Redpill me on religion

I agree with most of the far-rights politics besides religion. I want to believe, but haven't seen convincing evidence of a God. Please help me out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>haven't seen convincing evidence of a God
>lives in this vast universe that is God

you should read this:

a scientist who was raised atheist but is now a Christian.

God bless, user. And good job in wanting to make the first step towards the Truth

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>haven't seen convincing evidence of a God.

you are doing it WAY wrong, user.

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according to the Bible all things were made by Christ and for Christ. i recommend in your quiet personal time you think about what a personal friendship with God would be like. it should be your nature to want such a relationship. everyone wants God to touch their life in a personal and special way fren..

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It's alright. Just believe anything you want. As long as you hate Jews and Niggers we will still like you.

Dentists have PhDs too but you dont ask them questions about your eyes.

God or Godan is the Lombardic name for Woden, god of the Aryans.
Remember that Christfags employ the bait-and-switch by using the word "God" instead of Yahweh. Christfags use the word God to fake being white and to disguise their Jewish religion. They literally lie everytime they say God ( Godan ).

>PhD in Science

why would you presume on a friendship?


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the fedora meme really got to you guys, didnt it?

I just leave you this quote from Deus Ex, one post ID man:

>The human being created civilization not because of willingness but of a need to be assimilated into higher orders of structure and meaning.
>God was a dream of good government.
>You will soon have your God, and you will make it with your own hands.

nah it is a simple conversion of one language into another referring to the Almighty. God's na,e though is Jehovah or Yahweh.

you hit what the elites want. the slow abolition of religion into the worship of the state. problem is they dont want any notion of the Almighty who's law is higher than theirs. if they can make it all subjective, they can adulterate and dumb down language, socially condition and breed people inter comp;ete servility. they want no prophets coming railing against their wicked, godless state.

plenty evidence of putin otoh

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but she gives good answers to people wondering about frequently asked questions like "but what about muuuh evidence?" like the one OP asked

Theres a generation of slavic orthodox larpers basically because of the fedora meme

Wotan Odan wasn't allmighty, retard.
Neither was Zeus, the name they stole earlier from the Greeks and turned into Deus

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Study the evil. Sabbateans Jewish history, the NWO. The evidence of true evil is the most compelling argument for the existence of the supernatural and God

By definition, something outside of physics had to start the universe. Something that has no cause and is eternal else you have to have a loop (universe is accelerating it's expansion, so not likely).

Do you also think they're ancient lizard people who shape-shift?

you dont know what you are talking about. you must be of age to post here little bro.

yeah it fucked them up good. and yeah some larp but others have given themselves to God so I say thats a good thing.

true. read up on the Dutroux affair, finders cult, and the franklin scandal. dig deeper and your mind will be blown.

God isn't something to be proven to the likes of someone who bases their ontology on convincing evidence.

there are literal devils, yes. what kind of word do you think we are living in?

also using deus ex as example and then mocking "conspiracy theories" strikes me as somethin a glownigger would do.

you fucks want to dethrone God and replace with the state. wont happen.

There is 0 evidence for the judeo-christian God to which the west defaults. There is the same amount of evidence for the other gods, too. It's appeal to authority "hey I'm smart so I know"

>the NPC cannot refute so it must insult

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>hey I'm smart so I know
>There is 0 evidence for the judeo-christian God
Does this mean no one should listen to you?

Dude, I got kicked off Twitter for being a Russian bit and you accuse me of being CIA.

Thank you so much for the laughter, user. Thank you. :)

*Russian bot

You need to post an argument before it can be refuted little buddy.

then OP you have pretty good instincts, because religion is the bullshit on the right. Religion and religious-based arguments are the primary reason the right has been basically trampled for the past 40 years.

