Why do people keep voting against their own interest? Why do poor fucks keep slavishly defending the liberal ultra rich?
Why do people keep voting against their own interest? Why do poor fucks keep slavishly defending the liberal ultra rich?
Late stage capitalism thread.
Because they are entitled and feel they will be one of those millionaire or billionaire households
Liberals do not act out of logic, they act out of emotion. The entire appeal of left ideals is IDENTITY based. They believe "if I defend rich people, I shall also become rich" which is why they are so incredibly against Republicans, because they think repubs are all poor fucks who cant tell their sister from their wife.
>voting against their own interest?
oh, you poor lost retard.
you don't understand that nobody is interested.
>"if I defend rich people, I shall also become rich"
but this is exactly how republifucks work, maggot. What an epic self own
>why do people keep voting against their own interest
Because we let women vote.
>tax breaks for billionaires was liberals
Because I realize that if we tax the rich too hard they will flee America with their capital and we will be poorer with nothing to show for it. The liberals will then tax the middle and lower classes harder to make up the difference while they squander the money on sex change clinics in schools or something equally retarded.
Because the people who make 50k a year know that even if you tax income over 10 million it won't be enough.
Even and idiot with a calculator knows that 50k a year average. 100 million people is 5 trillion dollars worth of taxable income.
Eat shit and die you retarded commie. Also learn to use a fucking calculator.
voting doesn't do anything
So you're saying 70% of 10 million and you're left with 3 million pay off your employees, fund your capital? Also the fact that corporations have to pay other taxes like property tax. Like calm down on the taxation and let the man get his bread
oh yes the poor billionaires! theres totaly now way to make them pay a fair share, better lower their taxes to 0 so they dont leave and tax the poor more!
Honestly? Because there's a difference between immediate self interest and long term self interest.
It is in my long term self interest to keep the most productive members of society in, and invested in the same land I occupy. The gibbs I'd get from taxing the shit out of them would be great for the next couple years, until they start to up and leave.
Imagine being a leftist retard who hates elites and thinking that "voting in your interests" means giving more power to the state, the largest most elite centric monopoly in society
>let the man get his bread
you mean let the fat cat have another yacht while people live pay check to pay check?
because you're trying to understand metis using episteme
>most productive members of society in
>CEO and heirs to mega fortunes are "productive members of society"
slave mentality
Who the fuck are you to tell a grown man what's in his best interest? You elitist scumbag
They already pay 70% of all tax income in America. They also own jets and private islands and have houses all over the world and hundreds of countries will bend over backwards to accommodate them for the tax income they can provide. Stop being retarded.
people in the US who live paycheck to paycheck are either divorce raped or simply lack financial will power and have low impulse control.
If you're poor here, you should probably get offed because if you can't survive under these conditions you are weak AF and natural selection should have gotten you a long time ago.
>You elitist scumbag
Maybe people also care about the greater good instead of their own asses only
Because multiculturalism is a failure.
that's just cherry picking. Most wealthy people are, in fact, industrious, otherwise the wealth is lost.
If you don't reinvest your wealth, it is naturally lost due to inflation.
All these folks who think the wealthy are just sitting on stacks and not investing it in important endeavors to keep it afloat or profiting are fooling themselves.
>They already pay 70% of all tax income in America
and they still have a lot more in the coffers,
>hundreds of countries will bend over backwards to accommodate them for the tax income they can provide
if they cared about them they would be lowering their taxes to 0 to lure those precious paragons of society
>if you can't survive under these conditions you are weak AF and natural selection should have gotten you a long time ago.
in those conditions the white population is rapidly diminishing and the white working class is busy ODing on fentanyl. I guess it serves you scumbags right.
Why do you think I'm interested in public services? I have no use for anything they want to fund with that money.
>Most wealthy people are, in fact, industrious, otherwise the wealth is lost
yeah, just look at the kardashian sisters, so much values for the society! truly we need them
> All these folks who think the wealthy are just sitting on stacks and not investing it in important endeavors to keep it afloat or profiting are fooling themselves.
