WTF is wrong with girls?

Daily reminder the true red pill is to turn gay to protect yourself from this menace.

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Nothing really. What's wrong is your expectation that you are going to find quality women on a festival.

Holy fuck what a video. Disgusting disgusting women. Gave me that pit in my stomach feeling

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>not knowing Jack Manley videos

those are brutal black pills

These two women? Wtf are they? Black Hispanic albinos? The most disgusting of the whole group

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Their bragging about gold digging put them in another level.

Makes me more committed to ridding the world of this evil

You know this is your fault and my fault right kike? Your kind subverts and mine have become pacified...

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women are generally worthless whores
at best they are cowards that tow the bottom line that serves their self interests

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Sure. I'll be a good boy stick with my "ugly" ones. Pity!

Nearly all those "hot girls" are disgusting trashes.

Still waiting for those hot girls OP....

>I cried myself to sleep every night for the past 4 years, clutching my chest from the heartache and hyperventilating with tears in my eyes, clutching body pillows, all because I couldn’t attain one of those whores
I feel like a fucking idiot. I can’t think of anything more bitter than modern women.

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bleached niggers with blond dye
probably like 1/3 nigger blood

fuck bitches get money

bitches and hoes
are like new clothes
once you bought them, you wish you never got them

So what age were you when you realized that modern women are worthless?

keep your wits about you son

and start going to church

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I like my new clothes

make you feel rich and special

If you did the research, you would find the answer. The only perfectly perserved religion

Same age I realized that modern men are worthless.

I look back at my younger bluepilled beta self and can’t hold back the extreme cringe. Stuff I will never forget and experience often

you might have just per served yourself

Islam is for untermenschen.

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Fair enough. Women acting like total whores is a symptom of men being weak

lmao this pic has been proven to be photoshopped.

Lmao these women. What a clown world this degenerate behaviour is spreading to the chinks slowly but surely.

>incel finds out that socially interactive people fuck without a reason
I wonder what else this day can teach you, baby.

Best pill is to destroy degenerate society, and then crush up its bones to make fertilizer for a better society.

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Yes but I didnt lost hope anyway, the blackpill is for faggots.

> MGTOW explained.

Mgtow are worthless faggots who will never achieve anything.

non-whites aren't american

you created this




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low iq jew bait taker fucking welders are dumb fucks this video proves it

all girls who go out drinking in any capacity cheat. marry a girl and don't let her leave the fucking house and pump kids into her. this isn't exactly new information you fuckin retards

So just like you

tell us more

Don't be a cuck and your bitch wont cheat.

Unfortunately no. Russian whores are tier-1 whores. Take them from us already. Give them that marriage certificate which they see in their dreams everynight.

>WTF is wrong with girls?
They are females - meaning they are born retarded.

if the goyim are that stupid and weak to me controlled and played with like empty marionettes (and you are) you deserve it.

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Unironically, we need sexbots.
>don't let her leave the fucking house
Good luck. She'll resent you and cheat anyway because your game is weak.

>tfw no qt faithful bf

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kill yourself faggot
women behave like this because of weak men like you

that guy has an annoying fucking smirk. all these degenerates should be ended

This is the only way you truly learn anything son. Black, bitter, rawdogged reality assraping you. Now you know. Use that knowledge wisely. You can never again say “But I didn’t know”.

And fuck what the other user said about church. Just trading one form of slavery for another. Read. Create. Gain knowledge and experience. You don’t need any crutches for this. And fuck subhuman cunts. No bitch is worth sacrificing one brain cell over. Repeat the mantra: Nothing but holes. Nothing but holes. Nothing but holes.

>>don't let her leave the fucking house
>Good luck. She'll resent you and cheat anyway because your game is weak.
I'm married with 2 kids with a wife with absolutely 0 friends outside of family who is pregnant again but go on tell me more

Low energy and low T post, you're the perfect ambassador of the Mgtow movement.

sloppy job mossad

>but go on tell me more
Sure. I know men just like you that think they have their wife on the leash, only she gets dick on the side. Better get a paternity test.

Look at all that Christian capitalism. Consumers consume, more is better, right? But then one day they cry and want your full support. This is what happens when you forgive like Christians teach or like freedom teaches, in case of USA it's both.

