What is the truth about nuclear weapons?

what proof do we have that nuclear weapons even exist? some shitty quality videos that may or may not have been produced in Laurel Canyon, Hollywood (like the fake moon landing)?
>hiroshima and nagasaki
a sufficiently large bomb explosion would be so destructive that nobody would know the difference. remember that huge gas explosion in china? the shockwave was felt kilometers away!
>north korea!
kim jong un went to a CIA connected school in switzerland. it's entirely possible that NorKo is a CIA psyop.
>the manhattan project!
one of the scientists from the project claims that nuclear energy is just that - energy. that it's not harmful to people and you can literally eat uranium. that the scientists used to play catch with it and swim in lakes outside nuclear power plants because the water was nice and warm.
>but what about chernobyl?!
the place is literally an animal sanctuary. bigger lies have been told in recent memory than this one.

think about it logically, you know how the media works - they've been talking about this shit for decades. would rogue terrorists not have been able to blow up at least one single "nuke" anywhere by now if it was real?
the constant and looming threat of nuclear holocaust is the perfect fear mongering tactic since nameless terrorists halfway around the world could theoretically have them and it gives cart blanche to remove your freedoms.
just think about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/UKCivilDefenceCorpsScientificBasis/UK Civil Defence Corps scientific basis#page/n283/mode/2up

take your meds

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Produce an actual argument, buddy.

I don't believe what the government or media says, therefore I don't believe nukes are real just because I've seen them in zogmovies

don't forget the petrodollar, if nuclear power is safe then we already have clean and sustainable energy in abundance. cures for cancer have been suppressed and people have been disappeared because there's ltitle money in curing disease, but tons in providing treatments.


>a sufficiently large bomb explosion would be so destructive that nobody would know the difference.
Delivered by a WWII bomber? No. Those bombers had less payload capacity than a modern fighter. You can't deliver kilotons of explosive with an aircraft.

How do you explain the radioactive green glass, AKA Trinitite, that can be recovered from USA nuclear test sites in the desert?

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the assumption there is that radioactivity is harmful to humans. has this ever actually been proven beyond the shadow of doubt to cause cancer/death?
could it have been dispersed by people to perpetrate lies?

Yes. People in radiation zones die all the time. It's called radiation sickness. But you're a troll, and this is bait, so have fun.

ask yourself why you believe this to be the case. have you ever met someone with radiation sickness or did you get all your information from men in labcoats on TV? i'm not trolling, just exploring (((publicly accepted knowledge)))
dont forget, the holohoax is one of those things.

yeah im not sure, someone would have built and detonated their own nuke by now

left is Tokoy which were firebombed

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Don't be jealous that Sweden will never have them.

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They didn't have CGI in the 1950's

thats exactly what i mean. it's not like we're talking about some sci fi laser shit, supposedly dozens of countries have this "technology" and given how israel has been able to steal tons of shit from america it's safe to say that terrorists could do the very same. shit, all you would really have to do is give money to one of these shit holes with "nuclear capability" and bam, you're a terrorist with nukes.
looks exactly the same, which is the point of course
fucking rocks over thousands of years make craters. bombs make crators. why would it have to be nuclear?
and yet they supposedly live streamed from the fucking moon? btw, you can fake shit without cgi. claymation, mini models (look surprisingly realistic as you can see in movies). theres all manner of fuckery you can do with low tech to make shit look real. incidentally they "taped over" the moon landing shit with fucking seinfeld or something so the originals cannot be shown, how convenient.

i worked in a uranium mine until last year, ive seen tons of guys get sick, one guy fell into a tailings pond and died the same day

its really hard to make enough material, for every once of u235 our mine had to pull out 150 tons of ore minimum

could it be related to working in a mine though? that was always perilous shit throughout history. if it was actually that dangerous to specifically mine that substance i dont think it would be legal to send people down. there could have been any number of impurities in that pond that poisoned him, doesn't have to necessarily be the uranium.
what were the symptoms of the sickness the others would get? did you stay in touch with them?
i heard a story the other day about a dudes friend who was hauling a load across country and he got flagged down by some inspection crew since the haul was giving off gamma radiation. turns out the haul was a bunch of porcelain toilets and they told him he was fine to move on without any kind of medical aid, they didnt give a single shit after checking the inventory.

this is an interesting topic, why are people so reluctant to talk about it? do people really believe the government and media so much even on Jow Forums? there's nothing wrong with exploring this territory.

