You know as a gun owner im starting to realize how much sense David makes we dont need military weapons with extended...

You know as a gun owner im starting to realize how much sense David makes we dont need military weapons with extended clips ffs children are dying out here dont you fuckers have a heart?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You know every time you spam threads about mass shootings and false flag patsies it only tells everyone Mossad is planning more hoax shootigns.

Are the lunatic left still paying this fag to spew this shit or is he doing it for free?

oh look this thread again. Sage. (You)

>extended clips
Shit bait

Multiple targets

Shut the fuck up kike. Show your flag

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Fuck David Hogg. Who cares what he says?

You will never take our guns. Never.

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They make handguns that shoot .223?

Implying jews would ever pay for this

>gun owners cant come up with decent arguments other than MUH GUNZ111!!!1!

*sips tea* how shocking

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Lol @ david hogg statue

>hurr durr I'm a gun owner just like you goys

Kys faggot.

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>meme flag
>fake tweet
>(((fellow white people)))
>Jow Forums still responds

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All these "be a good shot" arguments are , 'why don't you learn karate?' tiered , ie null and void .
Libtard fuck off & fuck the left, world wide.

No fucks given , byeeeee

It seems like he's at the point where you go through all the necessary conversation choices and the NPC just says random shit of no value if you continue to interact with it.

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What’s my boy Hoggwild up to these days?

What else is there to say? Shall not be infringed.

>week after they ban ar-15s
"If you can't stab a burglar with a gun before he shoots you you need to do more laps because you're a slow runner, BAN HANDGUNS"
>week after they ban handguns
"If you can't kick the shit out of a burglar with a knife with your own bare hands you need to hit the gym because you're too weak, BAN KNIVES"
This is a historical recounting of how the UK became the way it is no I will not be taking questions at this time

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An AR-15 wouldn't stop that KWEEN!

Shill. You'll reply for about 10 minutes, then abandon this slide thread.

I'll humor you, you fucking faggot. Why should someone limit themselves? Why should someone have to "fight fair" against someone invading their home, possibly with the intent to harm them?

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what other argument is there for you being a faggot besides “my dick”?

>As a gun owner
>as an israeli

Hi David Hogg. Kindly kys.

Surrender your guns to the nearest ATF office.

the SCOTUS affirms 2 constitutionally protected reasons to own a firearm, service in a militia, and self defense. If you can't do those with a handgun, a shotgun, or a hunting rifle, you're a worthless retard. There's no Constitutionally protected need for an AR-15. Gunsexuals just use them to complete their spergy fucking John Rambo cosplay. The 2nd Amendment doesn't exist so you can LARP as a GI Joe.

I need an AR 15 to defend myself from literal hogs that live near my house

Rambo didn't really use a gun that much

Making your guns beats gun control

I need an AR-15 to gun down your nigger mobs once they realize they are still on a plantation.

A vote plantation where you Democrats print money and have them walled in by police, property values and failing schools.

>There's no Constitutionally protected need for an AR-15

No Constitutional restriction on AR-15's either, check mate retard

I'm sure a quick trip through youtube would show plenty of examples of him using firearms of all sorts. Otherwise you can insert any other action movie character as you wish.

>Why should someone limit themselves?
because guns are dangerous and the US has terrible mental health care, which means most gun owners use guns on themselves and their families not an intruder.

I need it because niggers come in packs that's why

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Doesn't need to be a restriction. If the government or an individual state wants to ban them, they can.

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America has tons of mass shootings because youre all bunch of violent, banker boot licking, faggot capitalist thugs. All americans ever do is run around killing and murdering on behalf of international banks

>DC v. Heller, 2008
The Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home
>unconnected with service in a militia

>Caetano v. Massachusetts, 2016
The Court has held that the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding, and that this Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States.
>all instruments that constitute bearable arms

go fuck yourself you commie shill.

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Can we get a chess autist to point out everything else wrong with that picture? I get the feeling there are lots of things wrong.

They are just playing checkers with chess pieces

I want bubba gump from predator. Say bubba gump from predator

Will banning abortion will solve the unwanted pregnancy or abortion rates?
Then what makes you think banning guns will solve the gun problem.
Think for once


Cite a source please. Theres no real known figure on amount of guns in the US, but current estimates are almost 400,000,000, yet more people die in car accidents than to firearms. Your retarded generalization is just that: retarded.

Roughly 20,000 suicides by gun annually. In a country of 320,000,000. A drop in the bucket. Around 11,000 homicides by gun annually. In a country of 320,000,000. Another drop in the bucket.

