Ron Paul, the greatest President America never had, has made it clear that he stands with perfect woman and hero of us all Tulsi Gabbard.

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She is anti gun at heart

well if there will be war i don't want a woman in charge no offense.

As opposed to a draft dodger neocon?


This pretty much confirms Ron Paul as controlled op. Wtf Ron you were supposed to end the Fed

Anti gun goblina, cfr member from meth island is best chance for peace? Hah no nigger. Silly nigger.

wow, good point. i'm still gonna lean yes with my answer tho.

there's only war when we decide there is lmao no one attacks america bro

she is still the best in the lineup of very bad choices
although i doubt ron paul's endorsement changes anything, tulsi's support base is dead already

I listened to Natsoc podcast endorsing her

I Wish Dr paul endorsed Yang instead.

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How's he meant to end the fed without being potus.

>trying to take guns
That is the opposite of peaceful.

Ron Paul is pure controlled op for the somewhat informed. Remember that. There is always a controlled op in the representative government to make sure you think you are represented. You've got 'your guy' in there, pushing your interests, and that makes you feel like this whole system is working out for you.

Meanwhile, bye bye second amendment, which leads to bye bye first amendment.

Tulsi need only publicly declare support for an independent 9-11 investigation and she has my vote. Otherwise, she's just another Zionist whore like Trump and all the other ziowhore candidates.

>Ron Paul is controlled op

Ron Paul getting shafted by the GOP did the opposite of that, it made people realize the system is not working out for you.

That's why they had to put Trump in as the ultimate pressure valve.

lol you retards its all a show, the guys in black suits will elect whoever they want to.

>Glenn Greenwald Interviews Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

>Michael Tracey interviews Tulsi Gabbard

>he wants peace in 2019

Should I vote for her in the NH Democratic Primary? From what I hear, in this state you don't have to be registered to a particular political party in order to vote in that party's presidential primary.

Ron Paul is against borders. He thinks if we simply eliminate welfare that no one will come here. He's a dumbass.

>female president
really stupid idea

>no offense
Boi you on pol ain't no one offended about shit round here, least of all not wanting a woman in charge.

Fuck Ron Paul, I want a purge, civil war, WW3, whatever it takes to wipe the kikes out, rid of niggers out of white nations, and bring back law order.

The time for peacful talks has been over long ago.

Let me elaborate:
Whatever her policies are, however good her philosophy is.... a woman is simply not equipped to be an effective leader of a country.
They are simply not equipped to be an effective commander in chief. Their psychology is balanced towards submission, not leadership. They cannot handle the pressures of the job.

Tulsi with Republican controlled Congress would be amazing.

Tulsi 2024-2032.


How is anyone meant to end the Fed if we are all disarmed slaves.

I think we have to accept that every politician is open borders at this point. We have to assume this and vote for people who will do other things in our interest, like ending the fed, abolishing goldman sachs, and pulling us out of wars

>Tulsi need only publicly declare support for an independent 9-11 investigation and she has my vote
this. and she needs to come out with it immidiately. and push it. and if she an heros it, then we knew she pushed the right buttons.

Tulsi is one of the few candidates who’s main positions actually stick out from the pack. You have Gabbard, Bernie, Yang, and I’ll throw Biden in because he’s popular for some reason. The rest of them are basically derivatives of Bernie or Biden.
Bernie is actually pretty similar to Tulsi on foreign policy, but he almost never talks about it because he knows the endless wars aren’t as popular of an issue as taxing the rich and free gibs.

Controlled op gets a voice.
Msm go out of their way to ignore Ron Paul..

>the greatest President America never had
that would be buchanan

>megakike interviews a scarfaced shitskin roastie

well, if you mean that he was the first gay prez, then you are correct.

pat, not james

>Msm go out of their way to ignore Ron Paul..
liberal msm ignore him because none of his base watch liberal msm. conservative msm ignore him because they are scared by what he has to say. pauls base does watch fox.

tulsi has more balls than trump tho

lol check. thought that was a kinda strange post.

She wont get the nomination

Being a neocon is shit, but dodging a shitty Jew war like Vietnam was just a smart thing to do.

