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>today I will remind them
If the grandfather saw what is America today, he would have fought under the nazi flag.
Instead of just saying that the descendants of WW2 vets that are going in favor in nazism are retarded, perhaps people like you should see it as worrisome that even the descendants of WW2 vets are beginning to see the error that was made
My meme is funnier.
Imagine being an American soldier who fought the Nazis in WW2 just so your grandkids can become communists and anti-Americans and set American flags on fire while hating America because George Washington owned slaves or some other dumb shit.
as expected from mutts
Same desu
They fought the Nazis so their grandsons could wear dresses and cut their dicks off and their granddaughters could have bastard children with niggers.
If the men who fought in WW2 could have seen this world they'd have joined the Germans.
If you could take a crystal ball and show regular soldiers what the future would be like would they have fought that war at all or simply unironically shoah'd certain (((people)))
If he knew what would become of the world by defeating Hitler, he would've turned right around, waving the Nazi flag above his head himself.
>13% of christians live in asia-pacific
i know there are like 80 mln christian filipinos, what about the rest?
Oy vey goyim that's not true because I SAID SO!
Blow us comrade
>implying white men died so that niggers could run around the USA
Well, it's not that the burgers doing D-day werent heroes, its they fought the wrong side. Which wanstn their fault.
South Korea. Lots of Christians in China now as well.
Shut up frenchie. Your nation is forever embarrassed from surrender
Here's the version with a liberal instead of conservative soldier.
>My grandfather killed nazis for my right to have transsexual mullato children who speak arabic
Yeah wow much better than speaking german
There are no WW2 vets that regret fighting
As with every lib shit I don't get it. And I tried. But no.
The justification was real in my mind.
This. It makes me sick knowing that these dipshits out here respect a flag that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans
Only the ones that fought the Japs.
Swazi tatted on body
They just keep getting better and better
You rather live in a 1984 fascist state?
can i dl it plox?
If the allied could have seen their nations as it is today, they would have fought for the germans.
I love this, but it also makes me sad. Most of those boys were our ages. Imagine what could be done with us if we were told the right lies.
Well I guess we don't have to imagine. Sweden and Germany are the future for all of us in ZOG countries.
Nigger, where do you think we are heading?
Most of the ones in Europe actually aren't Europeans lmao.
And funny enough, they actually do.
Pic related, a couple of letters frop british veteran who were asked about their life after the war and their feelings on present day Britain.
God damn.
Crying about being to poor to pay gas tax? Riots aren’t anything to be proud of bud
> It makes me sick knowing that these dipshits out here respect a flag that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans
Are you talking about the Nazi flag or the Communist flag? And please don't give me a boomer answer if you know what I mean.
California type state. Not that bad a deal
Except his grandfather fought against the nazis alongside communists.
Both. But I was referring to the Nazi flag
It's easier to believe the narrative than accept that you were liked to, brainwashed, and committed possibly the worst mistake possible, and doomed the Human race.
100% in fact, there are WWII vets that have openly stated as such.
>CNN told to this mutt is all about the gas tax
You forget the part were some leftist find the flag tracks down the owner and slanders him as a nazis
You know, those kind of story always make me sad.
It's sad to watch all those guys destroying their own brothers because of all the lies (((they))) told them.
Things could have been so much better.
>And then suddenly, for No reason at all, Hitler was voted into power.
ezkurvajó lett
My grandfather told me he fought for the wrong side. I told him that he was wrong. I wish we had reconciled before he died.
>But I was referring to the Nazi flag
What are you talking about? The dipshits you referred to in my picture were antifa communists. They set American flags and Nazi flags on fire while waving around Communist flags.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there.
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
Why the UK decided to attack Nazi Germany anyways?
The bongs already owned half of the world and had more colonies than they could manage already.
Why not let the krauts keep some shitty land?
fucking americans. Their country is 240 years old and they think they ought to make jokes about one of the founding nations of modern western civilization
They didnt surrender faggot they joined the SS
>fat shaming
>ugly shaming
>zero diversity
Oh, so it's alright when you're the bigot?
big mutt milkers
How many vets like them saw abosolutely EVERYTHING they own being utterly and completely destroyed and given away to foreigners, while they got nothing ?
Now ? They're old, not in position to fight anymore or doing anything other than resting on their ass all days : you think they're happy about the utterly fucking disgusting state of their own country ?
Rotschilds literally threatened to fuck us financially by collapsing our banks.
Faggots and other degenerates will get what’s coming to them soon enough. You won’t be able to get back in the closet fast enough.
Double niggers, where do you think we are now?
It ain’t over yet, Pierre. We’ve still got a little bit of time to fix this, certain people have way overplayed their hands.
My grandfather was an RAF Lancaster bomber pilot for 4 years(1941-1945) and a Hurricane pilot for 2 years(1939-1941). Post war he served in Palestine and fought the Irgun insurgency there from late 1945- Creation of Israel 1948
He told me if he knew then what he knows now, he'd have turned his Lancaster round and bombed Churchill instead.
Man, Spielberg needs to go back and update his movie George Lucas style.
>this picture was taken in my home town
God I hate this place, it's such a gay shithole