>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Lmao you pathetic german subhumans never fail to make me laugh with your "/krautpol/ humor" threads
Fact is, most Serbs will be infinitely more whiter than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Nolan Bell
like all lawsuits before that, it won't go anywhere. we are talking about the most powerful woman in the country, this bitch is the system, she pays these people.
Another problem is the wording of the paragraph: >Wer in der Absicht, eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder ethnische Gruppe als solche ganz oder teilweise zu zerstören ... > die Gruppe unter Lebensbedingungen stellt, die geeignet sind, ihre körperliche Zerstörung ganz oder teilweise herbeizuführen So one would have to prove that the intent is genocide. This should be nearly impossible for Merkel... even though the Greens & Left said things that show such an intent.
Evan Edwards
Lmao you pathetic Serb kebabcucks and Natocaust-survivors never fail to make me laugh with your leaf-copypasta posts
Fact is, most Albanians will have infinitely more offspring than any of you sad virgins ever will have. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Ethan Scott
I remember accordions. Old guys used ti play them all the time when I was little. I think it's how they got pussy.
Liam Rodriguez
>replace Merkel with Annegret K. at the party chair >CDU/CSU isn't gaining supporters Why is this?
Well, actually the "in Inzucht degenerieren" quote by Schäuble could prove such an intent in her immediate political followership.
Matthew Brooks
Well, you don't need to be a 140 IQ person to bend definition or claim innocence or obliviousness.
You could say: gosh and golly gee, i didn't know they would rape so much, but it's not systemic and you stating these things is racist and racism is a crime OFF TO THE GULAG WITH YOU!
Rule of law is supposed to be mean that Merkel is under the law as well. Really makes you think in what kind of fake system we are living.
Anthony Watson
And kek in last thread how Tay got fucked over by muslim bulls...
Ethan Brooks
well, yeah SUPPOSED, but in the end those niggers make the law they persecute and pay them. they are instruments of the state, how could a sword wound its own weilder unless you are a fucking moron?
Jose Thomas
Shame could of blew your ovaries away
Lincoln Sanders
checks and balances... the German system is a misconstruction imho, but don't tell that Staatsrechtsmemer of each side..
It used to work in America but even there the richfags, which the system formed the base of their success, revolt, and abolish all these things. As if the inherited richfags forget on what their success is built on.
>Females' sexuality appears to be characterized by more plasticity than males' sexuality. >In other words, women's sexual behavior may be more easily shaped and modified by sociocultural factors That could partially explain why some of them here fuck abhorrent looking, uneducated third-worlders for virtue signalling.
Jaxon Carter
What if I told you, that I were ... let's say ... Kerstin? >youtu.be/o_6mLOZ_JyM
Hello gomrades! X_DDddDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of ebin revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. X_-DDDD >Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :-DDDDd >To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all FUG. When capitalists run away we win and I gill you all. Eventually the fungtions of state stob and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people. gommies.gom/fug/ gommies.gom/starve/
>Sdage one Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :-DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two Withering All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. (BENIS :_DD)
>Sdage three Gommunism. No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
>Sdage 4 Nod real gommunism. Nexzt gountry. problems werent. :-DDdd
well the last life sign I have from her is a super-ass weird email and she could be dead by now; I would not know. She gained weight, too, so maybe she is super-fat now and does not want to appear anywhere.
Oh, i don't think authority is bad persé, it's all about who's in charge of it.
socialism is bad, national socialism is good because it put forth that it served the german not as a frantic ideology to chase and equalize everyone and then make some people more equal than others.
I am not angry that someone makes more money than me, i don't demand he gives me anything, i am entitled to absolutely fuck-all. I am not angry at the greedy CEO they amassed funds they invested into the right directions and are where they are and who is to say i would be any different?
I want to live in a world where work is always worth getting out of bed for and people will want to work because they don't just live in a individualistic bubble where they only see their loancheck, but that their contribution furthers the cause of their Fatherland and to make life comfortable everyone on the backs of the brave, the keen and the hard-working.
Zachary Gomez
Luis Reed
You really hate that woman, don't you. >[embed realted] related to [gif related]: >youtu.be/FAFiRG-DtSk
she locked herself out and 2 "180cm 100kg" Arab bulls came from a town away wanting 280 € for opening/replacing lock, but then invoicing something around 860 €. She just paid like the cuck she is.
Asher Wilson
Thats kek worthy indeed.
Jack Stewart
Zachary Myers
That’s absolutely pathetic. There’s nothing to be won from Milo
Yes, we are all fucking kikes because we don't want to atomize our only hopes to undermine the hedgemony of the CDU/SPD
You're a fucking looney, Kevin. If it wasn't for my better judgement, i'd call you the zionist who tries to destroy the only right-wing influence we have.
Ian James
Get a girlfriend yet?
Landon Rivera
If you're implying if you would be open for the position, consider this:
I'd rather jerk it into a binliner to teach my liquid kid the value of recycling than turn my kid into a -1/18th german
Leo Peterson
I also consider this. We can live in a German named village or even Helvetia, just so you can feel more comfortable you barbarian.
Austin Nelson
>Helvetia That's swiss. and swiss people eat dogs.
and i wish that was a joke.
Caleb Butler
Clearly I am aware that it is swiss, but I thought maybe since you are a big baby... and Helvetia WV had German settlers too, so. You being a baby would fit right in.
Angel Bailey
>he doesn't want to make history The village right next to it is name Adolf, you big loser you will come here this year.