Protestantism is where it all went wrong for Europe, and this is coming from someone who was born, baptized...

Protestantism is where it all went wrong for Europe, and this is coming from someone who was born, baptized, raised and confirmed Lutheran. We cannot act as an ethnic unit with shared interests when our foundations for our existence are routed solely in individual interest.

Yes the modern Catholics are a bunch of disgraced pedos and SJW cucks, but the demise of our unified commitment to Christendom ~500 years ago is the pivotal moment where we resigned ourselves to chaos and disunity. Look at us now.... how many European people under 40 even attend church? We are all going it alone, feeling the void all around us, but we do not hold one another's hand and unify against the darkness.

Is a new spiritual movement on the horizon for us millennais? I think so, and I think it will be ruthless in its commitment to ethnic health and respect for our old traditions that our shitty boomer parents failed to pass down in their jewish delusions.

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Convert to Catholicism
Remember the Church Jesus founded with Peter
Matthew 16:18
>And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

And the Apostles that were given authority by Jesus
Matthew 18:18
>Amen I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose upon earth, shall be loosed also in heaven.

Confession being an important part
John 20:21-23
>He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you.
>When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost.
>Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.

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>After Peter we have Pope Linus

From the Catholic Encyclopedia:
The Roman list in Irenaeus has undoubtedly greater claims to historical authority. This author claims that Pope Linus is the Linus mentioned by St. Paul in his II Timothy 4:21. The passage by Irenaeus (Adv. haereses, III, iii, 3) reads: After the Holy Apostles (Peter and Paul) had founded and set the Church in order (in Rome) they gave over the exercise of the episcopal office to Linus. The same Linus is mentioned by St. Paul in his Epistle to Timothy. His successor was Anacletus. We cannot be positive whether this identification of the pope as being the Linus mentioned in II Timothy 4:21, goes back to an ancient and reliable source, or originated later on account of the similarity of the name.

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Pope Francis is an actual Satanist. The Vatican is architectually designed to resemble a snake. While I agree that Catholicism in its original form is the best path for Europeans to have a fulfilled, purposeful life, we need to rewind the damage that has happened to the faith by at least 100 years to gain any ground. Anointing an actual Christian as Pope and repealing Vatican II are the only way forward right now. If the church fails in this, a reversion to paganism is certainly the only alternative.

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The problem with your religion is that the magic Jew god is fake and Jesus is fake.

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I decided to become Catholic (again).
Went to church, hoped to ask priest a couple of questions.
Mass was full of Mexicans. Where did they all come from? Sermon was about helping illegal aliens; and actual felony. Father was a SJW Negro from Nigeria who didn't much like white people.
I didn't recognize it as a Catholic mass...
There is no Catholic Church, just a hide out for criminals and gathering money for criminal activity, literally.

Can you just kys now? Cuz we know the whole story. You need to stop gibbering about it like a child who just discovered shit in his potty.

>The Vatican is architectually designed to resemble a snake.
its more of a sword retard

I have seen your LARP story for the nth time

So should we all be pagans? Elaborate and remove your meme flag or you are default a kike shill.

Same thing happened with my local Catholic church. Growing up it was all my white classmates and their parents, now it's just a bunch of spics whining about social injustice and saying we should bend over backwards for them.

These people share nothing in common with us spiritually. They live apart and have no interest in how our souls interact with this world. The only way forward is TOGETHER.

Catholicism is the white mans religion: collectivist, traditional, and hierarchical

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Lol ok. I am not against the foundations of Catholicism, but its current form in 2019 is a monstrosity that can be explained only by Satanic subversion.

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>Protestantism is where it all went wrong for Europe

Protestant Reformation was basically Germanic speaking northern Europe declaring its independence from Latin speaking Southern Europe.

Cultural, linguistic, and political fault lines that had existed on the European continent long before the advent of Christianity simply ripped it apart all over again simply because the unity provider by the church had been done away with.