>the blackpill is for faggots

Says increasingly nervous and niggerized frog watching the TOP come barreling towards him.

based. that's exactly what I think

i know incels like you who mgtow out because you spend all your time on the internet, too. she's too busy home schooling and reading the bible but please tell me more

kys edgy faggot

Sodom & gomorrah


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Not cool posting blackpills on a Sunday night fuck you OP

>Bias sample (asking club sluts at a festival) and Man-on-the-Street videos.

If you're letting this establish the foundation of your worldview, there is a very good and legitimate reason you don't have a wife. You're a fucking easily-manipulated moron.

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Such quads wasted on a frog

But isn't a club where you met your "virgin" wife?


lol this. now i'm being told my wife, who spends exactly every single day with my family home schooling our children and hosting prayer groups that she's getting dick on the side. they're just black pilled easily manipulated morons who actively want to find an excuse to not go find a woman

coincidentally club sluts are always white. Umad?

I guess you really have to kys now.

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I'm not an incel, but whatever makes you feel better.

Women cheat. Women have always cheated. A simple look at human history shows rampant paternity fraud even in the most controlling societies. Women even cheat in countries where it is punishable by fucking death. 'Religious' women are bigger whores than nearly any other group. Men like you are suckers that are easily lulled into the providing cuck trap.

Spending time with family means she wasn't/isn't a whore? You sure a blue pilled. Try not having money for a year, see what happens with your love, then you will know.

Damn this Nigerian Frenchman has been triggered

Are you our deep retard friend from the Holocaust thread?

Stop sucking dick and learn English, Fag.

you and your life will remain pathetic

the vid was full of mutt women

we got together when i was borderline homeless, try again

faggots get the oven

>Those hood Hispanics, light-skin Blacks, and PC-ambiguous Mutt-women are "White".

Goddamn, don't prove the El Globino memes right faggot. Thank God I was born in Poland before I came to this country and have 100% White Genes.

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>The only perfectly perserved religion
literally more shattered than any other religion there is

So the vid was full of Christian capitalistic women, since all Mexican women are Christians and capitalistic because they migrate for money. Hallelujah conservatism.

Are you me? Like exactly?

MGTOW doesn't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks.

is this bait?

>muh trigger muh nigger

Stay virgin mutt, look I'm so much triggered and mad right now that I will leave this absolute soïboï faggot thread.

gold diggers arent capitalstic. theyre money leeches, aka socialists

That's nice user, but if you were both homeless that's different than if she got money now and you don't have money now.

and no what i'm saying to you is she literally spends every single day with my family home schooling our children or with my mother at prayer groups, she literally has 0 free time because she has tasks to do and direction in life. she doesn't have down time to day dream about side dick, that's the problem with cucks, you don't make your wife (who am i kidding you'll never have one) work within your family.

>Expecting me to die for a faggot snail-eater.

I’d literally die for Israel before France.

>turn gay
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Go get a paternity test and prove me wrong then, Christcuck. Maybe with some divine intervention he'll stop your wife from being a whore, but I doubt it.

Sure thing user, because your Jew Jesus gives you strength to look away. Whatever fuels your imaginary strength.

The Jew lives in us all.

Wow you're so strong boy. So please act in accordance and stop polluting Jow Forums with your faggot club thx.

YEah I would have guessed fag :^)

>poison food and water supply that pregnant women have access to
>child is born into an environment set up to break them
>child is completely indoctrinated and all original thought is suppressed
>food and water supply still poisoned to pacify them
>"haha its your own fucking fault"
every single one of you kikes will die this time
no exceptions

Kim Kardashian inc. also spend every single day with family after they got ran over by every race in every hole hundred times.

these cucklords don't understand the good life because some mgtow 25 year old told them on youtube that in his incel life he's seen women cheat on his weak beta ass, big shocker

she had more money than i did when we met, try again


> tfw Jow Forums doesn't know what a "honeymoon" is.
It's the full lunar (ovulation) cycle after your marriage that you keep your new wife away from any other men while you impregnate her, guaranteeing that any child born is yours.

Yes you do, lol.

MGTOW are just the male-version of those pathetic "I am woman, hear me roar" Feminazis. You guys never improve yourself into that 6-pack fit self-sufficient sexually-desired Philosopher. All you do is form support groups among yourself and obsessively bitch about women, ironically.