The responses by the sailors — consistent, repeated — can be jarring to read:

Are you getting enough sleep? “No.”

Do you feel well-trained to do your job? “No.”

We talked to sailors in every seafaring fleet. This is what they told us:

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Other urls found in this thread:

>semen in the gayvy are insecure and prone to whining

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the navy is like a floating housing project for niggers

fake news.

what they dont explain, you absolute meme of a flag, is that
>theyre not getting enough sleep because theyre staying up while at liberty, drinking 2 liters of rotgut, and fucking cheap barside hookers
>no ones ever been trained to do their job in the navy
OP confirmed for never been in any military, much less USN

>t. ex-army who actually thinks the navy is pretty faggy

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Names on their asses.

The Navy went absolutely psychotic a couple decades ago with promoting unqualified whammens and nonwhites for political purposes. These are the natural results.

>Are you getting enough sleep? “No.”
pretty sure that's normal for the navy

>t. ex-golem

If that's the reason the point still remains true.
It doesn't change the fact that AMERICA'S NAVY IS CRUMBLING.

The american military has always been a joke, third world tier shit.

Now the Prussians, that was a real military.
They didn't scream at their troops or do any of this retarded boot camp hazing shit. They had a disciplined fighting machine more feared than any

Nice one Clausewitz

How's that Catalonian Navy? When the time comes, the US can whip its navy into shape and kick ass relatively fast.

>we'll fix the nigger problem on the fly and just in time
lmao, no

Worked pretty damn well when we kicked your Acis asses

other countries cant even afford boats nigger

Are you fucking retarded? The Navy drinks at port, not at sea, and we sleep just fine on land. The sleep deprivation problems arise from constantly operating at GWOT tempo for almost 2 fucking decades even though Al Qaeda ain't got nothing to do with the oceans. Going underway is a big deal and requires many of us to pull 24+ hour shifts and then do watch. I once saw a SWO pull a 36 hour watch because nobody was able to relieve him and he was a zombie for the next few days. We are critically undermanned on many of our vessels yet expected to operate as if we are at full capacity, which is even harder when many of the showershoe seaman's recruits are niggers and spics that don't even know how to swim and have no business in the world's finest Navy. The only minorities that can handle this pressure are Asians and Pinoys, though the Filipino mafia isn't exactly focused on improving readiness so much as improving morale and stacking paper. Furthermore, our fucking black shoe ensigns are given almost 0 training and are expected to learn through trial and error, and after they unfuck themselves, they move up and get replaced with a new batch of retarded butter bars that make the same mistakes and fuck all of us, and over in the 7th Fleet even manage to get us fucking killed.

The Navy needs more people and reduced tempo. Want to make that happen without NAVPERS legislating all of the good out of every half-decent proposal?


>1. Beards
Why the fuck anyone cares what sailors look like out at sea is beyond me, we used to have them until the mid-80's and it is a part of our tradition that was robbed from us by retarded dumbfucks at the Pentagon. Give us our beards back and the boys will look and feel like men, will massively improve morale, lead to us actually getting good pussy, and reinforce the tradition we learned all about

>2. Booze
Sailors drink, beer on ships would help us actually unwind after work. Again, it's traditional, and being able to drink at sea would attract a fuckton of kids that put off the military because they're "too young to miss out on fun". Sure, we obviously still have to work, but don't doubt how important the simple things can be to simple people. We don't need a bunch of smartasses and "gifted" kids, we need kids that want to have a good job and still have a life outside of it. The military CAN be that way, the problem with the Navy is that there is no escape at sea. The best we have are smoke pits, but why the fuck does the Navy support smoking over drinking (AS IS FUCKING NAVAL TRADITION SINCE BEFORE WE HAD SAILS AND COMPASSES) is beyond me

>3. Weed
After we relaxed standards on tattoos, weed is the number 1 reason kids don't get in or decide not to join. This one is a no-brainer, you can smoke on shore if you're not expected to deploy soon. I cannot even fathom how many people would go Navy just so they could serve their country and still smoke weed on the weekends. Seriously, this one does not need an explanation, it is SO easy and would net so many high schoolers

These 3 things combined would save the Navy and make it the top branch for kids to join, fixing our readiness problems without any complicated bullshit like Sailor 2025. Even one of them would be great, but we know it'll never happen. This organization won't change until we lose a carrier to negligence or when the chink bugmen finally start asserting their dominance.

Just so they are willing to die for Israel. That’s all that matters.

Our armed forces are too fucking large.
Why do we need a 11 carrier fleet? Downsive to 9 and use extra gibs for better training.

