Why do you need such big guns?
I mean, I am ok with people owning guns and I do own some guns, but I don't get what do you need an M134 for.
If someone tries to rob your house, my best choice would be a handgun, not a minigun.
Why do you need such big guns?
I mean, I am ok with people owning guns and I do own some guns, but I don't get what do you need an M134 for.
If someone tries to rob your house, my best choice would be a handgun, not a minigun.
Other urls found in this thread:
>doesn't own an m135
Fucking spaghetti nigger.
What if a dozen deep pack of niggers try rob your house? Minigun would be one of your best options. Tool for every job, user.
Because they're cool and fun to shoot probably. How many people have even been murdered with something like that? Wouldn't surprise me if it was none, they're only really used irl when they're mounted on military helicopters and shit.
It's good to lay down cover fire, for example.
Theyre not legal here, theres only 12 or so civillian registered ones in circulation. That being said, i have one i made from a
parts kit. No i wont post pics because if the atf finds out i will get fucked in the ass.
shut up jidf thou shall not infringe
>i will get fucked in the ass.
Any law that bans it is unconstitutional and can be rightly ignored.
>Why do you need such big guns?
No need for justification.
Shall not.
Go fuck yourself.
You couldn't afford one, so dont worry about it
Go back to pastaland
>only 12 or so civillian registered ones in circulation
What absolute madlad decides one day "you know what i need? a fucking minigun"
its not about needs
we can't own miniguns but we should
we're supposed to be a republic of free citizens
a free citizen should have access to any arms the government does
if i have the means to develop, build, and maintain a nuclear weapon then i should be able to own it
How many crimes have been committed with them by legal owners? None. So why can't some old dude pay a bunch of money to collect stuff like this. They aren't hurting anyone.
Because its cool
What if I want to form a militia?
He will do exactly what i did: make one from parts ordered over the internet
>mfw you can't own a SPAS-12
>mfw I can
I agree but i dont want to go to jail and ve cooped up with niggers
Because the mg42 became outdated.
We need them because it bothers you enough to make posts like this. I'll never turn them in faggot
This weapon is meant to be used to defend a person inside your home. It’s meant to defend against the government if they decide to take away your rights. Americans historically don’t trust the government, and we’re ready to fight back should it ever get bad enough.
>implying to use a minigun for home defense
If I could ever get my hands on that, I'd stash it save it for if we turn socialist and Congress gets together to celebrate.
>If someone tries to rob your house, my best choice would be a handgun, not a minigun.
Wrong, the best choice is a nuke. Fuck nigger thieves and the cities they steal in.
In terms you'll understand: Why do you have a Ferrari 458 when all you need is a Fiat bambino?
Because freedom of choice my pasta fren.
is that a hand held mini-gun? was wondering when that was going to show up on the battlefield ever since the first predator movie.
But that's what my (completely legal) house cannon is for. I can take them out all in one shot while they're climbing up my long flight of stairs.
Because the second amendment is not about stopping a thief its about revolting against a tyrannical government.
I want a rpg !! Don’t take that a away from user
So, basically in like 4 years then?
I need it because I am a free fucking man.
America needs guns like this to kill communists.
If I had to shoot through a crowd in a self defense scenario
Your government could literally decide to exterminate you and replace you with Arabs and niggers and you could do nothing to stop it.
Try explaining that to libtards. They still believe people go hunting with “machine guns” (AR15). kek
What if the dude is really big?
What if the the guy is robbing your friend’s house down the street?
In that scenario, I would want a tank.
If I had a M134 I'd load it with tracer for clearing brush while getting a blowjob.
I meant, in that scenario, I would ALSO want a tank.
>If someone tries to rob your house, my best choice would be a handgun, not a minigun.
>not literally putting 4000 rounds at 6000rpm into the burglar and his getaway car turning him and everyone in it and the car itself into a blazing hot meat stew using bullets worth 3 times the shit he would have stolen.
Why do you want the state to tell you what you can and can't own?
It's only a matter of time before some 12 year old takes one of those to school and kills his entire classroom.
Is it possible to get a license and be registered to own one? Yep. But Good fucking luck with that. You will be interviewed, fill out 100 forms, likely submit to a specialized FBI investigation similar to one you get for a clearance, you will pay probably 20k in fees and forms, and you will be heavily monitored, expect unexpected visits from feds and atf on the regular.
Nigger you better be rich as fuck to shoot that. Shooting that is not cheap, not even if you shot it for 30 seconds, expect to go broke on ammo.