The truth about nuclear weapons is while they would kill a lot of people, probably only around 20% of the world.

80% of people would survive if every nuke hit its target.

I work on a nuclear weapons program. I’m not saying more but trust me they exist. All testing is done with super computers now, so you won’t see another explosion unless we drop one during war.

Except North Korea.


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but how do you know that nukes are what we've been told? they haven't actually "been used" for like 60 years and somehow nobody has ever stolen and used one. what are the odds of that? additionally, it's another reason to send spies to various countries and snoop around. nuclear "inspection", after all.
>trust me
why should i? all you have is a claim. please get more specific.
>All testing is done with super computers now
now, as opposed to the last 60 or whatever years when the last "known" nuke was used?
listen, you guys need to start questioning something when it's being used to scare the entire world endlessly.

coal mining is more dangerous maybe, but uranium mining you have to deal with higher backround radiation and radioactive particulate...tailing ponds kill you with radiation sickness, but really quickly because you absorb radioactive water

Just think about it, how come the information about how nuclear weapons work is public knowledge? Just open up any textbook, you learn exactly how fission works, even critical mass and other concepts. This doesn't really make sense for the secrets to building an ultimate weapon to be lying around openly like this.

I bet you can create a functional cyclotron out of an old washing machine. All you really need is the uranium.

I think a lot of this knowledge about how nuclear weapons supposedly work is probably lies planted there by the governments, and deliberately popularized to confuse the public (and terrorist regimes) about how this actually works.

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I'd suggest you follow the teachings of that scientist then and eat some uranium

you're actually retarded. go get ARS pls

an insane amount of it, only like 3% of urainium your trying to enrich will be useful for a bomb at best in a cyclotron/centrifuge

so what kind of insurance do you get working gigs like that? i would think that nobody in their right mind would do a job supposedly that dangerous. that's what you'd send guantanamo freaks or something to do since they're never getting out anyway.
most things written in books are used to control you. the holohoax is popular history taught in schools, completely and ridiculously fake. you make a good point, if this shit is really that dangerous they wouldn't be telling us how these things work. there'd be some crazy doomsday cult fucks and they would have destroyed the world by now.
of course not, i'm not crazy. i don't believe him 100% but it does get the noggin joggin - if he's right then we've all been sold a nice bill of goods. i would rather just point to the psyop capability of the nuclear story, it has all the making of a global psyop because of the fear mongering potential. never forget, the iraq war was started by false claims of WMD's.
why am i retarded? wtf is ARS. maybe you could actually make your case for what you believe instead of being pointlessly rude.

whats up with the conspiratorial nordic posting today?
>muh moonlanding isn't real t.finbro
>muh nukes r fake t.swedebro
whats next, muh 9/11 thread by denbro?

insurance doesn't matter, im in a union so its all covered, im not insane, you make retarded amounts of money for just driving a hilux underground eating sandwiches all day

pic related. it's op

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Look up David Hahn, known back in the 90s as "the nuclear boy scout." kid built a breeder reactor in his backyard shed. the property became a superfund cleanup site.

i used to feel the same way you do about these topics, i used to believe moonhoaxers were retarded schizos. then i actually looked into some of this shit, and at best you can say there are a lot of questions that lead to more questions,
namely, astronauts who said you can see the stars and others who said you cant? (while on the moon) and then changed their story in the same segment. nobody would get something like that wrong, it's too important.
i'm not saying definitely that nukes are fake, i'm just poking holes based on what we've learned about other things - and nukes are starting to sound more and more like another psyop.
also 9/11 is in your face with how questionable it is. it happened, the question is why and how.
well dont get me wrong, i dont think you're lying, just like how everyone working at nasa arent liars. but i do think you've been lied to. if its really that dangerous to mine uranium i dont see why any free man would choose to... money at the risk of dying real badly? that's not worth it.
can you actually make your case or do you have to rely on personal attacks?

This is a nuclear test thread

Wish the government would test in the air again just to have HD footage of an air test.

you only die if your an idiot and fall in something or dont wear your gear in areas being worked....better than fucking yourself on machine tools in same factory somewhere, coal mining is even more fucked...just not rads that kill you there

Here you go OP

nukes are real, and the physics behind it is coherent ...
however, the common perception that all out nuclear war will wipe out humans is false... only the "West", Russia and China would die out, the African population will continue to grow
so, actually, business as usual

Dude fuck nuclear weapons. Why not just bomb and nuclear reactor or nuclear power plant? Wouldn't that do more damage. And as for nuclear weapons basically. Once one goes off they all go off. That's it plane and simple.

god, please get your gov to do it

Here are some failed test which are fun to watch

Math and physics, maybe you could calculate the proof yourself if you didn't waste your time shitposting

Did you know a one sided nuclear war has been going on in Yemen for the past several years? Guess (((who))) has been using nukes.