>let our soldiers be degenerate, then we’ll bring in more trash and somehow unjust ourselves

Sounds like a great plan Schlomo


>butter bars

Im pretty sure those are just an army thing

this, a dysfunctional and undermanned navy with 11 carriers is not preferable to a smoothly functioning navy with 8 or 9 carriers, despite what the admirals say

>Import shitskins to do everything.
>Everything starts to turn to shit.

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>Muh degeneracy

Yes because soldiers don't smoke weed or drink ever. HURRRR.
He's right about everything he said in those posts and it's typical that the military top brass are out of touch and running things poorly. America has been coasting along with LARP wars in the ME for such a long time that these people have dropped the ball when it comes to running things for efficiency.

we get it, you play eu4 and you're 3/4 german

must be nothin

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We have them in the Navy too, they are called Ensigns instead of 2nd Lieutenants, but they are still just as dumb

See, the problem with people like you is that you expect the best out of the military. The military, historically, is for losers and dangerous types to work together and well away from the general and civil populace. Our military history is filled with "degenerates", and trying to live up to your expectations is only hurting us, which sounds like the kind of plan a guy named Schlomo WOULD have. We are talking about beer and weed for junior enlisted that are serving their time, not career officers that are publicly representing the Navy. Let me add that sub guys already grow beards anyways underwater and it's never affected their ability to perform, but hey, I guess you'd know more about readiness than they do.

In was in the Army, I felt like an old timey Englishman in Africa on safari. It was fucking surreal how niggerfied it was.

This is what happens when you let women into the armed forces.

I bet theyd have to take your guns from your cold dead hands, right?

Ok some problems.

The excuse with beards was that you couldn't get a seal with it if you were to put on a gas mask or some of the fire suppression equipment gear. Sometimes they would have them out as sea as a morale thing. 5 bucks you could grow a beard for the month and the best beard would win the pot. Only rule was that you had to keep the underchin area pretty clean as you had to be able to put on a gas mask. I'm sure they don't do that shit anymore. Females at sea are just a sex object until you get off the ship and you regret it because the thing you fucked on board was like a 4/10 in regular society.

The booze they 100% need to bring back. A rum ration thing. There are simple things to make life a little more comfortable on a ship.

The weed I disagree with. Hell I am smoking it right now but to have that on a ship is a big no. Let alone shore duty. If it goes legal nation wide then shore duty highly controlled situations would be ok.

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>tfw Israel strikes our weak sleepy sailors and blames it on Iran

Didn't the navy have a couple of ships collide because the women on the bridge staff were giving each other the silent treatment?

First time I saw a name tag on an ass I could not stop laughing

Don’t let niggers in. I bet they would sleep better.

Mutts and niggers can't run ships made by and for white men, who didn't see this coming?

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Her ass got canned so hard. Also apparently it was a long recurring story from people whom I talked to that worked under her command that it was unbearable and shitty.

Total cunt. Don't remember her name sorry. If i saw her face I could be like yeah that's her.

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America is declining like the Soviet Union. They keep the horrific reality hidden for as long as they possibly can before total collapse, so all you get for a while are indicators here and there like this one that something is deeply wrong. No one ever just announces "we're a declining empire about to fail," though. It just happens one day.

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How is that even a response? Or is this just a malfunctioning bot?

So overall I'm not crazy after all, eh? Don't worry, I'm not talking about beards pulling any boat goats, it's all about giving our sailors a better chance at getting a girlfriend at every port. I respect your disagreement with the weed, but having the option on shore and ONLY on shore would really be a benefit to recruiting more guys and maintaining morale. Also fuck what I said about beer, grog rations would be much better. Never had the beer they keep for emergencies, but I'm sure it's as good as everything else that comes out of the galley

As a former Gunners Mate i can confirm this.

lmao that defective bot response shows what kind of bots zog is deploying. Second Amendment demoralization bots. lol

This, I was a marine on a Navy vessel and all I heard all night long was "DOMINO MUTHA FUCKA".
I slept in the welldeck inside my tank for months.

They are just low morale niggers.

I am a merchant. I know. They don `t know shit.

Space force> all other branches

Unironically brainlet-tier post

Bruh, the US manual of arms was created by Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben; literally a Prussian general who was personally instructed by Wilhelm the Great himself.

prepare for 10,000 dead soon, blood is on trump's hands

I wish I had joined the navy. But now I'm old and I never got to bang LBFMs in Manilla. Sad.



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Space Marines yeah!

>Are you getting enough sleep? “No.”
>Do you feel well-trained to do your job? “No.”

Said literally every sailor and soldier ever.

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wow, sailors are a bunch of whiners. who knew?

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Navy is still using a class based system, the officers are held in immensely higher esteem than enlisted compared to other branches.

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Do you get overtime working on Sunday? Oh, that's right, you're in the military. lmao. go lick seamen off the poopdock

can anyone say the state of the royal navy or spanish? how do they fair today compared to their former glories



>more jewish subversion of our nation
>demoralization and discontent
Fuck I hate kikes.

