They’re pro-birth not pro- life because once it’s born they don’t want to provide the necessary funding to help provide food, shelter, health care, and an education. They constantly refuse to support programs necessary to support the child until maturity. That makes you pro-birth not pro-life. #SexStrike
They’re pro-birth not pro- life because once it’s born they don’t want to provide the necessary funding to help...
Other urls found in this thread:
>they don’t want to provide the necessary funding
because it's not my fucking kid.
>Non-white or retarded
The only reason I support abortion is because of the millions and millions of niggers that aren't here today thanks to planned parenthood
that pick but unironically
>the left can't meme. True
>The "left" can't tell the truth. True
>The left make insnae claim babies are faggots and criminals like themselves. True
>The Right wing was hurt by this? False
sodomites deserve to die
It surprises me how retarded feminists are.
>Dye hair green, be overweight, be full of body hair, try to be as repulsive as possible to the opposite sex.
>Try to blackmail opposite sex by withdrawing sex.
>not allowing you to kill your kid == having the obligation to feed him for you
take out poor, diabled and sick and you couldn't be more correct
Lmao! Is being Mexican a disability now?
I’d take away abortion and any state help for single moms. If you’re parents can’t help you, you end up on the street. Close your fucking legs.
>That makes you pro-birth
How is anti-murder, pro-birth or pro-life?
It's just anti-murder.
But I don't expect lefties to have any principles or beliefs about human rights.
we should abort retards
If you need an abortion you're already too dumb to live so we should also abort you.
I can be pro-life and pro shooting the faggot holding that sign
>that sign
Okay. So what?
if you can't support a child and/or yourself you're horribly incompetent and should probably be dead.
>the baby is gay, transgender
People are not born gay or transgender, it takes being molested to do that.
>it's my responsibility to prop up your irresponsible actions with my tax dollars.
Yikes user.
Nothing wrong with the position that sign is describing. It’s the big brained position.
2 of these are endangered species, one is a parasite... also youre gay
At least they're admitting that they are baby murderers now. I suppose that's as good as you're going to get from these sociopaths.
>People are not born gay or transgender, it takes being molested to do that.
no, I'm pro choice until those things, then I'm pro abortion.
Being mexican has always been a disability.
kek, what's the argument here?
they want to kill all they listed plus other
Always was, unless you’re a highborn Castizo.
So, by that logic, it is fine to kill a person so long as they are poor, gay, black, mexican, etc. too?
Because that is what it is implying.
Niggers, beaners cripples, trannies, and other useless eaters are not human and don't deserve to be allowed to live in the first place.
I see this argument from the left quite a bit and it's really telling. First off, it's not even true. Conservatives are the most charitable people in the country but even if we suppose that isn't the case, what would that prove? It's not an argument against the pro-life position, it's a genetic fallacy.
If you aren't going to pay to kill my baby then you need to pay to help me raise it you bigot
Reminder that we need the race war was depicted in the Turner Diaries.
>Waaah don't kill that baby, who cares if you're poor and can't financially/emotionally support that child.
Also Cuckservatives:
>Waaah we need to end welfare, stop mooching off da guberments
why list the same thing 3 times
Until the baby is poor or sick? No. You leftards on the other hand are pro-Genocide so who are you to be talking about Life?
if you limit somebody's freedom, you have to offer something in return
>the baby is transgender
>killing is bad
>stealing is bad
So what's the problem with that?
They don't want dead white babies but also don't want to pay for deadbeats and niggers. They're just dancing around this fact, so they come across as hypocrites when really they are tribalist, want to promote hard work and high fertility rates
Let me guess, they're the true pro-lifers because they want to provide all of that for free (but also want to kill it so they don't have to).
