Hey faggots.
Another terrorist training camp located in Alabama of all fucking places. The guy who led the New Mexico terrorist compound? Well, this new Alabama training camp was led by the same fucking guy. Why is nobody talking about this?


Attached: muslim sympathizers in new mexico govt.jpg (1608x905, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What compound? Plutonium?

Islamide combined with explodium

>lists element
Wasted trips. Nigger migrant confirmed


See this thread for the links to Clinton

Anonymous5 Confirmed.
>If Al-Qaeda was able to be involved in 9/11 and still didn't get COMPLETELY WIPED OUT, how is anyone supposed to expect ISIS to be COMPLETELY WIPED OUT?.

>All those Terror Camps in the US are looking to be some prime targets for heavily military grade ordinance.

>Either take care of the problem you incompetent government fucks or I'll do it and show you kids how it's done.

I just googled "plutonium compound" before posting and the first result was "list of plutonium compounds", thought it was close enough and hit send. Forgive me.

>fags getting drawn into shill threads when this happened

hol up. they found the remains of another dead kid at the new camp? these articles are written poorly and all use the same text.

Even older reference
>Knowledge Bomb. Why Terror Attacks are allowed to happen
1) [Corruption & Infiltration]

(Terror Groups, Globalists,Countries & Intel Agencies having operatives/deals/agreements on the inside)

Terror Groups & there actions are also considered "Return on Investments" for those who helped/made them.

2) [Incompetence & Overwhelmed/Overrun]

(Not being able to handle all the situation(s) & the sheer amount/frequency/type of them(You cannot stop/intercept all the plots/attacks). An uphill battle while avalanche & mudslide/landslide is happening.)

European agency's/forces have been weakened overtime so that the EU can come in with "Solutions", such as the EU Army. That and Western Europe is on track to eventually becoming a Caliphate.

3) [False Flag]

(Real Attack allowed to or does happen, Real Attack but with RRCA(Rapid Response Crisis Actors) used on scene/being nearby, "Drill", Government Done, etc)

Fear is a powerful manipulation tool, especially when you(or your organization/government/party) come in as the "Savior".

4) [Terrorists are allowed to Live.]

(Instead of filling the Body Bags with the Terrorists to stop any future Terror Attacks, they end up eventually filling those Body Bags with Civilians after the Terror Attacks.)

No Quarter & No Survivors. These Networks(Pedo & Terrorist) should be "Silenced", to cause others to come out of the woodwork to try to figure out what happened to them.

Attached: 32341108-DA06-498F-AC74-6995621980CB.png (673x994, 724K)

>C O P E

Attached: 931F1839-8165-49B8-8C54-BDFDD73EF236.png (673x994, 764K)

*FBI revs up bulldozer*

israeli shills on Jow Forums dont want us discussing one of their false flag factories

>compounds containing the element plutonium
Are you pretending?

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>Why is nobody talking about this?

It’s all over the news, not on MSM but they are not news anyways

What do you mean?

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I ate anti Islam bio weapon this morning

Attached: D8C2E31E-8C9E-444E-B660-4476A70F97A6.jpg (579x443, 97K)

Looks powerful

>Finnish education

Attached: 509281E9-2A59-4990-A80E-CE432FE89E6C.jpg (576x1024, 71K)

There's something really weird about these stories. Is there any good journalist investigating what this is all about?

are they gonna let him walk free again?

Will be memory holed
By next week

I-I don't understand why everyone is laughing

why would the fbi prosecute themselves?

More like by tomorrow

They set the camp up in Alabama because as sister fuckers it would be the easiest state for them to blend in.

good one

how about throwing him in guantanomo after the first time when they discovered a child's corpse on his compound you retarded mutts
you can't be the fucking dumb. this glows.


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People who post amp links need to be shot.

Attached: 79643.jpg (957x960, 181K)

Because mixing up elements with compounds is literal brainlet retard tier mate
How do you fuck that up?
Is Gold a compound too? Maybe oxygen?
How about Argon?

This! and no archive

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Plutonium_compounds Then what are all these?

Element = one type of atom
Compound = multiple atoms bonded together
Hydrogen and Oxygen are elements. H2O is a compound...

Where do they put these thst a random hunter doesn't stumble over them. Any rhyme to their location, there might be more. Maybe check google maps depending on when it was last updated?

Attached: 1554826073074.jpg (960x720, 92K)

Yes I know that.

So where's the issue? Pure element of just that element is an element.
When you introduce any other element to bind with, it's a compound.
Are you just going hurr durr, jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded? I don't think you are, tell me the issue, I want to help you understand.

I’m done

Nevermind, thats off topic. We need to focus on this terrorist training camp in our backyard. This is genuinely a big deal and we can't let it be memory holed.

you aren't going to do shit about it, either. down the memory hole it goes.