If you ever have a debate with a flat-earther, that is exactly what it's like talking to a religious person. Denial of evidence, willful misunderstanding of basic facts, logical fallacies and worldplay all over the place. Reliance on propaganda. It's really shitty, and a shame that this mindset dominate the right when there's so much of substance that could be deployed instead

>Denial of evidence, willful misunderstanding of basic facts, logical fallacies and worldplay all over the place
Provide an example, that we may be sure you yourself are not the fool.


No, you should not listen to me. Moreover, the problem I have is that faith is not based on evidence in the first place, that's why it's called faith. To me, being born in an Orthodox Christian country is the same as me being born in a Muslim or Buddhist country, it would be just as valid.

Evidence I can't give you. I read a book called the "the Goldilocks Enigma" that basically explained how improbable our existence is. The author's explanation is that there's an infinite number of universes out there we can't see. I think God is a more probable explanation

yeah you can hypothetically prove that a god might exist, but you can't prove that there's a personal god watching the earth, or that any specific god in particular exists. Humans have believed in literally thousands of gods, it's mainly been a tool for social control

Christ existed.
Meanwhile no proof of Zeus, Odin or Sheva.

thats because you haven't read a single argument in depth. The atheist cries "no argument" while refusing to pick up a book and read.

t. believes in creatio ex nihilo
enjoy your illogical cult of science

jewish behavior in relation to Orthodox and Catholic Christianity and on Christ himself was enough to convince me of Jesus' divinity.

Only chosen few receive the full gift and knowledge of God. Otherwise it remains a social control structure for the plebs. Christianity is the master religion Islam is slave religion and Nietzsche was a loser.

so did Muhammed, so did Siddhartha, so did Joseph Smith

America has all kinds of crazy cults in the midwest, people claiming to be jesus resurrected and getting huge towns worshiping them, and having huge harems with dozens of underaged girls. This is how retarded most religion is

yes lol

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Here you are, OP

except those are wrong prophets we have been warned about.
Did any of these triumph over death, did their followers got crucified, drowned, stabbed and stoned for their belief in God? No! You think St. Thomas went to Indis to spread the gospel out of fun ? Or St . Petrus crucified out of belief in a non-existsnt deity?

I refuse to read jewish adventures in the sand. I got to numbers or deutoronomy and it was mostly who got what son.

>watchmaker analogy

do not bring logic into faith, son, you're going to have a bad time

kikes and atheists cant meme confirmed

>No, you should not listen to me.
stopped reading there


Is there a bigger blue pill than believing in a god?

short answer: no

sure i'll dump my evidence

The fundamental problem with atheists is they cannot explain the beginning of anything, be it of life, the universe, or reason, nor can they explain away the absurd improbabilities of the existence of us rational agents (let alone any rational agents), which goes against their first and most basic principals that started their very movement - that human beings are not the center of the universe, which they regard as "geocentric" and "superstitious". Well if we are not the center of the universe (which is to say, we are not special or uniquely important), then why is our existence so incredibly improbable (and clearly special)?

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>do not bring logic into faith, son, you're going to have a bad time
both augustine and aquinas managed that. The Catholic faith is probably among the religions mostly based on logic and rationality.

Even given a multiverse (which is clearly just the atheist's theological replacement for God), we would expect to see life as that's the only place we could see (anthropic principal), but we would not expect to see such a complicated world like ours but the simplest possible world that could contain life, as simple worlds would be the most common to find in the multiverse. A floating brain in space who popped into existence by quantum mechanical fluctuations hallucinating a world like ours is utter chicken feed to produce by mere chance than an actual functional universe like ours with similar degrees of its complexities. We would expect to see such brains (known as Boltzmann brains) inhabiting simple "non functional" universes, and would be unbelievably more common.
To understand why this is the case, understand that the universe is like a pocket watch, if any of the gears in a pocket watch are out of place or misshapen by even a little bit, the whole thing stops working. Well the gravitational constant (one of the gears) were out of place by 1 in 10^60 parts (that's 60 zeros with a 1 on the end of it), no life of any kind could evolve in such a universe; the universe would either have expanded so quickly no stars or galaxies could form, or it would have collapsed back in on itself. Or the Cosmological constant which if changed by 1 in 10^120 parts, no life of any kind would be possible.
To put things into perspective, there have been about 10^20 seconds that have went by since the universe began. if the gravitational constant were off from it's current number by 1 part in the number of seconds that have went by since the universe began, not squared, but cubed (by the power of 3!), no life of any kind could exist. Needless to say, this is an incomprehensibly nothing chance (not to mention there are other similarly fine tuned constants), and atheists are forced to concede that universes like ours are incomprehensibly special even given a multiverse.

