I felt so safe and optimistic about the future when President Obama was in office. I was proud to be an American who voted for this great leader. I miss him every day.
I felt so safe and optimistic about the future when President Obama was in office...
Kill yourself
Fuck off, you brainwashed sycophant.
>felt so safe and optimistic about the future when President Obama was in office
that's because you drank the kool-aid.
>replying to this without saging
what the fuck is wrong with you
Obama is the antichrist. You will regret it so much when he returns to power.
You sound like a faggot
This wouldn't be the case if you had an intelligent brain that doesn't let the propaganda on TV control your thoughts and feelings.
Worst president in the history of this country. I'll enjoy watching him arrested.
Thread theme
>Best president in the history of this country. I'll enjoy watching this President get arrested.
You are now aware, that Obama postponed the Iran-war aka WW3 by 8 years.
>respected the constitution
He was definitely the Pres that lied the most in my lifetime.
He was an awesome gun sales man.
The nigger was in favor of eliminating the first, second and fourth amendments. Respect the constitution my ass Having a nigger as president was a HORRENDOUS embarrassment, we were the only white country to make a NIGGER our president. The only way that I could miss Obama would be if I was jostled as I was pulling the trigger.
Nice bait OP, you a real flamming faggot,
This faggot again...
Didn't we sage your retarded thread yesterday?
Kill yourself and your tranny friends
You obviously never held a job during his administration you fucking faggot, unironically kill yourself.