>gay baby
these leftists are mentally sick. A baby doesn't have sexuality and to imply your baby is gay or trans makes you a sick deranged freak and should have your baby taken into child custody where it will grow up without that deranged insanity
ITT: Retard thinks killing your child is "freedom"
I think most prolifers have entirely wrong absolute attitude where abortions are question of either everything or nothing. Sure abortion should not be used lightly as birth control, but there isn't any sense in considering every single fetus equally sacred. Abortion of mentally handicapped and severely deformed makes society a better place and their "right to live" should not be a hill conservatives are ready to die on.
then stop having kids out of wedlock you fucking thick jungle spawn
Each individual person's life begins at conception. The zygote is the initial state of the human body from which the rest gradually mature and elaborate structures/specialized abilities over time. Abortion is the intentional termination of this individual's life. There is no moral justification for this killing.
So? That sign is right. I agree with it completely. I'd like add some there categories, but yes.
the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.
"we do have some freedom of choice"
sinonimi: right to, entitlement to; privilege, prerogative, due
"the law interfered with their freedom of expression"
the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.
"the shark thrashed its way to freedom"
sinonimi: liberty, liberation, release, emancipation, deliverance, delivery, discharge, non-confinement, extrication; amnesty, pardoning; historicalmanumission; raredisenthralment
"the prisoners made a desperate bid for freedom"
>the insectiod chink is a eugenicist
big surprise
Not only does it make society better, but in my opinion you prevent a life being born into suffering and making the parents miserable too looking after a vegetative person with not much of an existence. It's a sad topic but in those cases abortion is legitimate, as in cases of rape. But getting pregnant because "my bad I wanted to get rawdogged but it's my body so I can just kill the baby! " is fucking disgusting, beyond irresponsible and goes against human nature and the sanctity of life. And the fact these women think it's a noble cause to vehemently defend killing a defenseless unborn baby because they had irresponsible sex, really shows that they are toxic and low IQ impulsive scum and actually on the bright side probably a good thing they don't reproduce. Just annoying that they think it's a noble cause. Literal murder of a defenameless baby because you wanted to get creampied while drunk with tinder date because of year long porn hub brainwashing. So it's not so bad that they remove themselves from the gene pool, but it's evil masked as goodness their pro choice cause. Selfishness, lust, ignorance, murder, impulsiveness.
And tell me, out of all the stupid movements and political opinions men have fought for in history, when did they ever stand up and demand the right to kill an innocent unborn child? Never. They never even openly talked about killing the enemies unborn children while thinking its a good deed. These women are SCUM
And then you remember normal people don't care about your tumblr/plebbit faggotry.
Only if it's a black baby.
"You are a pro life until....."
1- How the hell a baby at someone body is not poor
2-How the hell you know the baby at someone body is a transgender?
3-How do you know a baby is gay while he is at someone body?
4-All babies are sick while at someone body, they arent some sort of situation we would consider a being, not sick.
Thats right faggot
I didn't know they had internet in the Congo.
>>not allowing you to kill your kid == having the obligation to feed him for you
I have JUST ONE question to you: The world is overpopulated or not?
The question is just to the guy, no one else need to answer and if they answer the answer will not apply
>If you don't want the government to do something, you don't want it to be done at all
When will this meme end?
Stop forcing your fucking religion down my throat!
>white babies
>not endangered
Rich people don't commit armed robbery, only poor people do, so armed robber is actually okay.
It's overpopulated with shitskins. Whites are 8% of world population and every white nation on earth has below replacement fertility. But yeah, wouldn't hurt if white populations naturally contracted which Is normal, but population decline from abortions is just fucked and a ridiculous Way to defend abortions because of 1.4 billions Indians in India means we should be more susceptible to killing our own babies. HAHAHAHA
>baby is transgender, gay
Both congos are awesome countries
>The question is just to the guy, no one else need to answer and if they answer the answer will not apply
Im pro-life, but anti-nigger
Babies can't be transgender or gay.
How is the baby gonna be poor if you are not poor?
How would you not know if the baby is black or mexican?
Lol what a fag.
"I'm talking to him only OK! I want this user to answer my question not the other user, we're having a private conversation"
Hahahaha holy shit you tard