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Agreed. These are foundational tenants of existence that we have lost and need to regain if we stand a chance in this strange modern world that our ancestors built for us.

We all know they are turning over in the graves, looking at what we are allowing to happen to our world. At least some of us can pass with the peace of mind of knowing we tried to make a difference.

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If you were Orthodox, you'd be Serb by now.

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People in those times could not comprehend that they are all Europeans. Everyone felt ethnically a part of their local village or vassal state only. Now, we are collectively realizing that we were one giant family squabbling over pettiness and there is a massive, hostile world out there looking to extinguish us forever. We must start thinking as a collective Christendom (or equivalent) again to stand a chance, or the others who ALL already identify with each other in this way will overpower us. A world without the Europeans would be an actual hell - there would be nothing worth living for. Sad but true.

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Is that you, Vojislav Šešlj?

Just because there were atrocities committed by Croatian fascists during World War II, which the Catholic church did participate it, that does not invalidate the Catholic church as an institution on theology.

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Christianity is where it all went wrong. Christianity is the original Cultural Marxism.

>We must start thinking as a collective Christendom (or equivalent) again to stand a chance, or the others who ALL already identify with each other in this way will overpower us.
Problems will arise immediately all over again as soon as we try this because this was the main source of disagreement:
Question was always about who or which political center gets to dominate all of Christendom.
In the old debate, it was a fight over Constantinople or Rome. Later, it was over Rome or Avignon.
In these modern times, it could easily be a fight over Rome or Moscow-- and that's just dealing with the political aspect. It doesn't begin to dig into theological differences which tend to reinforce political differences.
I don't think that it could ever really be resolved without divine intervention.

Funny, Shlomo.
I don't remember Christianity encouraging us all to become radical feminist enablers of homosexuality, promiscuity, and transgender degeneracy.

Advise an alternative. Should we go back to the Roman/Greek gods? You know they demand constant offerings and bloodletting to appease, right?

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It encouraged you to hate your family and abandon them, love your enemies and not to resist evil people. All dams break via small cracks.

Be a deist with culture.

Things will get progressively more dire, and the political differences you mention will disappear out of necessity. The likely outcome is central leadership somewhere in Eastern Europe. I do not see Western/South Europe reclaiming their birthright, and the USA will balkanize and have enclaves that are loyal to the faith.

The contemporary thought that people will gradually all become atheist due to scientific advances is utterly absurd to me and reveals how short-sighted we currently think. Long-term thinking and planning was the norm for 1000s of years and a couple centuries of "enlightened" thought will reverse all of it? Arrogance. We are our strongest when we unite and act with purpose - see the 1529 Siege of Vienna for what that looks like to the rest of the world.

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We need a new spiritual paradigm based on our pagan history with nature. Christianity is an urban, slave religion for globohomo. I don't know what the new thing would look like, but we need to stop living in the past and living via foreign world views.

yup, same conclusion, but high Anglican
after the "Reformation" jews could claim to be Presbyterians, Anabaptists, or w.e and didnt have to wear their hats anymore... allowing unlimited subversion including jewish prime ministers who pretended to be protestants while emancipating the jews and enslaving the peasantry

thanks luther

Deism is Freemasonry. Another way of thinking inspired with good intentions but utterly subverted by the Saturn cult in our times. Viewing our time in this life as souls presiding over an ancient mechanism whose creator has long abandoned us is a waste of our god-given ability to act in unity and direct our reality toward a better future for our descendants.

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The Jews did a number on us, it is true. Many wars in the last ~300 years can be traced back to a few Jewish banking families vying for political/economic gain. Thank God we have the internet now to let us share our ideals and gain awareness on this evil in our midst. I hope we can make the 21st century quite the opposite of the 20th, which was 100 years of Europeans slaughtering each other and then committing to ethnically suicidal ways of living.

As the saying goes, when in 100 years a college professor in China explains to his class what actually happened in the West between 1900-2000, no one will believe him. Our minds are truly that subverted right now.

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