Attached: dancingjew.webm (544x400, 1.65M)

I made a joke about compound in OP referring to a plutonium compound. Then others started insisting that plutonium is not a compound, which to me misses the point.

Is that Will Smith?

You're right, but back in topic.

Why is it that these black islamist their connection to Alabama? You know the DC snipers were caught because the kid robbed a store in Alabama and he left a magazine (the type you read) behind.

Though I am an Alabama resident and Islam is not too big here. Probably just the super cheap land.

Its chill dude. Just dont do it again or Im stealling your sauna


Whoa no need to get violent

Tuskegee is 95% black. 36% of the 9k population is below the poverty line. The surrounding area is probably the same amount black and poverty as well.

Seems like a good area to find a few people to radicalize or spread propaganda.

Please check the date of your “news” articles before making threads.
This happened like 2 months ago and there was plenty of threads on here about it.

CNN will call it white nationalist terrorist compound.

This is why there are a ton of shit threads in the catalog

I love retard niggers that support pisslam. Any dumbfuck jungle bunny monkey that rejects Christianity to be a stooge for shitskin pakis deserves to be shot in the face.

>Why is nobody talking about this?
The Israeli war lobby needs terrorist attacks. They can't sell war against Axis of Evil countries without the populace that is afraid. Obama tried to end the wars and what happened? They funded ISIS and brought over killer waves of refugees to Europe knowing they'd attack citizens. Same thing.

>Why is nobody talking about this?
Media outlets saying literally anything bad about blacks or arabs get lampooned into oblivion.

You're probably not even wrong.

>the same fucking guy
>Siraj Wahhaj
its all so tiresome

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Don't worry guys, Trump will deal with this.

>Why is nobody talking about this?
because the same people that fund and control the media are the ones colluding with these terrorists

It's time we started asking about the solution to the muslim question.

Why are feds uncovering fed training camps?

This. The media cannot be trusted.

This story will be buried deeper than a dildo in Don Lemon's asshole


Anyone else getting sleepy?

Attached: 05B1F569-1966-452F-A2A7-8483E427FE49.gif (450x256, 1.82M)

25-30mi away

55 Division St.
Montgomery, Alabama, 36108


fuck you faggot, go get your own trips


Consider taking your own advice. They were indicted 2 months ago over the New Mexico compound. This is a separate compound reported on today and yesterday.

This is from mid March of this year, what I assume you’re confusing the new report with:
>The compound suspects were originally arrested in late August for felony child abuse, but a prosecutor’s error forced a judge to dismiss the charges. The FBI re-arrested the suspects days later and eventually charged them with violating federal firearms and conspiracy laws. The latest indictment released Thursday includes these prior charges.

That was the plant that exploded shortly after in Arizona or some shit right? Cemex? Then everything burned to the ground


Ops pic is bullahit. There is nowhere in alabama that looks like that. That was in the southwest

Didn’t even see this mentioned in any major sire

Based burger

I own land next to the last NM compound. It's just cheap land that you can buy in bulk. It's all zoned for RV living. High oak and juniper scrub and rolling hills. Very rugged land. Hard to tell who owns what if it isn't fenced. Pic unrelated. All the pics of my land are too big.

Attached: IMG_20181207_114141375_HDR.jpg (4032x3024, 2.91M)

Wheres Ivan maybe we can do some coordinating lol

kek is ITT, hold on lads

I will ashamedly admit, cemex was a big dig in the Q shit. Q might have posted directly about cemex iirc.

Justifying war on terror spending is hard work. I hope they set him up somewhere cold next time.

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Are they going to let him go again?

How much per acre and what utilities are available?

3000 an acre. No utilities or power. Just empty land. You can buy quarter and half acres. It's fucking hard to get in there. Not great for farming. Sits on basalt and gets little rain. I live in NM and just wanted something that I could own. Only $5 a year I taxes

Hemingwayland is the website.

now he has to go somewhere else again


Plutonium is a element

They've got em all over. Mossad/CIA psyop puppets

>What do you mean?
I think he means are you for fucking real or what the fuck dude ! hahahahaha,

>Ameritard making fun of any other country's educational system
The poorest pottery.

we're out of the way and have shit tier law enforcement

Linda Sarsour is at it again! Someone stop the mad lady!

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He's just preparing his campaign to run for congress, relax racists.

Do not investigate Cemex. Friendly warning.

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This won't stop until someone actually does something, judge is going to drop charges again and you could be waiting behind a bush, ready to put a bullet through this muzzie's head as they take him out the back and release him to allow him to travel to another terrorist training compound somewhere in the states, but it won't happen because America is cucked.

Sorry, user. You're thinking of Alabama

but not all over Jow Forums which is should be

>by next week
it wasnt even on Jow Forums today, and the thread last night got like 10 replies

Every fucking time.

~10 million muslims in the US, it's only a matter of time. too much landmass to cover to find them all.

what will be memory holed?

Expand pls.

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