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Women are waaay harsher on other women being sluts than men are

what does that even mean

It's "all sex is rape" horseshit

Who is she dating?

women are money loving whores, basically combo of jews and niggers

Is "celibate" used in a suspect way? It's the literal usage. I don't understand the scare quotes unless she just doesn't know what she's saying.

why the fuck, in the last 4 years, did it become acceptable to turn tumblr into actual politics

She is for white cock only, like lots of brown liberals are.

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VOLCEL no sex with woman since 2012.

You have no power here.

AOC's popularity is way too manufactured.

Giving gold digging whores financial equality killed their libido?

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>Society oppresses women into not sharing alphas, so to harness the collective power of the betas to build up the social.
State of nature where wombs are only used by alphas builds up genetic capital, but rots social infrastructure.

Perhaps whores think they're in a position where they can just rely on robots, or imported dick at this point to upkeep infrastructure.
Or they're cashing out the prizes that men have bled into the society they occupy.

On a side note, no need to sacrifice for women.
This is the age of the awoken white knight from his pussy-led stupor.

White cock only.

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not when female "empowerment" means teaching women they don't need men.

Coping mechanism.

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So don't get upset when some "incel" murders a bunch of people. The sacred wet hole could have prevented it, but it was too busy being empowered through its twenties by one-off cocks

women are men now. they have to focus on their career like men have always had to so they have no time for dating. those with looks can get lucky and life can be easy for them but most women will have to work hard and put dating second to be successful.

the high cost of living dwindles down the selection of women who want to be mother's and properly raise a child. so yeah she's wrong. the rise in celibacy is a widely studied phenomena that is occurring in every country where women are forced to compete with men.

fuck women, they literally kill their own babies for no reason, i coun't give two fucks about their rights.

Said a woman who had no idea what a garbage disposal is and what is it used for
And that wasn't the dumbest thing she's ever said. Basically listening to her or reading what she wrote is a complete waste of time.
She is a prime example of what not to do.

she's implying incels

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>imagine being this much of a cuck

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So called anarchist.

no, its really not a coping mechanism. its just that that part of has basically died and I don't care about sex anymore when companionship was what I really wanted than the sex becomes natural. The best you have me at is: idealist, and there is nothing wrong with that.

this doesn't address the fact that leftists absolutely loathe volcels as much as incels

basically anybody who isn't getting laid or completely pacified by sexual content is a problem for them


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wait wait
I thought women were not providers of sex
I thought women were not sexual objects

On a second read, this is some word salad worth of an early stage schizophrenic. I seriously don't understand what is she trying to say.
Her teeth are brighter then her.

>Women are waaay harsher on other women being sluts than men are
lol yep women are fucking cruel to each other

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It's just entertainment.

and so what they do is they kick the sexually frustrated males?
This is not going to end well.

An option

damn her face is lit in this pic

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That may very well be the case.
But then are you shocked when incels go on shooting sprees and/or talk shit on the internet all day? What else is there?
Incels are part and parcel of feminism, so get used to it I guess?

She literally said that it was better when women were in check

Be a hero. Blow a zero.

>too many people relied on female oppression to get laid

the statistics show that women are getting laid significantly more than men

assuming shes aware of this, this stupid beaner thot is admitting that she believes women deserve more than men, basically. women deserve men better than their equals, even if it means having to share

this is what we get for paying women to have kids on our dime, for paying niggers to reproduce like rats, for paying white girls to racemix and fuck chads who dont care about them

we get to lose our entire purpose of being alive

Words cannot express my hate for women

That the only reason that beta men were able to get laid in the past was because they took advantage of the fact that girls were weaker and forced them into marriage and sex.

Those two women are clearly laughing

If you think your single motherhood is due to male empowerment maybe it's because far to many people relied on the disempowerment + silence of men to not be single in the first place.

She really wants to die huh?

The median women does get laid a lot more than the median man

I hate sand

if it weren't for rape almost all animal life would cease to exist

only difference is a VOLCEL is not sexually frustrated.

No, women still aren't men. If they were then where is the industrious, strong woman who takes the lead? Rare as a motherfucking needle in a haystack, that's where.

No shit. She's the MSM dirty little Mexican

they're not
that's what liberals look like when they're in awe
when they're in shock

she's genuinely stupid as fuck and im almost thankful for her making an ass out of themselves

except terrifyingly a lot of people cant see that

HAHAAHAHA oh yeah this was said by a woman dating some ugly feminized beta basedboy faggot like that

what in the world man holy shit, she must be really fucking stupid and crazy

So she’s saying that no one should have sex...lmao this is how the world ends, not in fire or war, but because some dumb spic said to stop fucking and everyone clapped. No fucking = no babies

It’s because she smells like shit just like the rest of her incompetent race

incels are leftists OPing drivel and pretending they can see the emperors new clothes
OP is sexless, has received hair long and lank and a lazy eye.
In other threads he’ll come forward and post
which is true.
Anyway as I have shown here time and again women are not the gatekeepers of sex and the left certainly isn’t, they are dribbling weido’s Sticking objects up their bums.
The woman in the OP is exactly the type of girl who hires me. I’m not complaining about that but just saying this convesis a total meme and the INCELs are this OP and the rest of the strangely shaped head gang who are leftypol do make a compelling argument though

AOC spouting more retarded shit once again

Literally one-term rep

I hate sand people

I wish this were true

Jews. Have you not been paying attention?