>we have to accept

Lol no

I don't blame him for dodging the draft, I blame him for dodging it and then sending us on the path for another pointless war where he expects other people to do the fighting. Bolton is the worst of them all for this.

This is correct. She is the only halfway sane left wing candidate. The rest are psychos. But the base of leftists are psychotic people, and she will not win the nomination.

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Paul isn't controlled OP he's just the bernie sanders of 2008. He's also Jow Forums's granddaddy.

I think the reason he says dumb stuff now is because he wants Randlet to be president and I guess sees Trump as being in the way of that.

god bless paul i love him but he's wrong on this that commie shitskin whore can get fucked and die

lierally who endorsed literally who?

I can't wait to see all of the amerimutt millennials and zoomers get drafted to fight Iran!

Who cares what ron paul says. He was apart of the government that allowed our country to be taken over by spics and niggers and did nothing to stop it. He is a traitor to the country like the rest of Washington D.C.

>third year of Madam President Tulsi's presidency
>massive insurgencies in the countryside due to her new assault rifle confiscation bill
>spics and nigs have their own breakaway republics because of slavery and injustice, but of course no such thing for whites
>entire staff is filled with trannies and feminists because inclusion
>hate speech is banned because it may offend precious PoC
>Jow Forums is outright banned for being too racist
>the few remaining Jow Forums users who endorsed tulsi are forced to go on reddit
>10% of all taxes goes toward protecting endangered polynesian communities or some bullshit like that

tulsi shills
>it was all worth it as long as we're friends with iran

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The Presidency is a man's job.

He's right.
Fuck this shabbos goy puppet Trump.

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Based. That's what I've been saying from the beginning.

tha fuk u talking about. He was an ANG captain from 63-68.

I'm talking about cpt bonespurs.

Vote Yang so we can get paid do you want no 2a no wall or that and $1,000?

If i take off that memeflag, will you die?

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No, she isn't.

>this cope
Yes, better have a dodge drafter Ziodonald than a war veteran, right?

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* draft dodger


It would be extremely painful.

If she won the nomination this could actually hurt Trump. But she won't.

I wonder why there would be a cursor there fren.

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Yes she is.

Nice jewry though, you Tulsi shills always link that article by literallywho complaining that Tulsi didn't sign all the literallywhat gun control bills.

Nope, just the major ones. Haha but she's pro-gun lmao

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You're a big guy

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Poor Ronald, going senile in his old age

He's specifically talking about foreign policy. He likes that she's non-interventionist. He doesn't agree with any of her other policies. It's retarded to vote on a single issue especially when she would fuck up this country domestically.

>Endorsing some cunt just because she says something
Yeah, cool story Ron, I'm sure the MIC will just roll over to this bitch.

No one is going to take guns away. Stop being a lunatic.
>2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker says he’s fed up with inaction on gun reform after mass shootings, calling the oft-repeated refrain of politicians who offer “thoughts and prayers” to victims “just bullsh**.”

“When I’m President of the United States, I’m taking a fight to this issue like folks have never seen before, because we’re better than this is a country. It’s a uniquely American problem. No other country has this kind of carnage,” Booker said to David Axelrod on “The Axe Files,” airing Saturday at 7 p.m. ET on CNN. “We are not going to give thoughts and prayers, which to me is just bullsh**. And I’m sorry to say it as a man of faith, but I was taught that faith without works is dead.”

This week, Booker unveiled what he dubbed a “simple” gun violence prevention plan that would ban assault weapons and make gun licenses require fingerprints, an interview and completion of a gun safety course. Booker would also take executive actions beginning on his first day as president, his campaign said.

“We’re going to bring a fight with everything that I have to solve this problem because it’s solvable and we know it,” the New Jersey senator said in the wake of three high-profile deadly shootings in the US in the past two weeks.
You guys are really bad at this

>leads to bye bye first amendment

First Amendment is already dead.

The Russia smear has minimized her campaign significantly. I'm optimistic that she will gain support during the debates, but probably only 5% or 6% in the polls.

