I've asked this question to a few friends of mine, only to be told its a horrible thing to ask. I have no ill will against mentally disabled people, this is a legitimate question. Some people, especially those with Down's syndrome, are clearly incapable of ever learning math and science. There are kids with brain damage at my high school who don't even know how to speak. They watch sesame street all day while other kids learn calculus. They're often violent and lack the faculties to control urges. Why are they even allowed in the same building as normal kids?
Why are retards allowed in public schools?
Evan Scott
Tyler Howard
I'm stoned out of my tree on weed.
Nicholas Nelson
Why is OP allowed to use a computer?
Bentley Ward
Why are black People?
Luis Taylor
The retarded kids at my school are all in a separate class and everyone, even the normies, hates them because they're insanely annoying.
Nathaniel Anderson
because women are very emotional and irrational and unable to think logically about issues like this
Joseph Barnes
Pick one
Lincoln Davis
Sometimes they integrate the classes and allow a tard to come into a normal class for a few hours of the day. They would usually try and start shit with the normal kids.
Carson Thompson
Lincoln Walker
thank jesus that we execute all the retards