Thank you, couldn’t have been said better. Bad guy movie villains with safes full of cash rarely exist. The one exception are drug lords and criminals which ironically these idiots give there money too by buying drugs.
>lets financially rape the successful people in America because being successful is bad and big gov't is good
Fuck off retarded Communist your ideas have never worked ever.
so you dont use public roads then?
I don't wanna fight with you, Europe. Your responses are hypersensational and naive.
>seething poorfags
I can't wait to buy a personal army to mass genocide you smarmy mentally retarded fucks
We already tax more than enough to pay for and maintain the existing roads.
We don't need extra tax to get the same amount of the same services in return.
>have a cherry
ok, bootlicker
if they are so succesful a slight rise of taxes wouldnt hurt them
I dont get it, this image doesnt talk about what they are voting the middle class tax rate to be. So the conclusion is faulty
If you make over $10m annually you'll just move your main residence to a tax haven country and laugh it all off desu
If you want to get rich, make products and services catering to rich people that they want and need to have desu senpai
>tax everyone making over 10 million at 70% or higher
>slight raise
Drop meme flag brainlet.
because you have no arguments
ok, temporarily embarassed millionaire
you mean you parents are taxed, lol
show me those precious people, show me who is so fucking based
>tax rich at 70%
>as if rich people paid taxes
The rich pay very little tax legally, thats why they're rich, its the rest of us who will carry the burden of 70% forever.
if someone makes 10mil then taxing them over that value 70% is peanuts, bootlicker.
Also if you tax them, they cant fund more left wing NGOs. Think about it, retard.
No, I'm taxed. And I don't want free college tuition or any further spending on retards and minorities, or any spending on global warming or any extra tax breaks to create 'Grrl Programmers'. All of this can be scrapped.
close the loopholes then, wow, so simple
cherry picking expenses is pretty short sided and typical for a right wing rural retard. As I said, I hope you dont use public roads, my fellow based capitalist antistatist.
Then they leave, like in hear this: France
Being rich isn't a crime. Imagine not knowing that taxation is theft.
>rich pay very little tax
“The top 1% of income earners (1,410,710 people) pay 40.42% of all income taxes in the United States. The top 2.5% (5,642,839 people) pay 20.20% of total income taxes, while the top 5% (a combined 7,053,549 people) pay 60%. The top 10% as a whole pays 71.22%, while the bottom 50% of taxpayers account for only 2.89% of all income taxes.”
The poor pay little in tax, as a proportion of the entire revenue stream
The problem is all the money wasted on useless mouth breathers
You didn't learn anything from the thread you made earlier?
where did they leave to?
I don't need to cherry pick expenses.
Cut those expenses first and focus on what people actually expect from the Government, before you start monopolizing charity.
The Government can barely do the job it's supposed to do on a reasonable time without going way over budget, I'd hardly expect them to do a better job at macro managing any universal service.
It's a trick. The ultrarich don't make their money through income, it's all done through capital gains, so raising the income tax doesn't bother them.
Weird how no vice industry is failing. People dont need more money or bigger safety nets they need to stop being mongoloids
>The top 1% of income earners (1,410,710 people) pay 40.42% of all income taxes in the United States
and they still are mindblowingly wealthy
Ya they will either bounce taking their jobs and capital with them, or slow production to stay under the 10 million which also hurts the economy. This has been tried before and always produces bad results learn2history
>brainlet calls everyone else retarded
then close the loopholes. Also if it doesnt work why do they fight it so hard?
>Why do people keep voting against their own interest
> EU fag
>Liberals do not act out of logic, they act out of emotion.
Sounds like the average Republican to me.
>Ya they will either bounce taking their jobs and capital with them
you already are leaking jobs and factories to china, delusional!
How is taxing someone 70% of their income, regardless of what they make, even remotely justifiable?
