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it's happennning


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>new and improved with source
>no sauce

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Where are they headed and why? Doubt this is anything of note, the military does all sorts of training and at odd times for readiness. So...

>military does all sorts of training and at odd times for readiness
Could be a long-distance redeployment too.

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It is a redeployment.
Now, what is the vector Victor, and where do we need mass air superiority and why?

>inb4 Iran got subs off US coast

So they're heading into the pacific?
What are the options? Hawaii, Guam, Japan/SK?
You could probably tell if they're loaded or not based on their speed and how early they're being refueled. That could give some hints.

We have clearance, Clarence.

It's all so tiresome

>iran could sneak a sub anywhere near the US

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>USAF vet here

This is nothing. The USAF flies hundreds of training sorties over the U.S. EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.

>heading towards australia

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This is payback for all your years of shitposting, Bruce.

Iran. You finally get your chance to die for Israel.

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Easter island is fucked

>*F-15E dies from flying octopus-koala sting.*

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Roger roger.

nahnah, it's for the joint liberation of New Zealand by the United States and Australia because of the tyrannical government.

for real tho, the past few months I've been hearing an insane amount of air traffic in the middle of the night. can't tell if they're commercial or military, I suspect its a mix of both.

>blocks your path

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Except Saturday and Sunday.

>t. USAF vet who was stationed at Vance AFB (a pilot training base... all we ever did was training sorties, you know)

Now, the guard and reserves on the other hand.... yeah, probably.

Literally threw up, you fucking asshole.
Well played.

Happeningfag here, I want happenings because this clownworld is getting old

Check Chuck.

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I can only get so erect

are we bombing hawaii?

I heard China already did an economic pearl harbor on us and we just haven't figured it out yet...

you mother fucker

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Guys, a fleet of Japanese zeros just buzzed my house
Send help.

guys theres something on the horizon and sirens are going off can someo


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i will be watching from oahu if they land at hickam

C17 lift to Fujairah underway.

U.S Military has just transitioned to Defcon 3.

as always

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Are they going after that North Korean sub?

what day? I think its Monday over there.....

That's snot funny!

the dot is red

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Defcon 5. Relax your tits


That site is a couple of college kids with no clue

no its not attention whore

Post proof then cos I can't find any. Defcon over 4 would be normie news.

Check, over, Under. You’re going to have to manually inflate the autopilot

as if its public
as if we're ever at defcon 5
this guy fucks

You can figure it out yourself, military never says where they’re at, but by the looks of it they’re definitely at defcon 4, or even 3 at this point.

A source inside Al Mayadeen News tells me ten oil tankers were bombed by aircraft inside Fujairah Port, and I currently see a U S. Military airlift underway to that exact port

Obviously I know what defcon is, that they don't publicize it normally and that the last time it was publically 3 or over was 9/11.
I'm sure it's not at 5 but that's why I'm asking for proof.

Ever been to a Turkish prison?

hah is that a threat?

Not the first threat for my Intel.

Ever seen a grown man naked?

can i have the qrd on this?

Do you like gladiator movies, Bobby?

yea I saw the Abu Grahib pics, thanks CIA for making the entire civilized and uncivilized world hate us

you God damn son of a bitch

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What's our vector, Victor?

why did you have to post that? are you CIA too?
fuck. this. website.

She cute.

That's unfortunately not on my vacation plans, how was it leaf

A hospital, what is it?

No, just frequently in the right place at the right time on somebody else’s dime.

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She looks like someone I once dated who ended up going to veterinary school....
You are some sick fucks you know that? You're probably all furries and "zoophiles", too.

so you're like Forrest Gump?

Iran only has three subs capable of reaching US waters and they are all accounted for, the other 20+ are midget subs/small subs

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Abu Ghraib
That new school faggotry has no place in the wild

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Iranian attack or false flag?

That's quite inefficient path to Tehran

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Maybe they are going to attack Catalena Island.

>Czech Republic
>Understanding anything about flight
lol stick to your spider webs

China won’t be intervening in any wars the US wages because it wants both the US and Russia to destroy each other so it can step in and take over.

Iranians are some crazy bastards, they talk to ghosts in wells to make foreign policy. Could just as well have been Isreali jets with Iranian livery.
To early and fluid to tell.
UAE is scared shitless and just wants to make this go away.
They get most of their food from Iran.
Bolton and Bibi wont let this go away

It's that faggot again who's been making happening threads for the past week yet nothing has happened again

kill yourself.

Uh, we are flanking China so they don't get froggy over Iran.

>making happening threads for the last week
You are here forever.

Crazy bastards are claiming full responsibility for the air raid on the UAE port.

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God we need a good comfy happening, its been so fucking long. I've devolved to watching shitty social media drama and lolsuits.

**HAPPENING** 10 oil tankers on fire in UAE and four cargo ships sabotaged in port. French and U.S jets fly air patrols over the port.


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I like your takes. Can you tell us anymore?

he's getting threats for being taken to a black site...

>flying west from California

They won't be intervening in anything because their military is made up of Chinese crap.

Ever seen a grown man naked?

I feel like I'm having Deja Vu
where does this line come from?

Not from bases in CA, you fuckwit.

I suspect it's schizophrenia.