ITT Nations who fought on the cucked, Jew serving side of the war must apologize to Axis nations who were willing to take a stand against communism and world jewery.
As an Anglo I'm deeply ashamed that our empire didn't side with our continental Germanic brethren when we had the chance. We face extinction now because of it.
Sorry >ywn be born in the timeline where Mosley got elected prime minister and immediately allied with Hitler and Mussolini to fight the Soviets and eradicate communism from the world.
Brayden Torres
Lincoln Phillips
Reminder that Mosley was also a pan-european nationalist and knew that if whites were ever all fighting on the same side that we would be able to take over the world at our leisure:
You guys even need cheerleaders, uniforms, and hats. You’re literally a sportsball team for the sub 95IQ crowd. This is nationalism.
Robert Ross
The only reason whites act like niggers over sports ball is because true nationalism has been supplanted and destroyed.
Whites funnel their innate desire to have some sort of side to be on and root for into sports and thus; hooliganism is born.
Owen Wright
what the fuck are you talking about? also >sub 95IQ crowd is still better than sub 85IQ niggers
what a nigger
Hudson Rodriguez
No, because we saved italian and germany ass.
Brazil is the only heroic country in this war.
Isaac Morgan
cuck. Your forefathers would spit on you.
Aaron Cook
>Fought on the allied side >We saved Germany and Italy!!!!
Yeah nah.
Logan King
I had no say in it, due to my age and all but if I were around back then, I'd have no say in it either would I. It's not our game or choice lad. We just end up dying in their wars. Magic mirror time.
Camden Kelly
Yeah sorry. On my American side my great grandfather or something fought in World War I and on my Welsh side My great Grandfather fought in World War II as a Desert Rat in North Africa. I wonder if either regretted it.
Jaxon Long
That's rich, our forefathers would most certainly spit on us for giving up our globe spanning empire simply to curtail our German family fighting the communists.
>ITT Nations who fought on the cucked, Jew serving side of the war must apologize to Axis nations who were willing to take a stand against communism and world jewery
This. Anyone who doesnt know what OP is talking about should do himself a favour and watch the documentary “The Greatest Story Never Told“
you say that, but with everyone going off to risk their lives in your name you would feel obliged to go. at least i would
true they wouldnt be happy about what has happened here, but i dont apologise for them like a little bitch. I at least respect the sacrifice the generation made to protect what they thought was just, most were just going off to protect their home. It was either side with germany or get invaded.
Except that even the nazis said we were the only honorable people in this war and not just warmongerings like americans that is why the only surrender of nazists in Italy was to Brazil FEB.
I suppose you guys did shelter some Germans after the war like Argentina.
You don't have to apologize Brazil-bro.
Noah Cooper
remember when americans fought against the vietnamese because they were scared of chinese expansion only to realize 20-30 years later vietnamese were the most anti-chinese people on the planet?
Remember when vietnamese wanted the US help to stop french colonism but then americans rejected and then they had no choice but to turn commie?
Remember when americans came back to vietnam and started apologizing for the war?
Remember how vietnam is actually just a nationalistic country and one of the most capitalistic loving asian countries in modern times?
Remember how many times americans were fighting for the wrong side?
Juan Rivera
My country after ingesting a critical amount of English culture, ideology, and freemasonry, yes. Why do you think I'm buttmad?
Sorry I am heartbroken at what my ancestors did Ashamed of my nationality. I hate my fucking country which has been the prime bitch of the jew since the beginning of ages
Blake Brown
Remember that you're in Jow Forums and you don't need to double tap INTRO you reddit commie?
Gabriel Bailey
Mexico didn't do anything but I wish we did, we had no real army but maybe with guerilla tactics we could have kept the US busy on the continent and made them unable to fully focus on fighting Japan and Germany.
So not doing anything is probably as bad as fighting on the side of the Jew. So I'm sorry too.
>t. American citizen LARPing as a Soviet' Kill traitors before enemies
Evan Young
Sorry for turning on Germany. It wasn't our choice. Traitorous generals did this, and our soldiers were too ill equipped and low on morale to keep fighting for long. Some of us kept fighting to the end. They are the true heroes. Sorry for breeding antifascism and being the most recognized partisan country. Sorry for having made 'bella ciao' that is a fucking musical monstrosity compared to any contemporary war song. Also sorry for being an underequipped pain in the ass. On the bright side, those times when we had your weapons, we fought as well as you did (Rommel: the German soldier astonished the world, the Italian bersagliere astonished the German soldier)
Argentina's pro axis neutrality during most of WW2 is one of the only things to be proud of about being an argie
Jaxson Campbell
Cheering for an artificial "nation" like most western countries is what you're describing, not actual nationalism. You are correct that most kosher, accepted nationalism nowadays is just banal civic nationalism ala brand loyalty, but you're incorrect in thinking that's what people here are advocating.