Chapofags sure are trying hard today, is something up?
Google: how do progressive taxes work
Thats not really comparable, for example I have a business that pays around 1% tax all around and I dont pay or collect vat because am not operating on a jurisdiction where that concept exists, now, for personal taxes you go around places in such a way you're never a tax resident on a country that makes you pay taxes.
Compare that to the average person who pays lets say a good 20% tax plus the invisible vat tax that raises that number to around 40%, even if the rich people paid more money its less of a percentage to them than it is to the standard person.
Its not a problem of who's paying more taxes but rather who is hurt more by those retarded policies, like my example before you can literally buy a castle in france for like 2mil usd but no one wants to be tied to a literal commie country in the making.
>failure at life wants big daddy gov't to tax everyone to artificially elevate his meager existence
Communist meme flag checks out
>Why do conservashits keep voting against their own interest? Why do poor fucks keep slavishly defending the greedy ultra rich?
Because it never stops there, never.
Do you make more than 20k a year? You are the legal definition of wealthy because you are above the poverty level according to the government. That is who will be taxed along with those super wealthy bastards, except for one huge difference, the Super wealthy will just fuck off and leave causing a massive loss in earned taxes that gets passed down to the "wealthy" people again.
Fuck you.
People are worried about their jobs m8
t. temporarily embarassed millionaire
SEEETHING poorfag. Imagine not investing in your 20s
Because this will include people who make 50k/yr in about 20 years thanks to hyperinflation
nice projection mate
If they have businesses, then they convert them to Ireland or other areas which have little in the way of business taxation.
Other assets can be mobilized into accounts which are offshore such as Antigua and the Caribbean islands which don't have free reporting with other countries. The value of assets can only be determined if you can do a fair accounting of someone's net worth.
However, increasing taxes on anyone is pointless if the money is mismanaged. We all pay into Social Security, yet it sure as hell isn't going to be there when we are in retirement. Increasing the share that any group puts into the government is facile unless it is spent well and judiciously.
As a final point, there is an ethical principle that goes against increasing taxes on the wealthy. This is from an angle of personal input. Regardless of how they obtained their wealth, I have done nothing personally to generate it. I'm simply not entitled to another person's property as they aren't entitled to mine.
>against their own interest
Why would someone who makes 50k a year be interested in 70% tax on over 10m?
They aren't getting any of that.
nice dude am I glue and are you rubber??? :O
how about your ZOGland uses its vast influence to curb that? oh wait, you are conditioned to be a serf to the neoliberal system
>As a final point, there is an ethical principle that goes against increasing taxes on the wealthy. This is from an angle of personal input. Regardless of how they obtained their wealth, I have done nothing personally to generate it
considering most of them inherited their wealth and never worked a moment in their life for it then its pretty ethical to tax them
Hey Commies, let's abandon the state together!
because I am employed by the rich. If they get less they will just layoff and and expect the rest to do more work while the government just wastes the taxed money on welfare/
so you can give more power to corporations?
You goddamn nigger. We all use the roads, schools, etc. The reason you want all my money is because of the other 200 things you wanna pay for that helps NO ONE. Ie= paying lazy níggers not to work, giving free shit to the flat ass society, paying for invaders from other countries. We are not obligated, nor should we even entertain the idea of paying for the recipient class. There’s a fucking reason they have “Don’t feed the animals” signs.
Please re read my post eurofag. I asked to justify taking 70% of anyone’s income, when they do the work. Progressive tax brackets ins a justification.
>Why do people keep voting against their own interest?
Why do liberals think they know how to run everyone's lives better than the people themselves?
The answer to your question is simple, we know you're coming for us next because taxing the tiny amount of ultra wealthy is not enough to fund your nonsense programs that always expand in scope whenever they fail. I'll probably never be a millionaire because you've all but destroyed the best way to become wealthy, having healthy intact families and inheritance as a system of passing down skills and wealth. But it doesn't mean I can't become at least well off and live a comfy life in our current system. I already live better than the 3rd world and most of eastern Europe. I imagine what could have been had dumb-fuck liberals and spineless rebublicans had not sold out our country for cheap brown-people labor and votes.