I've been to Chernobyl and you are a retarded.

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>Guess (((who))) has been using nukes.
Oh Oh oh Palestine?

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but if its that simple to stay safe, how did those guys get sick? that seems strange.
that sounds like a big firecracker, actually, it sounds like a stock sound effect from some shitty website, and where is the shockwave? shouldn't there be a geiger counter too? honestly, those explosions could just be bombs as far as im concerned.
>nukes are real
how do you know that?
>Once one goes off they all go off
thats the point, it's the perfect fear mongering story that makes me think its all bullshit.
exactly how do math and physics prove nuclear weapons are what we've been told? how do you verify, do you just believe that x = y ?

what does going to chernobyl have to do with nuclear weapons supposedly being what we've been told? why do you say i'm retarded?


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Hey does it still look desolate,void less and a place where you can feel the silence and hear the emptiness?

Nukes are a massive kike hoax and it’s easy to figure out why they did this
>fictional MAD narrative gives plausible explanation to the goyim for why two supposed enemies (USA ZOG and USSR ZOG) never once attacked each other
>fear of these super weapons finally quenched the warrior spirit of the higher races, guaranteeing that a WW2 level threat against ZOG will never materialize again
>sends those poorer nations, who are still enemies of the kikes, on a wild-goose chase pouring money into developing a fictional weapon
>creates genuine concern among many that Israel can actually carry out their absurd threat to destroy the world with the Sampson option if they ever get overrun

you have to listen to the end man where the recreate it

same reason people get sick in coal mines or steel mills, just different sort of sick, its pretty safe now, but only 20 years ago it was insanely dangerous, no masks, old school shit etc

Go launch a nuke yourself and you will see.

No, nature has taken back a lot of it and there is therefore less of a 'feel' to it. It's like an abandoned construction site rather than an evacuated city (Prypiat)

There have been no nuclear weapons used in Yemen lol

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>reeeee stanley kubrick faked it!!

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>thats the point, it's the perfect fear mongering story that makes me think its all bullshit.
No that is just basic fact. It is the biggest suicide pack ever created. And that it also happens automatically. Once that shit is declared. Just don't hide in a fridge. That's all i'm saying.

because there was never direct war between usa and russia /thread

>It's like an abandoned construction site rather than an evacuated city
That sucks.And isn't worth cancer for.

>shifts goalposts


The was no MAD narrative in the 40s since the Soviets hadn't acquired the bomb yet. So basically your retarded.

Almost guaranteed as I snuck off from the group and looked around a few accommodations.

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Take your meds, schizo

They don't exist, it's a fake story run by the run by the jews to keep population afraid of a large scale war and therefore abandon nationalism and be submisive to their rule in exchange of the war never happening


look it up in google maps, street view actually works there in parts

Whatever bro. Everyone knows nukes are nukes. The fact is nukes can only level cities and are useless against rural areas. People living in cities would die and the rest of humanity would survive.

We don't have proof of existence. Nobody has seen a nuclear detonation in person on here. I suspect it's just a control mechanism to keep people afraid of war between major powers while they pillage the West for all its worth.

Watch this one to the end, it leaves what looks like a thunderstorm in its wake

Forget that, what proof do we have that anyone exists

There are people working at the reactor complex, and they have been for decades. Only Pripryat is the fully abandoned part.


archive.org/stream/UKCivilDefenceCorpsScientificBasis/UK Civil Defence Corps scientific basis#page/n283/mode/2up

a lot of it is hard data so dumb morons need not apply.