In 2017, over 70,000 people died of drug overdoses. Yet guns are the real issue?


If you need a seatbelt to protect yourself you need more driver's ed because you're a terrible driver.

You know if those precedents hold, you could get private nukes

op is a faggot.

>inb4 all those guns are owned by a few people

Polls indicate that about 1/3 of the country owns at least one gun. I'd bet that number is higher, because I personally would answer "no" if some (((independent))) polling group asked me if I own a gun, and most gun owners I know would say the same. Either way, lets go with the actual statistic that exists.

1/3 of a country of 320,000,000. Thats over a hundred million people who own at least one gun. Yet a "majority" of them use their weapons on themselves and their families? Are you intentionally retarded?

>100,000,000+ gun owners
>around 30,000 annual firearm deaths

commie logic, ladies and gentlemen

I'm trying to figure out where this picture was taken, and it's the epitome of multiculturalism. Utterly unidentifiable.

Attached: private gun ownership vs. homicide rate, wikipedia.jpg (1120x746, 61K)

What arguments do you have to take our guns away? You're an imbecile.

>what is stopping power
>what are multiple targets
even i know this shit and i don't own a single fucking gun. But every criminal in this country does have one. All of them but me. How am i gonna defend myself from cartel fucks with full auto ak47 and the best i can get is 9mm?

In the parkland incident police had several chances to put this kid in jail or otherwise stop him from purchasing a firearm. The feds also failed to stop him after he made threats on line. Then to compound the problems the cops didn't enter the building in a timely manner but chose to set up shop outside. 2 cops from another department rushed the scene and found the local cops waiting outside. Broward county is also a democrat party controlled area.
Fun fact. Little baby Trayvon was from around that area before he was expelled(???) or whatever and had to go live with his father. He was found with jewelry he couldn't account for and burglary tools while at school. Maybe the little shit would be alive today if he was put in juvie where he belonged.
Could it be, that both the local police and the school board were such fuck ups they caused or allowed to happen multiple failures? Also same general area where they were having way too much difficulty in counting votes in the last election.

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>How am i gonna defend myself from cartel fucks with full auto ak47

You need to get your government to ban guns, duh

David hogg is the epitome of the faggot gringo stereotype.

>current estimates are almost 400,000,000
but those guns are not distributed equally among the population like cars are, you retard. The US has an abnormally high gun suicide rate for a first-world country, and both drug addiction and suicide are results of poor mental health.


>gun owner
Just fuck off

I don’t think any of the people that shot up schools thought that they were killing on the behalf of international banks

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go glow in the dark somewhere else

the left can't meme

The black rook,why the fuck is it there when it could go forwards and omnomnom at least one pawn and put yourself in a good position,then the bishop could nom his rook after the black rook moves,and he'd be absolutely inept to react to it given that he has a single rook on the other side of the board,and a single knight,which negroids can never use properly
That being said,his king is out of play anyways,so how do you even win this other than take out all his pieces?
Granted i'm a zerg rusher myself,so i got like a 50% winrate in chess,but i play it once a year or so so i'm not really good at it
Bonus points for losing both the king,the queen and two bishops

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>pretending we don't know that the gun problem is mostly niggers.

and I covered that in my next post, retard. Whine more, commie shill.


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.223 (5.56mm) is smaller than 9mm ... so Hogg's argument is fucking idiotic
>Hurr durr, your aim sucks so you're going to use a smaller diameter projectile.

Why do Americans talk like their nation isnt the origin of communism? Your jews created communism in bank meetings all over New York. Communism is as american as apple pie..

It's a dumb argument anyway. Do people with bad aim deserve to die just because they need 5 shots to hit something instead of 1 or 2?

Theyre the end result of the american culture of servitude to the jew: hopeless and violent monsters with no future.

>children are dying
The slow and dumb ones are. The fast ones survive. Natural selection.

You sip tea and then whisper some snarky remark at internet people?
What are you, some kinda faggot?

America has an american problem, its a nations made up of nigger lovers and niggers. On top of the ponzi scheme is a big, fat hooked nosed jew with his pockets full of tax payer money.

Got blacks murdering and shooting people everyday in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore.

I encourage you to attempt to disarm them to end these terrible crimes and massacres.

