Attached: 1557684547350.jpg (427x400, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Bump this.

Wario needs to be made a permanent meme, designed only to perpetually offend SJWs, and for us to have a hostile takeover of Nintendo.

Attached: Wario.gif (563x472, 2.01M)

waluigi would be better

wario is a jew


the 'W' is going to come in very useful. I like this. Make it so.

Wario time

Attached: Wario.png (220x264, 71K)

Hey incel not your personal army...

ok boii but lets use waliugi too because i like his autistic scream

Attached: 1468012736785.png (500x274, 37K)

Kys fag this could be fun. Gamers will rise up and fuck your mother bitch.

just gonna leave this here and also respond with
>stop trying to force memes faggots

Attached: 1556729506513.gif (480x292, 1.99M)

gamers will not rise up to this shit you are delusional


We didn't make the meme.

Nintendo did.

We're just reappropriating it for ourselves.

Attached: Wario-Microgame_Sprite.gif (48x57, 2K)

retarded shill

He’s even rubbing his hands LOL!

But why?

Honk honk le fagget

Anytime you see a Jewish post or Jewish person say "Wario time ;)"
>Waring time ;)

>Wario time ;)

Fucking autocorrect

It's now Waluigi time

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-06-13-at-2.37.42-PM.jpg (640x363, 32K)

You greatly underestimate the true unstoppable force that is zoomers. I have just one question....are you scared yet kike?

Thread theme

omg u gay zoomer. GTFO!!

shut the fuck up stupid nigger
milhouse would've been a meme by now if fuckfaces like yourself didn't come and shit this place up

Attached: 1557085442803.jpg (720x833, 27K)

Don't. Nintendo does not capitulate to NPC faggotry. They're doing their part. Leave them be. They are pure.

Hello Israel

Sorry, but this is just dumb.

You’re dumb

The Wario White Power
Shaka bros

Attached: TakeShakaBack.png (1072x720, 606K)

bump 2 support lol

You're dumb

Attached: WarioDisturbed-WL4.png (195x158, 7K)

Attached: covetus wario.jpg (1000x576, 150K)

or maybe

Attached: wario.png (1021x521, 275K)

Jow Forums is not /b/ you guys are out of your league.

This is a Jow Forums based meme.

Never speak of /b/ again, faggot.

Attached: Wario.png (109x112, 4K)

Soon: lgbt flag is an alt-right symbol.
The rainbow comes from white light, wich means lgbt is for white people.

Attached: prisme.jpg (252x174, 5K)

Fag here.
Take the flag. People associate rainbows with faggots.

sure its politically based, i get it. but forcing memes is for faggots like in /b/
>stop being faggots

You heard this guys?

plus all you faggots are doing is spreading hate. in the war good vs evil you are on the wrong side. i can see where you may think its right, by "redpilling" the masses with a video game meme. you are just wrong, youre all doing it all very wrong.

Do you think this guy has a personal vendetta against Wario?

We are not doing it out of hatred.

We are doing it to cause chaos and confusion among the Left.

Attached: WL4JCMWario.png (702x468, 453K)

You do realize that this makes it easier to shut down, right? It's called copyright infringement.

We don't spread hate fag.
We are denouncing the absurdity of the left arguments.
Anything can be considered a hate symbol nowadays.
And if we make everything a hate symbol, it loses it's impact.
Stupid libtards lookin' boi's ass.

you literal b-tards have no idea what youre doing anymore lmao

This would be protected under parody, as well as all other Mario related memes.


Then we make a meme out of it fag.
" Wario has been censored like the conservatives were censored"


i was called a kike, sounds like spreading hate to me, and that was just because i didnt agree on spreading a meme. you guys arent political at all, you are DOTU. and if you make everything a hate symbol, sounds like spreading hate. you are just as delusional as previous user. you are all bots.

Attached: 1557691734869.jpg (275x390, 44K)

>Big nose
>Handing rubbing
>Greedy money grubbing asshole
Wario is already a Jewish caricature

Attached: 920739868896.jpg (1150x1000, 143K)

Attached: Touched.png (256x320, 5K)

Why stop at Wario?

