Today I will remind them

The Red Army saved the world from Hitler

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red is best

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That's some serious doublethink

500 million murdered by jewish communism hundreds of millions others butchered by the pave way of the jews for their united talmudic world

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And USA and UK saved your worthless CCCP. Lend-Lease was a mistake.

yeah let's not talk about the millions of people you killed in your own country that had the dumbest reasons ever in history, jews had to grind their gears to hide your retarded communism with propaganda

All you're reminding us is that you helped the evil of the east to come to destroy europe


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>even their shitty knockoff animu waifus are starving
Pure pottery.

Les not do this

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Please respond to

Imagine unironicly being a communist.

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Useful idiot

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I didn't know there was chocolate in the Soviet Union

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doesn't make sense

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You are not a real worker and you aren't a true communist idol if you don't own one of these babes

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Yet another reason to hate communists.

Add your totals and compare lmao das capitalist cant maths

Get back to Jow Forums where you belong commie

Most on his list didn't die due to capitalism.
Actually nobody on his list died due to it.