Political compass thread

political compass thread

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Where would hitler be placed?

Faggot lover

Attached: Screenshot_20190419-140853.png (720x1280, 95K)


Attached: MY POLITICAL COMPASS.png (480x400, 8K)

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

OP is a faggot

Attached: Screenshot_20190225-091959.png (720x1280, 108K)

This is way better.

Attached: fascist autocracy.png (802x661, 72K)


Have one of all my friends. I'm the Gold spot named Stephen. I don't feel like retaking the entire test, so this'll have to do.

Attached: received_617544808762509.jpg (1080x1325, 60K)

Important to keep in mind that left/right on this graph is economics and up/down is state power level.

Graph says I'm left wing economically, not a tranny/nigger/kike/jannie lover. I'm a traditionalist.

Attached: Screenshot_401.png (431x371, 11K)

if you plan on voting it's always something like this.

Attached: 1552036351722.jpg (600x653, 68K)

Used to be more in purple.

Attached: chart(3).png (480x400, 17K)

Right. People seem to automatically see red square and assume far-left SJW when in fact it just means economic left and socially conservative/authoritarian. That’s why I don’t like the political compass because it puts Mao and Stalin in the same region as Christian socialists and Nazbols.

Attached: 0943F0CA-926A-40D5-A479-5196F86B5CAB.jpg (800x1200, 158K)

I'm where the fangs are.

Attached: 1557336815750m.jpg (1024x512, 99K)


Attached: 12160448.png (802x614, 65K)

Since we're posting politiscales

Attached: Screenshot_20190507-104821.png (720x1280, 237K)

We all match up much better on politiscales

Attached: Screenshot_585.png (537x788, 133K)

Attached: politiscales.png (1920x1040, 253K)

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

Attached: PoliticalCompass.png (546x526, 25K)

The only acceptable conclusion

Attached: chart (1).png (480x400, 17K)