>Communism killed millio-

How does it make you feel that you have been lied the entire time?

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>he doesn't know that those people only died because they lived in communist countries

Why should I give a fuck what happens in other countries? they died because they are shit and deserved it.

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I hope the socialist world state comes just so you commies realize how shit it is and want out. pic related is the miracle of capitalism

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Nice try, their is a reason why poor people in first world countrys are fat and not starving to death. Most of those deaths are in third world countries, communism is literally incompatible with human nature. It would only work on ants and bees

so, it would work in china?

Trolley problem, Commies killed millions by direct action, claim capitalism is evil because people just happen to die without anyone stopping them.

In ethical terms, Commies are full of shit, as with everything else.

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>actually when you count communists murders and niggers being too retarded to live and volcano outbreaks as non-communist murders...
And thats why I tell you bullets are the only thing a marxist faggot understands

Capitalism as an economic system has not predisposed anyone to death, because death is not a consequence of its mechanisms.
You mention clean drinking water, it is not within Capitalism’s mechanisms to provide clean drinking water, therefore lack of clean drinking water and deaths that occur as a result of it, cannot be blamed on Capitalism, as its fundamental mechanisms are not to blame for the lack of clean drinking water.
Communism on the other hand, explicitly outlines that it will feed, clothe and shelter the poor, the needy, the hungry and the homeless.
Within Communism’s mechanisms, it demands that all those who participate within, must be met with their fair share, and so, when in a Communist nation, you see Famine, you see Plague, you see Homelessness or whatever other ills of humanity may occur, Communism can be put to blame, by the very fact that it has expoused that it will put an end to these things, and it hasn’t, so as a system it is wholly culpable for not ending what it has set out to end, it is wholly culpable for not adhering to its base of ideologues and it is wholly responsible for causing death it set out to make evitable.
Capitalism, cannot have fault for something it is wholly uncaring about. It would be like blaming a fly for transimiting a disease rather than blaming the disease itself, for the ills of the one who has it.
The fly is merely a carrier, a carrier of the disease, such as Capitalism carries human consciousness through market interactions, the lack of interactions towards helping those below us, is not a consequence of the system, but rather the people who make up the system, and as such you cannot blame Capitalism, but Communism, yes, because its system was built of Egalitarianism above all else, and it fails to provide on its own ideological premise, therefore dooming all who live under it.

most of those numbers are from communist/socialist countries dumbass
Wrong, those african countries are living in a capitalist system, nice try dumbass
Its all preventable problems which capitalism failed to do so

Communism doesn’t work you retard, and just because subhumans are fucking idiots, and refuse to develop their nations, doesn’t mean it’s because of capitalism, although capitalism does need to go, replacing it with communism is just a drawn out form of suicide.

>doesnt work guise
yep, it doesnt work so much that people living in capitalist countries literally want it back
makes you think huh

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>khmer Rouge (not communist)
bait /thread

>doesn't address 's point and just says "you're wrong"

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>Russians were once a superpower now they are a backwater country
>It's because they miss communism
Okay guy

> ethical duty to act in the interests of peoples inside the borders of other sovereign nations.
Seems awfully imperialistic and colonial of you, if you ask me.

If someone die of starvation for example, why it's a fault of capitalism? Did capitalism go and somehow take the food from those people?

>the UN is imperialist
because it isnt profitable to help these people, and the capitalist african countries are corrupt

not just russia, the majority in Ukraine, Belaurs, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, etc want it back as well

there is a difference between dying and being killed
I noticed your meme didn't calculate the number of people who died in socialist countries from the same issues, did it?
kys, kike cunt

There is a part which literally says that communism allegedly killed 94 million in the pic I posted
cant read?

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Also, ask yourself: why are these countries corrupt? And which is more dangerous: a corrupt governing body with very little power to take from or enforce edicts upon the larger economy; or a corrupt governing body with these powers?

>because it isnt profitable to help these people
So people should be forced to give resources at a loss?
>and the capitalist african countries are corrupt
Why is corruption the fault of capitalism?

I hope this thread is a joke. hidden

>So people should be forced to give resources at a loss?
that is what you do everyday by paying taxes and VAT
>fault of capitalism

>a corrupt governing body with very little power to take from or enforce edicts upon the larger economy
no such thing

I thought Jow Forums was all about free speech and not being reddit
Or do you only accept free speech if it suits your views and ideals?

>that is what you do everyday by paying taxes and VAT
You didn't answer my question. You want to force people to give their propriety to others because you think they should?

In communism if your life isn't profitable to the state you'll be disposed of

People on both sides die for the glory of the Jews.

By that logic, does everyone who dies from cancer a death caused by capitalism because consumers under capitalism chose to spend money on video games and films instead of cure-giving cancer research? Is every death by alcohol a result of capitalism foully allowing people to drink something they’ve been indulging in for millennia? Every car crash the result of foul capitalists not designing a crash proof car? Go away commie, take your BS elsewhere.

I did answer your question. People are forced to give their property to others (money) to pay their taxes, which in turn gets used to provide for others in the form of infrastructure building, welfare, military, etc. Thats ok but helping the poor and starving is not?
The majority of capitalist countries are corrupt, look at South America, Middle East, Africa, South East Asia, Central Asia, etc
the system breeds corruption

Wow, You sound like an Ancap now.

