This was just posted on Jow Forums and deleted a few minutes later. I wish these faggots would stop, gun control keep getting worse and worse.
Potential happening?
posting in an epic thread
Whoop! Put in the screenshot Trannyshooter-sama!
>school shooters can bo longer be blamed on mental illness because of the two faggots that shot up a school because it would be problematic
what now? are they ginally going to admit bullying in american schools are what caused shootings and not gunz?
Waste of time if he isn't going to Livestream it.
The game has changed since Christchurch.
Great. "AR-47 style assault rifle used" and another push to ban that gun.
Good job faggot.
sloppy job mossad
There were no image search matches for the image he posted either.
it's just political news distraction for this:
school shooting happens every time there's something the media (deep state) wants the public to ignore
>School shootings are the closest things we get to happenings anymore
It's all so tiresome
we wuz backwardz holoraphicz n shiet
Mossad is so stupid they think they can collectively blame this whole website if they make a therad before their false flags
r9k is gay
Thanks for posting, I did not know about this. Is Jow Forums their replenishing pool of throwaway troubled young men?
100% sure fake and gay
attention whore like OP
lmao this shit gets posted on r9k like 10 times a day
so what, you said you'd protect your gun rights "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", then you should prepare to protect yourself when Civil War 2.0: Balkanization edition happens
Sloppy job mossad. You'll die soon. Iranians are coming and you can't beat them.
The US doesn't have enough distinct cultures to balkanize. Every big city in every state is exactly the same.
>posting a day before
>are they ginally going to admit bullying in american schools are what caused shootings and not gunz?
Mental illness and bullying, but no the left will double down.
This is another glow in the dark mk ultra CIA nigger false flag.
How the fuck did that common meme phrase make it through the robot filter?
This. The bar has been set
then why don't you faggots do something about it? where is the uprising you said you were gonna do when they take your guns away?
Remember, they support mental illness en masse.
Report it to the feds
There are tons of images like that. None of the photos I've taken pop up and they are on public Flickr and many on my own .com website.
Reverse image search is kind of a joke.
>then why don't you faggots do something about it? where is the uprising you said you were gonna do when they take your guns away?
There won't be an uprising Mossad. You sloppy faggots are making Israel even more hated. It's hilarious. When Iran kills you all Jow Forums will be here watching.
Balkanization in the US will be about race and not culture, but even if it was about culture, do you think niggers who can barely write share any of the white working classes values? not really
quote me nigger fagit journalist
The "see you later bots" is likely what made it go through
trump must be getting ready to declass this week. ds cant let that happen
>everyone that actually does something rather than sitting on their ass all day is a mossad
ok schizo
I wish that they wont stop. Knowing that normalniggers are getting shot is the only thing that brings me enjoyment plus It makes Amerikikes SEETHE because they are either butthurt libtards or rednecks who are shitting their pants over the chance that they migth lose their guns.
Just did.
It's probably fake. It's just a larp from some boredfag who wants attention.
Sloppy job Mossad.
Nah, it's going to be about values. Those who value tradition of the nuclear family vs those who value degeneracy.
Big if true. R9k robots have nothing to lose so I wouldn't be surprised if something happened. I just hope he writes a complete shitpost manifesto if he's not doing it for any serious reasons
hmph... I think I know who this guy is.
Have to agree
>wasting a shooting on a school
who the fuck said anything about Iran? What gives you the impression that I'm "Mossad"? Where the fuck did I imply that I support the confiscation of your guns and mass shootings? You are already living in the flows of causality, it's just a matter of time until your country collapses because a multiracial country is not sustainable.
And you are the faggot JIDF shill who's been spamming this "muh Sloppy job Mossad" angle with fake info graphics and lies that were debunked by fellow anons.
Libtards actually jump with joy on the inside when a shooting happens. It's more ammo they can use to browbeat gun control into the America dialogue
Rednecks dont actually shit their pants over possible gun control. They simply know the time is coming closer when the cowabunga will happen
Values don't really matter anymore.
Sure people say that they matter but both the left and the right are using their respective values to virtue signal which tribe they belong to, and there are two main tribes:
Urban liberal and Rural conservative;
Any kind of civil unrest will be along geographically significant lines defined by the economic structure of the region, with values serving as something like a battle flag.
I'm tired of you all shit talking mossad. They risk their lives for their country, more than you do
I don't think oligarachs in big tech seriously are behind the mass shooting false flags. Perhaps they participate in the psyops after the fact, but if a mass shooting is a false flag it's usually FBI or CIA.