America is going full USSR, and people who are paying attention will understand when we get a new government or a civil war seemingly suddenly, but others will be completely surprised because they can't see the signs. Basically, stupid people like you will be very surprised.

>I once saw a SWO pull a 36 hour watch
The absolute state of goylems lmao
Imagine volunteering to fight the jews wars, spending two decades of your life in cramped dirty quarters, while being required not to sleep to work more, WHILE being paid shit

>the officers are held in immensely higher esteem than enlisted
As they should, the lower castes aren’t human

i just got out of the Navy last year, shit is fubar

>mandatory training on dealing with trans shipmates (never met one)

>shitbags join out of high school and feel entitled and lazy and just keep reenlisting till they make e6 or chief

>officers training and PQS standards are garbage

>women dont do dick except for admin work and fucking dudes in a fan room so they can get quals signed off

>quality assurance is a hilarious joke

>windows 7 level technology

>people focus on kissing ass instead of getting a job done

>no motivation/incentive

i can go on...


Yeah dude a broski with a four-year degree in gulping Pabst is definitely the upper crust

Yeah morale has been a bit low for a while, I'm in a good field of the Navy so I have it a bit more cozy, but it's a hard life being a sailor.

The Navy is nothing by floating monkey cages

Ye they really need to update the fucking operating systems, and we need to have better chains of command

Hardcore rectal pounding is physically difficult yes

it's not like the US navy has much to do, the US has been fighting nothing but illiterate goat herders for the past 20 or so years and the last big kid on the block collapsed in 1991.

at least they still had 3d space pinball

>>windows 7 level technology

out of your list, thats the only actual GOOD thing.

windows 7 > windows 10. i remember back in 2016-2017 reading about nuclear submarines still running windows XP because its more secure and all their custom software was designed for it.

everything else u said agreeably sounds horrible tho.

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The nigger navy. It’s full of “women” dykes and Shit skins. The officers are white and every one else is a Sub-human with an IQ so low they can hardly function in any environment.

>the only real job of the navy is to die in an Israeli false flag attack, check the happenings you’ll see this happen soon to start the war with Iran

Screen cap this

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but if the americans are weakened by a big war with iran, florida might be able to successfully break away.

Bollocks, navy plebs get way more sleep than army chads. I'm not surprised they feel undertrained though. The US is renowned for having great tech with shit operators.

>not understanding new kernel protections
>not understanding new security model
>thinking older, outdated, and unsupported is better
it's like you don't want to make it

And minesweeper LMAO.

We learn to run things on simpler systems due to zero days in newer OS's and potential undiscovered vulnerabilities, still kinda cancerous to work with

security isn't that much of a concern as long as the sub isn't hooked up to the internet.

>still running windows XP because its more secure


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>We talked to every seafaring fleet
>every seafaring fleet

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>America is crumbling from within

>>Are you getting enough sleep? “No.”
>pretty sure that's normal for the navy
pretty sure that’s normal for everyone who is employed

only for supply fags. CS divs were almost all white on my boats.

sleep is for lazy commies

my training as an IT at pensacola fl was all virtual...i never even touched any of the equipment i was supposed to operate until i got my first deployment.

Especially for you Japanese who work yourselves to death.

Military wakes up hella early mate and say in the Navy you often have watches to do on top of your normal work day so yeah we get a little less sleep than the average person, it is what it is

can confirm that at least as of 2015 the navy was still on xp.

Where you stationed now?


low lung capacity, low upper body strength, and underdeveloped soleus muscles with white fibers make them shit in the water.
then again, they didn't evolve in atlantis like we wuz.

Navy is 50% niggers, 30% flips and 20% north easterner scum

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me

this, my guess is when the debt timebomb explodes and we can't run trillion dollar deficits anymore at 2% interest. Americans are going to lose their minds at the prospect of austerity or alternatively hyper inflation. Lots of angry poor people that ain't going to be getting their government gibs anymore or the gibs they get will buy a single loaf of bread.

Financially and culturally the US can't handle another real war without splitting apart or collapsing. They rely on intimidation and illusion of power.

This. With food stamps we're literally paying tribute to ghetto niggers to stop them from chimping. When that gets cut off all the cities will fucking burn.

Every word is true. They work you like a dog. Lack of sleep makes you dangerous. When you dig into it further you will find out how many accidental deaths are related to this.

>Thirty active-duty sailors have completed our callout so far...

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>Are you getting enough sleep? “No.”
That's every serviceman on deployment, desu.

America is soooo fucked.
I say that the smart whites/right wingers need to move to Eastern Europe/Russia and make that our new home.

Yeah, the former Eastern Bloc is trash now but at least we could build it into something great without the niggers or spics tearing it down like they have now.