Have you ever lived with or been around dumb people? It isn't worth your time to keep them alive, which you're just letting them drain you and postponing the inevitable. Forcing intelligent people to care for retards is pointless and actually detrimental to the progression of the human species.

>time is money

No, AnCom

Commies are mentally ill.

>dumb people
I thought all men were created equal in your constitution, brainlet
And what is a "dumb" person to you? A person who isnt white? Seems fascistic to me

>That's what you do everyday by paying taxes and VAT

Yes, and we don't even want THAT. So why would we add more?

Why did you refuse to address my arguments Nigel?
If you can, here you go

He's free to call you a retarded piece of shit and ignore your tantrums, sweety.

So you're not just retarded, you're schizophrenic as well.

As if communism would give clean water to people and feed everyone

Good stuff comrade.

You haven't been banned yet, have you?
Unfortunate, but very unlike the typical reddit hivemind

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>Natural disasters are the result of capitalism

Those countrys arent cpitalist themself, they are lawless shitholes. The UdSSR wasnt able to solve these problems when it had the chance.

>People are forced to give their property to others (money) to pay their taxes, which in turn gets used to provide for others in the form of infrastructure building, welfare, military, etc. Thats ok but helping the poor and starving is not?
The problem with your argument that it implies that taxes are natural of capitalism. They aren't. Capitalism doesn't require nor force the existence of taxes. Taxes are necessary for the existence of a state, but aren't a part of capitalism.
>The majority of capitalist countries are corrupt, look at South America, Middle East, Africa, South East Asia, Central Asia, etc
You seem to ignore that corruption was mostly rampant in communist countries. Soviet Union corruption per example was legendary, officers selling even military equipment under the nose of their leaders.

>what is interpretation
So according to your logic, commusim didnt fail because it doeant say anywhere that it is bound to fail or collapse
dumb argument
>muh ad homs
yep that showed me

>deliberate faulty construction
cant read?

No, those numbers are from places like India which are extremely capitalist and uplift massive amounts of their population. Dumb Bong commie, go back to sucking Ahmed's cock

For example, a person with Munchausen's syndrome. They deliberately harm themselves for attention.

Every person is created equally. What they choose to do with their God given rights determines their life's outcome. If you squander your gift, you're responsible for the consequences whether it result in your death or something else.

So its totally their fault for getting diagnosed with this Munchausen's syndrome?
Its totally people's fault for being sick?

You decide to Strawman my argument, but let me address your pathetic point.
A system not explicitly being built on the concept of Failure is a given, and because it is on a concept of non-failure that it won’t fail. Your addressing Trial and Error. Logic is something that could be considered maleable, hence why Philosphy is bound to no one single ideological premise or group.
Communism failed because of practical application. Your interpretation of the logical construction of Communism from a theoretical and hypothetical standpoint could be that it is perfect, has no flaws and will work always. But theoretical application and practical application are not one in the same.
Capitalism also has no strict and expicit guideline stating that it will fail, or that it is bound to failure. No ideology does.
You try to argue against my arguments by arguing against an argument I never made with logical I never applied.
Address my actual argument you pedantic faggot.
Capitalism did not cause those deaths, because a death being preventable does not matter in a system of Capitalist economics, because it is not within its system or framework to prevent things which can be prevented. Communism does have fault for the death it causes, because it explicitly states that it will prevent death from needless famine, homelessness and illness, by rationing goods for all members of society. And by not meeting its framework’s expectations Communism has by all practical applications, failed its logical interprations, something which Capitalism has not.
Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership over the means of production and private property, being exchanged in a voluntary exchange agreement between to consenting parties.
As such, Capitalism has succeeded in meeting its framework and logical expections. And preventability of natural conditions such as homelessness, pestilence and famine, is not one of its requirements for success.

>in the third world

Without capitalism you wouldn't be able to start this leftbot thread

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have you ever walked by homeless people and ignored them, and later found that they died?
have you for some reason stabbed one of them?

>Fuck Jews
>Fuck Commies
>Fuck Capitalists
Wall St. niggers, boomers & bankers will hang.

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>falling for the communist meme
cope harder fagot

There are many people with undiagnosed Munchausen's syndrome. They refuse steps that would help them. Additionally, it is immoral and unethical to forceably help them against their will. Yes, it is 100% their fault that they're in a poor situation and/or dying.

How is it moral or ethical to forceably make healthy and take care of those afflicted with Munchausen's syndrome?

>capitalism didn't save these people, therefor it killed them
>t. nigtard

Sooooooo, why didn't the communists bring drinking water to all the shithole countries?
Why didn't the communists feed all the dindus?
Why didn't the communists vaccinate the 3rd world?
Why didn't the communists wipe out malaria?

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>I thought all men were created equal
Where do you think you are right now?

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Capitalist is good system because it provides the biggest freedom when it comes to ways of providing for yourself. Unfortunately such freedom also comes with exploitative ways which some people do chose.

The problem is with people, not with the system. You dont blame gunsmith for murder because he made a gun a victim was killed with.

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