If they are just spending money someone else made little of that is generating taxes anyways, tax has already been paid on that money.
you love being a little bitch to corporations. You love watching the new star wars movie and GoT normie show. You love your little gtx 1080 and starbucks latte. You fucking little slut, you wouldn't be able to live without corporations. You have no idea what that kind of life is like :)
It's not a loophole, it's the ownership of stock. If you own stock in say Amazon, and that stock doubles in value, then on paper you're twice as wealthy, but you only pay tax on what you cash out. If you forced people to pay tax on stock that increased in value you'd be forcing a sell off of that stock in order to pay the tax, but with everyone suddenly selling and no one buying you'd cause a financial crisis.
I'm not sure if it'd be a bad thing in the long run or not. In theory it's always a good thing to encourage people to invest their money instead of spending it on frivolous stuff, but on the other hand it turns the stock market into an overinflated bubble, and keeps making the rich richer while actual work gets taxed.
>we use public roads
>we dont need to fund them
Republicucks fantasy land. How about you pay 0% tax and the super wealthy pay more?
>70% of anyone’s income
Google: how do progressive taxes work
I thought I am a commie? I was called a commie 20 times already and now you accuse me of being a neoliberal
it's like we need curb capital gains and tax them more since... it isnt actual work but gambling
Current neoliberal policy is one foot and half the other leg in the door of Communism.
>if I defend nonwhites, I won’t be treated as a white person
explain the difference moshe
they do more than you, they provide a valued entertainment to their fans that obviously reflect in the money they make, your mad because capitilism creates a system where everyone can make money? even dumb broads? come on my friend
>capitalism running uncheked
>its pretty much communism guys!
their "work" isn't valuable. Capitalism promotes degeneracy and waste.
all I know is that you're a big slut that just needs corporate daddy to dick you in your nuts over and over again. You love that feeling you fucking slut. You moan and cry like you don't but you keep coming back for more corporate products. Why is that? Because you're a little slut at heart and its such a painful reality that you must lie to yourself.
>oh I only do it because there's no option in this corporate controlled world :((((
yet you could easily live away from civilization and lead a humble life raising a family. But you don't. You complain about the corporations that fuck you on a daily basis and do NOTHING to change that reality on a personal level. You're a little buttslut to all the kike bankers in this world. And you love every minute of it.
Don't worry, your little secret is well known and obvious. You had your choice and you took it.
>voting against government programs that basically reward niggers, spics and drug addicts
>voting against my interests
>how about your ZOGland uses its vast influence to curb that?
Are you saying that the US should take over these countries? Is Ireland not allowed to create business taxation laws as a sovereign nation? Should Antigua not be allowed to do banking on its own terms? What precisely are you petitioning for when you say this? If the government compels business to function only within its own system then you are creating a planned economy.
>considering most of them inherited their wealth and never worked a moment in their life for it then its pretty ethical to tax them
I would counter-point this. Is it not a strong point of family ethics to provide for your family and future generations of it? I think a lot of this boils down to the differences between liberals and conservatives in how they view society. In many cases liberals consider the basic unit as the individual, but conservatives see the family unit as the smallest indivisible "cell of the body."
When I die, by what right does the government have a greater moral authority in partitioning my possessions than me? You are likely correct in that many people who inherited money didn't "earn" it or "deserve" it. That said, I still haven't done a single iota of work towards accumulating THEIR capital. Regardless of my feelings about it, I have no ethical entitlement to it, nor should the state.
>right winger fantasies
wow, very revealing
>Because I realize that if we tax the rich too hard they will flee America with their capital and we will be poorer with nothing to show for it
Imagine being this fucking retarded. Where else are they going to flee to? They're just going to give up on America as a Market? Lmao, republicans are so cucked