Still the best Dem running. She's doing a town hall live right now.

>You guys are really bad at this

Cory Booker? Jajajajajaja.

Its dead because of massive multinational corporations run by the intelligence agencies and free speech isn't outright banned. Yet. I'd give it a for more years though at most until the golems vote to take away more their own rights. No one cared when the 4th amendment was stripped away with fancy language, i doubt they'll care when the first is as well
>Sitting congressman
Yes so funny that he would want to strip away gun rights and that Tulsi has supported bills just like this as shown by . Keep it going though this is free entertainment for me.

>regulate arms sales =/= taking them all away

Same to you buddy. Always love a good free laugh.

Remember when Clinton regulated guns? School shootings have become the norm since he banned assault weapons and made gun free zones

>National Guardsman
Pick one.

And we're better for it.

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>Outright ban"Assault type weaponry"
Tell me again, what is assault type weaponry? An AR-15? There are millions already in the country owned by responsible gun owners. Any Semi-Automatic weapon? Theres even more of those. Give me your definition of the term.
You do realize that the definition of the term "assault weapon" is bullshit. Also citation needed on Clinton regulating guns.
>People in the military are a monolith of opinions
Are you stupid?

Based Paul putting the migatards on suicide watch

>If you don't support tulsi you are a migatard
That's the most retarded fallacy I've ever heard of.

no thanks..

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>no offense
Go back to redshit you flaming faggot

You do though you retarded faggot

Go suck some more geriatric jewish cheeto cock

Not an argument. Nice bait though. No (you) for (you).

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>ctrl f mommy
>0 results
No based mommy posters in this thread?

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He signed the bill back in 1994 dumbass. Look up the Assault Rifle Ban. It was the same time he made gub free zones. And the government shouldn't be allowed to regulate weapons to begin with since the whole reason the second amendment and bill of rights was written was to prevent the government from changing it

Yeah vote for her. I'm changing party affiliation to support her in the primaries. She won't get past the dems this time, but I'm hoping she can build a good base. There's no one better on foreign policy. Shes the only one who might stand up to Saudis and Israel.


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i stand with peace and not that zionist in the white house

sounds like a suicidal faggot that booker nigger critter

I only recently got really involved into politics.
Apparently it expired in 2004.
>The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act or Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) was a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a United States federal law which included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms that were defined as assault weapons as well as certain ammunition magazines that were defined as "large capacity".

>The 10-year ban was passed by the US Congress on September 13, 1994, following a close 52–48 vote in the US Senate, and was signed into law by US President Bill Clinton on the same day. The ban applied only to weapons manufactured after the date of the ban's enactment. It expired on September 13, 2004, in accordance with its sunset provision.

No wonder there has been a big push to reinstate something similar.

Name one that isn't open borders


America is already being fucked up by Trump more than any Democrat.
The GOP would not have stood by silently if a Dem had allowed the highest level of immigration of all time (legal and illegal) as well as saying shit like 'take the guns first, due process later'.

The GOP is the enemy of the people because they pretend to be the opposite of what they are.

The US has spent more than 7 trillion dollars on Israel's failed Axis of Evil ww2 larp wars, nearly half the national debt. The zionist economists who say "even if america was a smoldering ruin, our commitment to the Israeli ethnostate would remain steadfast" assure us that debt isn't real though. So keep shoveling American blood and treasure into that trash fire.

You do know what open borders actually means correct?
>Open border
>An open border is a border that enables free movement of people between different jurisdictions with few or no restrictions on movement, that is to say lacking substantive border
I would say there are still people in governmental positions, including trump who is a retarded boomer who is either just paying lip service to white Americans or has been completely subverted by the court system allowing "refugees" from latin america in because of corrupt immigration judges who have blocked every attempt to get an asylum ban put into place, but that is still better than completely opening the floodgates like every single democrat wants to do.

Wtf rand is now confirmed better than ron

lmao meme flaggot shill as usual saying retarded shit. It's not the highest level of all time at all. You mean border apprehensions?

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I mean the highest level of all time.
Those apprehensions get released into the US and given a court date which they never show up for.