What did they mean? What did they start or finally reveal?! There’s no way this is normal.

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was this before or after the las vegas shooting?

It was some sort of anti-jihad task force

>anti-jihad task force
>standing shoulder to shoulder with the principal sponsor of wahhabist islam

>What did they mean?
The globe earth is glowing which mean flat earther were right all along.
More seriously I don't think they were particulary subtle with the symbolism here...The world is in their hands.

the arab wizard is stealing the vital force of the american leader. he will use it to open a portal to swallow the kufar and cleanse the earth

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it means that they are with trump against the globalists

rich and influential gentlemen larping they are in ctrl of the world

stupid fucks are also very mortal

What do you think?

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New Palestine deal covered as join anti terrorism tasks force

Trump managed to get Egypt and Saudis aboard

Now we are approaching final phase: Elimination of Iran.

After current Islamic government in Iran is destroyed:
a) Israel can destroy Hezbollah, which will be fucked without Iranian support
b) Arabs don't have any strong geopolitical adversary in region and they can do whatever they like with oil prices and stuff
c) Resistance in Palestine will be significantly weakened and they will resign and accept that atrocious deal
d) Now happy Arabs will throw shit tone of money into New Palestine


7 year tribulation begins.

They are trolling the flat earthers

They were clearly just checking up to see how Naruto is doing

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>There’s no way this is normal.

That's what I have been saying for the last 10 years, and look where we are know.

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no idea but the elite are clearly into some deeply occult shit. I think they want to become immortal Gods themselves if it's possible. I guess most of us would attempt it if we had the power and means.

Have you not taken an edgy picture with a katana before?

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where's president kushner?

They're powering up.

Discerning anons prefer a lightsaber.

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I see you're a man of culture as well. But yeah, rich guys want to LARP as ebul overlords.

That (((arab))) has a yehodi nose Jow Forums

Hope this job isnt sloppy