We need to concentrate on Wario, and SOLELY Wario, until it becomes a meme proper.

Do not dilute this meme by putting others like Waluigi into this.

Attached: WLSML3JCMWario.png (640x480, 358K)


Bot: A rare insult to use when you try to dehumanize someone after losing an argument or before lacking proofs.
By Wikipedia.org

Keep this going until it becomes a meme proper

Attached: MK8-Line-Wario-Pipe.gif (370x300, 171K)

Should we put it next to "alt-right" shit or just soley Wario?


Focus on Wario, and do not dilute this by mixing it with other things until it becomes a meme proper.

there was no argument, bot. lmfao. you're basically following trends. i've been meming pre2010. goodluck with your forced meme.

I love it.

Yet, we are in a discussion.
And if for you a bot is someone who types some letters on Jow Forums, an omelette machine is for you the epitome of solar systems.

>Nintendo is based

Get to work, Jow Forums. I really like this meme and hope it sticks

I created the short lived NPC emoticon meme (and it lasted all of a few hours when multiple people started spamming it, and the "nose" became a character which refuses to render here).

I am creating the Wario meme (with the original topic being here)

yeah so youre just confirming my allegation of you being delusional. and stop spreading hate you forced memers.

kill yourself discord tranny, pol is a peaceful venue, there is no such thing as hate speech.

>when your falseflagging to retain normalcy of clown world society fails so you start a new reich under the guidance of an overweight characature of an italian plumber designed by the japanese to sell handheld games

>kill yourself
>pol is a peaceful venue
man this cycle of stupidity never ends..

Hate is love, hate is life.

Attached: EDC54F94-06A4-47F7-BD72-1A5080CA9D52.jpg (400x400, 43K)

ur so woke babe, head on back to facebook and let your anti-fash libertarian buddies know what bigots we are over here.

Keep it focused on Wario

Attached: 502px-MK64_Wario.png (502x600, 340K)

Attached: 1557689278630.jpg (675x400, 51K)

I fucking love this shit yes WARIO TIME

look at his hand

Attached: 180px-Waluigi.png (180x328, 60K)

why is everyone fixated on this whole Jow Forums vs the world shit. like ive already stated, i do not claim left or right, i follow politics but do not claim. i am also not religious, yet i know good from bad. you need to go get some sun, i've already worked 8 hours today and i feel great and open minded.
i get that and when the devil shows himself you best be ready.

That bitchy fag thinks Jow Forums is Reddit.
Wait until we unleash 2% of our power.

Attached: rh (1).png (600x600, 23K)

No context. Stupidity proven.
Do not reply to this democrat bot anymore guys. This is the kind of people that think milk is racist.

Three fucking threads about this shit

Found the kike. Go suck some more severed foreskins like your rabbi did.

Attached: 7EE19574-319B-4F00-8BFD-0F4EC7EB07C8.jpg (750x420, 84K)

yeah dont reply to the user thats fighting the real battle of good vs evil. youre all hateful. GL user.

He looks like Stalin tho.

Mario would be a better Hitler, while he is fighting Stalin.

Makes way more sense.

Attached: oiram.jpg (246x246, 24K)

Wario is based
Waluigi is reddit

There should be more.

Make this a proper meme

Attached: 600px-Wario_Throne_WarioWorld.png (600x600, 385K)

Im sorry im not spreading this jew cuckery any further. Wario and his tranny ass need to forced out of socity. if i never have to see his disgusting ass again i will be happy.

what about waluigi?

Attached: wa.jpg (1184x1040, 250K)

Attached: WarioAss.gif (324x336, 568K)

i wouldn't be surprised if thoy have found their way into pol. this is just a false flag to smear white people and equate us with this fat fag.

finally someone gets it.

Attached: 918375928fe62919b923fd2103d5b7e5.jpg (500x375, 51K)

Look cunt, it doesn't work that way. NYPA

Attached: 1557696985621.png (579x353, 140K)

that just means its being forced. what are you trying to say here?

It will infuriate the Left, and make a mockery out of gaming journalism, all while we have a new meme all to ourselves.

Nintendo made a perfect Jow Forums-tier character back in 1992.