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No, your instinct is right. There is no god and religion is backwards and stupid.

To boil the argument i'm making down to it's simplest form, it's that nature (as in physics) does not tend to produce complicated functional machines by mere chance (pocketwatches, or mechanised arms and the like, gears that use motion to do something); rather in our experience, complicated functional machines (like pocket watches) tend to come about because some rational agent through whatever means he uses makes the item (pocketwatch). You do not tend to see nature (as in physics) producing functional machines. This is clearly and most definitely a scientifically true statement, one verified by experience. One example I like, is that when you look at frost in your window, you do not tend to see anything like writing or code written crystallizing before your eyes; if you see writing in the frost of your window, someone probably wrote it. That's because it is very hard (probabilistically speaking near impossible) for nature to produce language.
The whole universe is one big incomprehensibly perfectly tuned machine that if it were off by even a little bit, the whole thing would not function (no stars, no galaxies, no life, etc), therefor the universe was most likely brought about by an agent (as in God), as agents are what we usually expect make such complicated functional machines, not nature (physics) which has difficult in producing such machines.
Nature is bad at producing machines thanks to entropy, which would certainly destroy delicate equipment faster than the would make them. Note that this is not a God of the gaps argument - there is nothing irrational with saying that God has done something that, clearly if we look at the odds of it happening, is a miracle that it happened. You are the one who ought to be considered irrational for supposing that probabalistically speaking is impossible given the timeframe we had and still holding to this ridiculous idea that we aren't uniquely special despite all the evidence to the contrary. It's just math.

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The right in this country has been trampled because it is not actually ‘the right’, it is economically liberal and socially traditional. The Republican Party capitulates the left because it is still liberal and therefore has no solid argument against degeneracy.
Whereas true Christians would fight tooth and nail to say that sodomy is a sin that will send you straight to hell

>European kike apologists living 1000+ year after (((christ)))

That's all the (new testament) bible is, isn't it? Some stories and authors added way after the original ramblings of Jeshua.

>The Catholic faith is probably among the religions mostly based on logic and rationality.

Priests shall not mary, why? Where in the bible says that.

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beware men who claim to know the mind of god. all religion is a circus tent built to surround, exploit, and suffocate god

Lastly, atheists cannot speak of nor defend what is true, good or beautiful with any honest integrity, because if humans do not take a special place at all in the universe, then goodness, beauty, and yes even truth most certainly cannot really objectively exist, and are mere illusions that evolved for the sake of human survival by evolution. Obviously I am not saying that atheists do not like things that are true good and beautiful or that they do not really act like such things exist, they do, I am saying that theologically speaking, atheists cannot with any integrity believe that such things really exist. There is a problem with this theological position however, if beauty is juts an illusion designed to get us to reproduce, and goodness (morality) is an illusion and not a really real, but merely feelings instilled into us by evolution to help us survive, then how can we believe anything we think is really true or really false?
Remember, the same feeling that tells me something is beautiful, and the same feeling that tells me whether or not something is right or wrong is the same feeling that is telling me that something is true or false. If atheism is true, then that feeling that discerns truth and falsehood is also just as much a mental construct to advance my survival as beauty is, meaning it is not necessarily reliable in discerning things that are true. It could very well be selected this belief for survival, even though it really isn't true (though in my mind it would feel true). What's important is that I wouldn't wrong is not because of any logical error I made, but with properly working and logical mind arriving to false conclusions, because logic wasn't designed to produce truth, rather logic was designed to produce survival, because logos is a mental construct devised by evolution to help you survive, just like beauty is, just like morality is.