>as a
die faggot

I hate to use this old argument argument but the whole point of the 2nd amendment was to have an effectively armed populace, and at that time the flintlock musket was the most popular but there were also more rare and advanced guns like the 20 round Giradoni air rifle and of course all manner of grenades and cannon which private citizens were allowed to own and indeed many did. Restricting "arms" to mean shitier contemporary weapons like flintlock muskets or maybe just bow and arrows would defeat the entire purpose

Guns + Guns = Safety

Don't burn your lips now, faggot.

but you don't, because if you read the USAtoday article I linked you'd see there are more gun suicides than gun homicides, and I'm sure there's more homicides than there are justified intruder shootings. so the majority of gun deaths are indeed self-inflicted. And that's not even counting gun owners who kill another family member with their gun.

Also, about 1/3 of the country owns at least one gun, but the distribution is not equal. Hobbyist or survival types own a lot of the guns, meaning some people live around a bunch of guns and are more likely to commit suicide with one when feeling depressed (in my opinion)
>Just 3% of American adults own a collective 133m firearms – half of America’s total gun stock.

>a postage stamp talking about a country 2,680 miles wide, implying its the same place all over
America used to hang commies too.

Now can you refute anything I've said, or are you going to continue moving the goalposts and crying?

The left also wants to limit how much ammo someone can buy. So fuck you for wanting to train and better your aim!

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wrong faggot court upheld millers conviction in us v miller for the sawed off shotgun because such a weapon is "not of sufficient military utility for service in a militia" and thus not protected by 2a god u faggots are self righteous blowhard know nothing arrogant faggots

Girly boy

I thought you were a gun owner though? So according to your own logic, you can't come up with any other argument than "Muh Gunz" either.

This is actually completely made up. The Germans were far more directly responsible for the Bolsheviks (they got Lenin into Russia to overthrow the Tsar in exchange for ending the war during WW1) than "Wall Street bankers". The latter were actually far more instrumental in helping the Japanese build a fleet to defeat the Russian imperial navy a decade or so before that

Is the rpg for when retaliation shows up at your house after killing good boys with guns in your home?

Fellow knife owners. Don't you think your potato peelers are a little bit too overkill to defend yourselves? I mean not a single robber will enter your house with a fucking atom bomb so why do you still have any sharp object in your house?

Because I covered that in the first post you fucking retard. I literally said that there are about 20,000 gun suicides annually, and 11,000 homicides annually. Your original claim was that "most gun owners use guns on themselves and their families not an intruder."
30,000 people die annually from guns. Over 100,000,000 people own guns. Even if we assume the homicide victims are all gun owners too (they're not) that is .0003% of gun owners dying annually. Wow. That sure is most gun owners.

Good fuck, if you were any stupider you'd need to be watered twice a week.
>in my opinion
Not everyone is a weak faggot who wants to kill themselves like you.

He's right. I'm a terrible shot.
Looks like it will be okay for me to run out and buy an AR15.
Thanks Davie!

Make sure to stirr the milk good so it doesnt look like one of your gayboy friends cummed in your gayboy peach fuzz mustache. Gayboy.

How to tell you're in a slide thread:

OP: As a [insert target demographic here] I can really see how [boilerplate rhetoric of target demographic's ideological opposition] has real merit

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So please, cite a fucking source for your stupid claim. It's fucking irrelevant that some people own more guns than others. I own close to 30, big fucking whoop.

Hang commies?


Americas joy and pride is having hanged the only men on earth who wanted to stop you demented fucks and your ferocious desire to sirve jewish interest...

Nation of demented fools

Why the fuck are you still giving this hobgoblin any fucking attention? Let him fade into irrelevance you idiots

I want to arm the people.
They want to disarm the people.
Think about it.

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This fucking faggot doesn't understand that shooting with anything requires time at the range..

Reminder that they want you to be dead or relying on what they say.

Defend your rights.

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No, they wanted to colonize Eastern Europe. The Germans literally put the communists in power during the previous war, retard. Fucking zoomer memers history education begins and ends at Jow Forums memes

Yeah yeah

Its always someone elses fault, it was the germans!

The russians did it!

No, it was the freemasons, and their international hub they used to fuck the world was the good ole US of A and their self righteous sense of "social justice".

And hold the sugar, with your amount of estrogen its gonna go straight to your hips and your bitchtits, and then none of your gayboy tea sipping friends is gonna want to cum on your peach fuzz anymore.

AR-15 wielders are the most patrician gun owners of all those who know to love high-cap assault rifles.
Ripping apart the inferior enemies with mighty, hot bullets of organic destruction, fastest rates of fire, calibres of highest excellence, greatest accuracy and finest ordonance, I salute you, fellow gun-owners!

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>Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
please keep moving the goalposts