Best home defense is a short barrel shot gun you fucking Nigerian piece of shit.
This is the fucking definition of grasping at straws
Who IN THE FUCK owns a goddamn minigun at USA? Like 13 people? God damn pastanigger
Because fuck you, that's why.
I drove for an SF team on my first deployment and our truck had a mini gun on it. That mother fucker could shoot a thousand dollars worth of bullets in a half a minute. We mostly used it to spray into forested areas we were taking small arm and rpg fire. Needless to say the other guys stopped shooting.
To get a legal one would cost half a million dollars plus the usual NFA transfer bullshit. Mine cost $45k over the course of about eight years as i collected parts. If youre talking about getting an FFL with a class 3 SOT, then youre right. But, since im a machinist and a proficient welder, making my own machine guns from parts kits is cheaper and less of a headache.
To match my big dick hey-oooh
you'r a noguns, med nigger. neck yourself
because ur mom likes to squeeze my prostate while giving me a blowjob OP
>tfw based Leaves understand the Constitution of a foreign country better than some of its own citizens.
Do you remember which group it was by any chance?
So if you can manufacture for yourself, I'm assuming that includes Supressors as well correct? Can you do monocore Supressors if you wanted? Also, do you run just a lathe, or do you have a haas or mill too!
How else are you going to be ready for the immigrant apocalypse?
You first.
go to Chicago or Atlanta or Detroit or LA or NYC or..... fucking hell, any major city. we're already living in a zombie apocalypse and the zombies are brown people and they outnumber us 50:1 so yea, i need a magazine BIGGER than that to defend myself in a Category 1 Chimpout. ROOF KOREANS!
Imagine wanting a handgun and not a fucking shotgun
If someone comes to my house trying to stir shit up, I'd fucking shell their chest until my hand falls off.
>B-but what if he's just a robber?
And how the fuck do I know that? That guy could be here to rape my sister and kill us in my sleep. Do I ask him if he's here with good intentions? No, I fucking blow his brains out. A normal handgun can't do that, a good old 12-gauge does
Guns are to protect us. There may come a day when you need a big gun.
Yes i can do suppressors, theyre basically car mufflers and i have a few books on the subject. Theyre only really useful for .22s though. I also have both a lathe and milling machine
Roof Koreans are the best Koreans.
Not all problems require the same tools to solve. I have hand operated tools for my work as a carpenter that are the best tools for certain jobs. I also have bench tools for jobs that hand tools aren't appropriate for.
This is why we need recreational nukes.
Im in chicongo visiting family, can confirm. Its planet of the apes here.
I wouldn't trust a haas to make anything I use in my kitchen much less something like a minigun. At least use a shitty hermele or some buttfuck jap mazak if you want to make something that won't just explode. (Not the guy you asked btw just wanted to shit on Haas)
When large well funded gangs mount them on helicopters and kill many people with them, that is mass murder.
Government doesn't magically become immune to natural laws. It just has the guns to ignore them.
A nuke isnt even that complex. The hard part is getting fissile uranium, then its pretty easy. Its basically two guns firing their bullets into eachother.
I doubt niggers would even chimp out if they knew people own gatling guns.
But then again, they're niggers
Why are you eurofags always so concerned what the mutts do?
I use mine to cut trees down from a safe distance. I have an AR-15 for self defense. My mini gun is a tool.
what if there is a Gay Pride parade going by your house? Are you going to use a handgun to try and take out those faggots? A mini gun would be more efficient. Therefore, miniguns are necessary for all American households.
include me in the screencap
technically, yes. Realistically, the FEDS will fuck you in the ass regardless.
One with big, GIANT balls.
U mad?
Came here to say this
now you get it, fag. you think we are joking and are exaggerating, we aren't. We should all own rpg's.
Evolution. Amerifats are so fat they developed a resistance to smaller bullets.
I don't care if they chimp out. I just like the wet meat sound they will make in the hundreds as the fall like the livestock they are.
The concept is you have as big as guns as the people who govern you so they don't overstep their bounds.
Literally freedom.
top kek
Everyone should own at least two mini guns just to ass blast kikes like you.
>>If someone tries to rob your house, my best choice would be a handgun, not a minigun.
thats where you're wrong
>civilians having nuclear bombs
Idk what you're complaining about faggot, I need 2 mounted to my car to get through the ghetto. I only fire one at a time of course, while my passenger is reloading the other one.
>nuclear bomb is a gun
>arms means only guns