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Man are weak sinful creatures and it is only through the strength of God we overcome

Fuck Christianity, it's a middle eastern religion, remember that OP, join the pagan religions and worship the old Gods, or just believe in no God at all, any religion that didn't originate in Europe, ignore, fuck em.

>Prove me God exist

lol no fuck off

That's because the feeling of logic, truth and falsehood is not really discerning things that really are true or false, but "discerning" things that help you to survive, that may or may not really have any baring in reality. Evolution gives no advantage to finding what's really the truth, but merely getting you to believe whatever helps you to survive, and this would mean that one could find that something that has no basis in reality (like beauty and morality) but helps you to survive, and you would believe and feel this as if it were truth. I'm sure on some level, the atheists already think that religion is a fine example of this, as they believe all religions to be superstitious falsehoods developed to help nations survive, and after all, religious people do have higher birthrates - it literally makes them more fit.
The problem with all this is that it means that under atheism, truth and reason is also basically an illusion, and if truth and reason is an illusion, then how can I believe any reason I used to think that atheism is true (let alone anything else I believe)? It is self defeating. If atheism is true, then I cannot trust my own reasoning for thinking atheism is true. Atheism is of course as much a world view as the prescribed worldviews of other religions (though without central authority), and it organised as a "faction" just like the other worldviews do, and this is undeniably so. If all theological worldviews are falsehoods evolution devised for survival, then so is yours, and what you say is not true. What you believe is self defeating.

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@your image

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this is fake af and a complete fabrication, horus was not born of a virgin.

If you want "solid evidence" the devil can provide that via his dick in your ass but by that time its too late for your soul

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what about others?

You get the picture.

Here is the thing you have to understand about christianity. It was written by the Romans, specifically to supress the levitical revolts in judea. Herod and Josephus were jews but they worked directly for the emperor Vespasian, not the rabbis. Vespasian was the most powerful man on earth and created many different religions, the romans were pagan after all. There were thousands upon thousands of priests in Rome that did nothing but administer the imperial religions. Christianity was created specifically to suppress the levitical priests who were stirring up revolts. That is why the jews hate christianity more than anything to this day, because it set their plans for world domination back 1500 years. it doesnt matter if jesus was a real person or the son of God. Christianity in its traditional form, not the kike subverted current form is based and red pilled.

Also op, this is one of the best videos you can find on the historical evidence that jesus rose from the dead. It's actually my favorite argument, because it's the most satisfying. Turns out one of the best arguments that God exists, is to look at the events surrounding Jesus. There are facts that are absolutely inexplicable unless he really did rise from the dead. And it's not philosophy, this is undeniable historical facts.

watched the Mythra one, it proves nothing.
Just cheap demagogy and straw men.

>hurr durr it came not from a virgin but from a rock
huge difference
>hurr durr let me quote this 1 guy who said that mythra PROBABLY wasnt born in december

absolutely weak effort mate

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>or just believe in no God at all

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control, appeasement, palliatives and reassuring fables
it served its purpose of keeping human populations together, but it's no longer needed

by the time of alexander and even a few centuries before there was a big movement towards syncretism. by the time of the Roman Emperors they had it down to a science. The romans have thousands of preists dedicated to administering the imperial cults. they basically were trying to give all the religions of the empire similar elements so they could all be administered by Rome. Whether or not you believe that Jesus was a real person or divine is immaterial. The historical fact is that the Romans and the proponants of syncretism had a huge influence on writing the books of the bible and the eventual canon was selected by roman bishops at the council of nicea IN 325 ad

finally a good argument, well constructed user

Read the Bible. Don't get out for short answers to complex questions, it's not a great way to solve it.