Nah that is pretty smart only the consequences are not thought through.

>we get to lose our entire purpose of being alive

I hope she understand what that means.

I can see the tweets from incels in her replies now, all tributes of her face.

she's supposedly mixed, I think part of her family is nigger is that what youre referring to?


she is jewish, so mixed nigger. yes.

that's real fucking neato and all but I think I'll stick with MGTOW

>the statistics show that women are getting laid significantly more than men
wait how is it possible women are getting laid but men aren't? are they all fucking other women or something?

80/20 rule

top 10% of men are getting 80% of the sex.

I wish I had a wife as "smart" as AOC. I'd get a blowjob before breakfast every morning.

The best part of living in pozworld is seeing the emerging Black Hipster class. Its going to happen to them too!

so you're saying the top 10-20% of men are having sex with all the women, even the ugly ones? That's the only women, as a group, can all be having sex more.

so she said incels are right ?

Shes not wrong. Civilization allows far too many beta males to procreate.

The only reason Civilization outcompeted tribal society was due to division of labor and the inclusion of more males into investing in society because it gave them genetic reason to.

Just be weary in what you wish for. Without beta males invested the entire fortune goes too.

I'm totally fine with incels self extinguishing and sluts committing suicide after they hit 40.

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Fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I’m fucking tired of people thinking only whites are subject to inceldom. IM A FUCKING INCEL TOO AND MY WOMEN JUMP ON YOUR DICKS IN A HEART BEAT.

She thinks slutting it up and whoring yourself for good feeling of being appreciated just because you are a woman makes it right?

Fuck off, not everyone wants to sleep with adulterous whores.

Old divorce laws should be brought back where it was stricter to when you could get a divorce and no abortions.

this is true, but why is that?

Is it because sex is a sign of status for leftist, who are often status conscious? Is it because leftists tend to be r-strategists and thus have a natural aversion to celibacy which is typically a K-strategy? Or is it because there are more women, who have a natural aversion to single unattached men because they are more dangerous to her offspring?

Or is it all just jews?

Men can live without sex, women are absolutely devastated without it. Good strategy, roasties, keep it up.

non-whites are more likely to be incels than whites. The black community in particular has a huge incel population because they're an even more extreme polygyny than mainstream America

>the 80/20 rule is great
Women, everyone

Im unironically fine with either China or muslims taking over.

she is a subversive piece of rotten banana don't let her divisive tactics take over your emotions. she wants this hate. she deserves no attention,

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>Is it because sex is a sign of status for leftist, who are often status conscious?

>Is it because leftists tend to be r-strategists and thus have a natural aversion to celibacy which is typically a K-strategy?
Yes, there's also a religious component that they project onto celibacy as some form of christian thinking, the dumb ones think celibacy and associate it with "priest" with the resultant thinking being "someone who intends to force me to behave myself", which is retarded because I doubt any contemporary *cels are religious.

>Or is it because there are more women, who have a natural aversion to single unattached men because they are more dangerous to her offspring?
They only have an aversion to sexually unsatisfied men, who they deem lesser genetically (despite their protestations of egalitarianism there is clear hierarchy in leftist society)

Leftists don't make a distinction between "single" and "taken"- hence their willingness to try things like "open relationships". By dint of choosing r-selection, leftist females engage in a dualistic mating strategy and ironically choose the best genes (physically) for reproduction and the best resource gatherers for cohabitation. K-selected males who reject this strategy are more likely to kill their children as the male they currently use for resource gathering isn't the best (physically) to defend her or her children.

We often like to go into race as the primary conflict point or reason for societal issues but it really comes down to r/K. And r/K is a recursive subject so it can exist in some form or another at almost every level in a biological system.

What a hateful, sexist, and unprofessional thing to say. She should resign over that.

Based mario

That's true but shouldn't one be? I mean those of us who don't whore around have a higher ethical compass, that alone should be an indicator of our higher place among women. I find it truly repulsive that in a theoretical scenario my husband would have been with me regardless of the cocks I've had. I feel like men don't judge this enough or even care for that matter. I could've fucked countless amounts of men and it wouldn't have mattered to him or any other man. So in a way this heavy sense of prudence has been a detriment in a way. Maybe saved me from some stds.

maybe more men don't want to stick their dicks into crazy which has seen a drastic increase

I'm a woman and I despise my kind.

>following someone whose parody channel got removed because it was so good at parroting AOC nobody could tell each posts apart

God she's dumb. Society is burning g and all she can do attack men.

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ouch. good point.

>Female dis-empowerment will return normal world

Sex isn't worth spending your time with a bitchy cunt with princess syndrome.

Thanks OP pic saved as

Checked she is the type of bitter cunt that wants everyone man and woman to be as miserable as her.

>If you think your 'celibacy' is due to "female empowerment," maybe it's because far too many women today are raging, insufferable cunts that should be turned into fertilizer.