Russia is white and base
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He must be rich. There is no way that broad fucked that monstrosity without a serious bankroll.
t b h it's the same for russian guys. I know plenty who race mix, mostly with asian girls.
literally one black dude. Compare that to a jew prez, jew prime minister and throughly jewed out country. Sad.
It's the complete opposite here; although we don't have a large eastern European populace. They almost always go for the older, muscular white men with graying hair and a beard. It's like clockwork.
It's based, alright. Voted to force Israel to accept the nuclear treaty. "Based" countries that defended Israel, voting no? Based Poland, based Estonia, based Latvia, based Lithuania, "based" Ukraine.
Fuck right off.
the russians where I live are pretty degenerate and take part in nigger culture.
>Russia is white and base
said no-one, ever.
russia is jews.
Yeah. Complete homosexuals for not putting pic related as head of their “country”.
slavs arent white
t. slav
Im assuming southern Florida? The ones in Miami have a rep to be cleat chasers. Here in Boston, they pretty much stick to white men.
Why aren't slavs white?
white people are cucks with high iq. slavs are neither of these things
Jews are white and based, and Jews come from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, not russia.
Why don't slavs have high IQ? Didn't they live in similar environments like other whites?
Ukr*nians are the worst posters on this website, surpassing even the seppos
lol imagine the damage control from russians and putinophilles.. LOL it already started
Cry more butthurt belt
When I went to Dubai on vacation I was pleasantly surprised to see most of the high end escorts were from eastern Europe. Needless to say I acquired the services of a native Muscovite as recommended by my investor buddy Bilal. He basically told me she was NO LIMIT and that's all I needed to hear. She drank my piss lads...
wha ??? :D
niggers and muzzies have infiltrated your country too, serhiy. Did you know Ukraine is the only country apart from israel to have a jewish president AND prime minister? Did you know you're being socially engineered by pic related into betraying your ACTUAL blood because some kikes in america made you?
In every single white and semi-white nation there are swarms of racemixers. Russia is just as trashy as every other western nation, there are just few niggers, so few racemixers.
These nations are all subjects to jewish propaganda from their demonic golem USA, everyone watches their subhuman movies, tv shows, music clips.
It's a literal cuckold song.
Oh no, some black guy is having fun.
They made the white guy a cuckold observer.
Haha haha!
Have some diversity old friend!
Zhak Entoni says
for those, who dont know - this is veeery old song, and no one didnt ever taken it seriously, its just a funny song, no more.
But we have many nibbas (and chinks) in Moscow, thats a problem
Jow Forums will disagree but the daughter in pic related is unironically more attractive than either parent. Hybrid vigor or simply youth?
Or, she loves him.
Pic related: you
How the fuck can Russians allow this shit? I thought they were alpha and based?
Because they didn't allowed to live in Russia
A good looking white person 99% will produce a good looking child with any other race and breed.
But this new mongrel will not be able to, unless it again breeds with a fine white. Good looking mongrels are a 1 time spark, but even for them the future is subhuman.
haha fuck off
Lol rip.
One of the most famous Russian officer
soviet or tsar army?
That's just a tanned slav.
Lavr Kornilov, one of the leader of the White movement during civil war.
niggers don't belong in eurasia! Russians are so stupid for the past 2 decades by putting niggers on pedestool which will only end bad for the locals. Once you give enough power to the niggers, there is no taking it back without drastic measures.
surprised how cute the kid is, seeing that nigga i'd expect something worse. would smooch
cute kids usually grow into ugly monsters (macaulay culkin), and ugly ducklings turn into "cute" adults.
Ethiopians were in Russia from some centuries ago
Чyнгa-Чaнгa, cиний нeбocвoд,
Чyнгa-Чaнгa, лeтo кpyглый гoд.
Чyнгa-Чaнгa, вeceлo живём,
Чyнгa-Чaнгa, пeceнкy пoём.
Чyдo-ocтpoв, чyдo-ocтpoв,
Жить нa нём лeгкo и пpocтo,
Жить нa нём лeгкo и пpocтo,
Haшe cчacтьe пocтoяннo,
Жyй кoкocы, eшь бaнaны,
Жyй кoкocы, eшь бaнaны,
Чyнгa-Чaнгa, мecтa лyчшe нeт,
Чyнгa-Чaнгa, мы нe знaeм бeд.
Чyнгa-Чaнгa, ктo здecь пpoжил чac,
Чyнгa-Чaнгa, нe пoкинeт нac !
Лe клaccик