Here's one last argument for God's existence. This one is old and was shared around on the early days of pol im pretty sure. It's partly why pol is and always has been a christian board

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(and the more formal version)

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Scenario: If the Messiah came back and scaled this Western Wall by just walking up it, totally ignoring gravity - Do you think Jews would bow down and think "wow that's unexplainable power, the Messiah is here."

No. They would see that, and then try to dissect it.
"Maybe its antigravity."
"Maybe is an illusion."
"Maybe is some new technology."
They would all collectively ask "How did he do it?"

They don't care about religion. Because all religion is just Moral posturing. A show people put on when they are too afraid to admit what they really want. The smartest Jews know this, but that doesn't stop them from acting religious, because when you can keep up the act it gets you respect from people, even if your really planning to take advantage of others.

Christians do the same. Muslims do the same.

Only pure people, who admit what they want, go directly to what they want unapologetically, and do not believe in things that have been unquestionably put in front of them, are PURE. Pure people do not have religion, they have nature.

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eventually the babylonian levites subverted the empire through their financial sorcery. then, as now, no one seems able to understand that compound interest is a powerful weapon of war that will destroy any society. Christianity had originally been created by vespasian to suppress the levitical revolts in judea, Eventually the romans figured out, too late, why their empire was crumbling and adopted Christianity as the state religion. They were wise enough to bar usury for over 1000 years which kept the jews supressed, but as soon as the vatican was corrupted into allowing usury which was followed quickly by the reformation and eventual corruption of christianity into the sick "judeo-christian" semblence of a religion it is today

>Denial of evidence
Ok buddy.

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At least science evolves and improves

weak and disproved by pic related

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>hurr durr dont worship the truth because it originated slightly outside of europe
>worship muh marvel religion that was made up by christian monks instead
it must be hard being this genuinely retarded

Science hasn't improved, it has caught up to religion.

>then who created God

What is eternal cannot be created. Think about it, if God had a beginning, then that would mean there was a time in which he didn't exist. However if you are eternal then there never was a time in which you didn't exist, so God being eternal couldn't have been created, he must have always been there timelessly existing.

2nd: if there is something in the world, then there was never nothing, because something cannot come from nothing. For something to come from nothing, it's cause would have to exist before it existed. This is of course, impossible.
Therefor, there was always something. Of course, I believe this something is God, who has always existed, and never not existed.

God fully transcends the physical world, not being subject to being within time or space, but that these things are created things (time and space came into existence at the big bang). God does not change. There is nothing lacking in God.

if you feel disatisfied by that argument, note that atheists used to say that the universe was always there - that the universe was the nessisary being and grounding of all reality. Well the big bang disproved that quite easily, there litterally must be a transcendent cause to the universe, and there is no reason to suppose this transcendent cause is nature, for there are no transcendent things that are nature. The only transcendent things that we can be sure exist is the human mind and experience, which is clearly not a part of physics (nature) but of something else entirely. The human mind does not need to exist within time and space, we can imagine a man hooked up to a virtual reality with nothing in the room (no space no matter), and the man never changes his mind or intent or thoughts, which is to say he exists changelessly in this room (no time). Mental experience is not material, it is clearly transcendent.

Therefor considering that this is the only transcendent object that we know for a fact exists, God, being made of the same stuff (soul/mental) is in fact the only sensible choice. It has to be transcendent, and the only reasonable transcendent objects is a person, and a person that created the world is of course what we understand to be God.

ie God made the world, because
-nature (physics) came into being at the big bang
-therefor what caused the world to come into being must not be from nature (physics), for it didn't exist yet.
-as in what caused the world must be transcendent (transcends nature/physics)
-persons are the only transcendent objects we know exist that are also capable of doing things
-A person that brings the universe and everything in it into existence is clearly what we call God.
-a transcendent non-physical God is the best explanation for the cause of the universe.

>I agree with most of the far-rights politics besides religion. I want to believe, but haven't seen convincing evidence of a God. Please help me out.