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Why are all the animals bit dead then due to radiation poisoning

The case where the sailor boomer would have the advantage over Jow Forums

i agree its easy to guess at the underlying motivations, what i'm interested in is the specifics.
from your post i realize it's likely part of the globalist divide and conquer narrative and how these countries aren't actually enemies behind the scenes. they just need for us to believe this to be the case so that we fear and hate people for arbitrary reasons, which gives the government reasons to do what they want.
making governments rely on an i-win key (nukes) surely will weaken the military of any nation, which makes it easier to defeat them. thanks for an interestin and thought provoking post, probably the best in the thread.
i did, thats what makes me say it's a stock sound effect. it sounds like someone slamming a fucking trash can rofl.
i dunno man, i'm not convinced. it sounds like you'd have to be a retard without a check list to get sick in a place like that.
>basic fact
but how do you know that? thats my whole point. our understanding of the world is in a constant state of flux, even the fucking food pyramid was false.
thats still assuming the narrative, it does nothing to explain anything
i'm just asking questions and making suggestions, there's no need to get nasty.
that only addresses a minor point to his post, though.
so you took a paid tour and think you know everything? that's like taking an auschwitz tour and considering yourself an expert because mr bloodstein gave you the quick rundown of each building.
>I snuck off from the group
so you went to the dangerous area and didnt get sick? doesnt that tell you something?
Make an argument, jew
99% sure this is the case
what about the people that say you turn blind from watching the light blast? are they the liars or whos lying?

>There have been no nuclear weapons used in Yemen lol


How Israel Was Busted Nuking Yemen


This cat was a little off.

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I've been to the test area in the Nevada desert, shit is scary. It was for a class on nuclear weapons response, we had meters and shit was definitely radioactive still

You know how hard it is to make a working device

Just looks Slavic to me

I stopped off at Auschwitz on the way as it goes. Didn't get much of a feel there either.

radioactivity is a blanket classification. There are many different isotopes and byproducts with differing degrees of effects. Reactor failures have much more reaction materiak at their core than bombs so catastrophic failures can have much more widespread and long lasting effects.

>Why are all the animals bit dead then due to radiation poisoning
You know Chernobyl isn't basically Fallout NV. There are still animals there that are alive they have become just abit more feral than others due to the radiation and generations of animals being exposed to it. 700,000 people visited Chernobyl last year, you don't think they brought break for the ducks?

>but how do you know that? thats my whole point. our understanding of the world is in a constant state of flux, even the fucking food pyramid was false.

Fucking seriously...........

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Lol ok where is the evidence? Since all those videos you showed as proof just had a .1-.5 kiloton chemical explosions which are common when a weapons stockpile goes boom. I have to tell you right now just because you see a mushroom cloud doesn't mean its nuclear. There is a distinct double flash.

of course, i know that a nuke is a nuke. but how do i or anyone else know that a nuke is in fact a weapon of mass destruction beyond the capability of conventional bombs? that's my whole question.
>nukes can only level cities
bombs can achieve this as well.
people tend to forget that globalism goes beyond nations. its a real pity, psyops are incredibly powerful tools of deception
almost everything you surround yourself gives off radiation, though. and makes sense that you would be scared, i believe thats the whole point of the nuke narrative.
feels like a wasted trip since the place is literally a psyop in itself, haha
how does one prove this though? ive heard that meltdowns are just that; the material melts.
do you have an actual point?

They were considering using nuclear weapons all the way up to the Vietnam War. It wasn't until the advent of the hydrogen bomb and the political climate in the 60s that people really feared a MAD type scenario.

Yet some of them did develop nuclear weapons of their own

It goes deeper than the old “divide and conquer” ploy. In reality the Cold War itself was a sort of joint invasion of the third world by two ZOGs posing as enemies. Every nation on the planet was forced to pick a side, ZOG A or ZOG B, allowing the kikes to assert direct military control over most of the planet, as well as allowing their banks the chance to indebt every one of these war-torn regions to their international financial apparatus. When the USSR had served its purpose and most of the third world was firmly under the thumb of ZOG, it was disposed of to make room for the next kike dialectic: the globalist west vs terrorist Islam. The whole Cold War dialectic would have failed without the nuke lie.

because you need a fuck ton of conventional explosives to match a single physics package
for example

So it isn't the Armageddon that the government made out then which is OPs point?

Do you really think the US Military stacked thousands of tons of high explosives in the ocean two separate times for Crossroads? That they sat down and decided to stack something like 12.5 million tons of explosives for Castle Bravo and the Soviets apparently took the time to somehow accumulate 50 million tons of high explosives for their RDS-220 test? A lot of these tests had independent verification by multiple organizations and some of the larger ones caused diplomatic protests, and had recorded after effects worldwide. Someone would've questioned it if this shit was always preceded by countries producing more high explosives than ever used in history prior to that point.

jesus christ. did you come to this conclusion yourself or did you hear it from elsewhere?


I share the same convictions to be honest. Too obvious not to see what ((((Cold War)))) was really about.