The Trump administration is infested

Did the (((NeoCons))) fools us? The Trump administration is infested.

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Other urls found in this thread:

warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Master Summary of Anti Corruption Act - FINAL.pdf

they didn't fool us
(((Drumpf))) did

He’s based. He told Nader to fuck off.

Another example: Elliot Abrams

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>Anti-semitism? Death penalty.

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Stop being faggots. Stand with Israel.


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Trump sold US foreign policy to Israel (in exchange for those delicious dual-citizen campaign shekels)
and transferred nuclear weapons technology to Saudi Arabia.

Is that not the very definition of treason? How the fuck can (((conservatives))) call Obama a traitor while they ignore Zion Don's treason?

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pic related
of course the MSM won't say nuclear WEAPONS technology, they only say nuclear power

but anyone who knows anything knows that Trump did it, and that doing so was in line with his foreign policy thinking in general

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All the cool Republicans are doing it

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How’s the weather in Tel Aviv, Rabbi?

>'MAGA'? I never said that, I never said it. It's fake news, it's fake. Believe me. The fake news media are liars!

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Fuck off shill. Israel is unironically based and redpilled.

Trumpers are in good company

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>mfw the DNC chants this election are going to be "Drain the Swamp" and "Lock him up"
>mfw I have no face

>if you criticize Trump and Israel, ur a jew shill!!!!!!
kys brainlet

>meme flag

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Funny how Drumpf doesn't use that phrase any more. Does anyone know the last time he even said 'Drain the swamp'?

nice meme of yourself you have there


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Show your flag, kike

Trump is the savior of the chosen people.


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Munchin is MAGA to the core. You dumb asses need to pay attention. I understand that he is kicking your asses right now and Nadler was punked by him. Elections have consequences. You lost deal with it.

>based kikes MIGA

The smartest minds, the best people, the best, believe me.

Please explain your logic. How do you take someone who is critical of Trump and Israel and points out their satanic alliance to be a jewish shill? Trump serves the Jewish people very well. Look at how under his presidency it's becoming illegal to even criticize Israel or Jews all over the country.

Trump is the Jewish people. Ask his daughter.

Show your flag

this is all trumpkikes can say
like NPCs

i'll tell you what
if you explain your logic, and make a good case for how criticizing Israel and Trump makes me a jewish shill, then I'll show it to ya. Come on. Impress me.

This guy
Is correct. Trump is a kike, and you're a fucking brainlet. Plus, memeflags predate geo ids, newfag.

Show your flag, kike

>Marxist feminist jew detected

not an argument
not an argument

Show your flag

There's tons of sambostration hold overs because the dems are slow walking every Trump administration appointment.

>neocons are pro israel as fuck
>b-but Trump was supposed to be the first white identity president
>whites must oppose all jews
There are two types of radical racial supremacists: the ones that hate jews, and the ones that are okay with jews; both work for the jews.

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Trump sold US foreign policy to Israel (in exchange for those delicious dual-citizen campaign shekels)
and transferred nuclear weapons technology to Saudi Arabia.

Is that not the very definition of treason?

trump is absolutely working for the jews just like every president for the last 50 years. kys op, maga 2020 anyway

We told you so.
Trumptards conned by the Don.
He's been that way his whole life...and you didn't notice until now?!

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You want to save the US gov't?
Elect Warren to gut the bankers and lobbyists.
warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Master Summary of Anti Corruption Act - FINAL.pdf

we are making Israel great again and if you disagree you are a kike shill

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Sloppy job mossad

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Look at brexit. Unless its the results they want it goes nowhere.


cringe.......................... and.................. tranny pilled

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>don't you hate trump now, fellow right wingers?

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based and Zionpilled

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