ITT Nations who fought on the cucked, Jew serving side of the war must apologize to Axis nations who were willing to take a stand against communism and world jewery.

As an Anglo I'm deeply ashamed that our empire didn't side with our continental Germanic brethren when we had the chance. We face extinction now because of it.

Attached: images (6).jpg (300x457, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>ywn be born in the timeline where Mosley got elected prime minister and immediately allied with Hitler and Mussolini to fight the Soviets and eradicate communism from the world.


Reminder that Mosley was also a pan-european nationalist and knew that if whites were ever all fighting on the same side that we would be able to take over the world at our leisure:

Attached: 1555713261244.png (539x720, 490K)

I masturbate to the Dresden firebombing pics on the anniversary of VE Day.

t. A Nigger living in a land built by (and for) Europeans.

No true son of Europe looks back at WW2 and is not overcome with regret.

Not sorry

Nationalists aren’t people. They’re house apes trained to bite people’s faces off when their master’s favorite sportsball team loses.

>there will never be a united Germania that isn't run by shitballs