The Holy Bible and the events that transcribed in it all happened and it has been confirmed by archology, anthropology, and secular history.

how does he prove what I challenged?
It doesn't, because the idea that something intelligent is beyond our dimension doesn't explain how that being came to be.

I agree with your logic. But we have a huge problem. You see you described a logical system, but you are posting it in a thread about Religion, after posting images with ChristChan clearly supporting a specific religion if just any religion wasn't bad enough.

I never hid the fact that I'm a creationist, but I'm fairly certain there was no thought behind our creation, but rather like the way bubbles form underneath a waterfall, same way an infinite amount of universes are being constantly created. There is no way of proving either way, besides acknowledging the idea portrayed by this image:

Go Urbexing in an abandoned mental hospital or well known haunts. I was an atheist until I had several paranormal encounters. In the word of Zack Bagans "I never believed in ghosts until I came face to face with one". I an religious, after trying several religions I settled on Asatru. That said I have zero explanations for some of the shit I've seen. I've urbexed many hospitals and other locations all over Massachusetts and new England and am absolutely convinced ghosts exist. Whether or not this is proof of God or gods remains questionable but it absolutely convinced me of the afterlife.

It's a cognitive firewall against absolute degeneracy and psychotic breakdown.

how can you possibly think there is no thought behind our creation? Do you see the world around you?

The greeks had a little word known as "logos". Logos means word, it also means order, and it also means reason; which is to say the greeks believed that something ordered was akin so something rational, was akin to something being spoken in language.

Do you not see the order of the world? The universe does not look like random noise, it looks like stars, galaxies, life and machines, all things that are probabilistically speaking impossible to produce by mere chance (noise). Noise destroys order, how can creation come from noise? it is absurd. No; in the beginning there was logos, and the logos was with god and the logos was God. Order comes from order. This is not just something that clearly makes sense, but it is a scientifically true statement, like that of the laws of thermodynamics. Order comes from order. We all come from order, not chaos, not noise, not chance.

One cannot look at the world and think that this would "most probably have occured".

I understand that this feeling of not mattering comes from looking at the world and thinking "we're small compared to this very large world, and the world doesn't litterally revolve around us, so we're probably nothing special."
However small we are physically doesn't matter, we are clearly the absolute pinicle of order in the universe. There is quite literally nothing more highly ordered than the human mind, nothing more improbable, nothing more special in this whole universe.

it can be either way, in any case, we don't know, and we very well may never know.
Knowing if our universe is unique or a mistake requires us to compare it to another one, which is (currently) impossible even in theory.

Anyways going to bed, good night, and thanks for a good conversation. You are pretty ok

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the second thing that might make you feel like you don't matter, is that there is evil in the world. Even if we did matter, why is there evil? There can't be a world in which there is good meaning and evil existing along side it, so therefor it must be more probable that there is no meaning at all. This is known as the problem of evil.

However this is faulty reasoning. It is entirely possible for there to be both evil and good - for what if the evil helped you to attain some greater good than the damages the evil caused? It is clearly at least possible (especially if one accepts Christianity which says that "every tear will be wiped").

And in our own experience we can verify it, pain helps us to grow as people. Also pain is used as a just punishment for evil actions we do, in many cases we actually deserve to be hurt for what we've done as righteous punishment. Also this world is only temporary, but the next life is eternal, so really the evil is only for a short time, and you won't have to deal with it any longer. Things may not be as bad as you think.

And lastly, we are simply in no position to really tell God how to run the world, or whether or not he should have made the world this way. God knows everything, so if he does exist (which he does), then he clearly knows the most morally perfect way to run the world.

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>Knowing if our universe is unique or a mistake requires us to compare it to another one, which is (currently) impossible even in theory.
no, we can mathematically calculate the probabilities of so and so occuring, and if the probabilities are clearly miraculous (which believe me, they are beyond miraculous), then we say it must have been a miracle. it's pretty straightforward and intuitive.