Definitely a false flag
>sloppy job mossad
get of the board boomer
you missed out the media circus that follows means shooters get some notoriety.
no, do you seriously think in a large scale civil war people would just band together based on only on values? lmao, how the fuck could you tell who's who and who's a shitskin infiltrator, or even worse, a jew. No, conservatives in the US are already a little bit redpilled and when the shitskins will start looting and rape their women, they will realize that they have to band together against these bordes. Liberals will try to betray their race but they will be the first victims of their "tolerant and muh everyone is the same" pets.
we used to have these types of thread daily on r9k, it's just a joke. elliot rodger's anniversary is in less than 2 weeks time too, why are you sunday posters so fucking dumb?
Until people see live streamed GoPro footage, at minimum a double digit body count, and a many-page manifesto, they don’t give a fuck anymore. Tarrant raised the bar for these things.
against these hordes*
The bullying is bad. I mean really bad. There was some bullying here and there when I was in school, but the social media makes the bullying much worse.
If I had a problem with someone, we scrapped or fought. And that was it. It's not like shit is now, I couldn't talk shit or troll the guys sister or family.
It's on a whole other level now. Even I can admit that, and I spent 9 years AD in the infantry.
Mossad approved
Not even the right wing Americans are that preoccupied with race. What they are most preoccupied with is the overreach of government. Urban liberals don't necessarily have a problem with big government whereas rural conservatives are very much against big government telling them what to do. With this in mind, each side of the civil war will have allies from unlikely sources, and that includes conservative blacks and Hispanics who mistrust government or who respect military/police authority while rejecting political big government. It also means the anti big government and anti globalist conservatives will have allies among leftist anarchists.
It's not at all going to be very clear cut.
the Santa Fe, texas Shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis was bullied by his own Coaches, and the msm buried that story.
Bullying, however, never used to lead to mass shootings. It has to be something else in addition to simple bullying.
eh idk, more and more of your former "old school conservatives/libertarians" are turning into natsoc/fascists, just like this guy
and just like how Jow Forums went from Libertarian to Natsoc.
it's a slow process but the media with its insanity are accelerating it with the degeneracy and now you guys are facing the same migration crysis from the southern border that Europe faced from Muslim countries, that redpilled me and alot of others.
>No white sharpie writing
He can't be serious then. Prolly nothing.
The civnat conservatives are going to be in for a big fucking surprise when there finally arent enough whites in the US to vote Republican. When Texas or Florida finally flips blue it's going to shock the hell out of so many people. The political process will choke the hope out of anybody thinking that there could be peace in burgerland. We're all standing on the edge of a cliff and there are still people that dont know what's going to happen
right wing Americans are getting pretty woke on race. I think we will see some serious ethnic conflict in the coming decades. Blacks, spics and Asians proudly broadcast how much they hate us on social media without any fear of backlash. They have all grown arrogant and truly believe we are complacent in what is going on in our ancestral countries these days. Idiots. True, we have a huge % of brainwashed liberals who cannot see the forest for the trees, but the thing with the right-wing is once your thinking aligns, you never revert, and this is not the case for the other side. Every day we are stronger.
Sure, some of the might conservatives might try to go full on NatSoc, but that's not practical given what the demographic dynamics are and given what the real political and economic grievances are in the United States. Either the NatSoc contingent would have to compromise (and keep it non genocidal white separatist for the sake of allies, achieving short term goals, and optics) or they will have to convert back to civic nationalism instead to fight off globalism and big government.
>When Texas or Florida finally flips blue it's going to shock the hell out of so many people.
But the spics in both those states tend to assimilate with cultural conservatism after a few generations. The Cuban and Venezuelan whites in Florida are actually way more racist than American born white conservatives.
So, once again, the civil war can't simply be all about race or even all about values. Globalism and big government are the biggest issues that divide America-- not some desire for ethnic purity. Ethnic purity is not a rational long term strategy for the survival of any political movement, especially not in a country like the United States. It could work in certain European countries, but not the US.
>Harry Potter reference
>when remembering your slaughtered family at a public gathering
This 100%
>gun control keep getting worse and worse.
That's why you need to learn how to manufacture guns and ammo yourself.
That trigger discipline though.
Hard to say, though it is probably just memeing due to one shooting that typed that phrase.
>learn how to manufacture guns and ammo yourself.
Was already on /b/ a week ago