Does anyone here legitimately believe Bill Barr will bring anyone significant to justice?

Does anyone here legitimately believe Bill Barr will bring anyone significant to justice?

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yes, 100%

I’m became a believer when he pulled down his pants and flopped his dick out to show Congress who daddy is.

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Not anyone alive in the 80's and old enough to remember Iran-Contra.

>daughter sees Trump every day
Where’s Mike going with this?


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>meme flag
>Iran contra
>another manufactured leftist outrage because they hated the Ronald
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv, Rabbi

If he’s jewish then no.

Every time he talks to congress you can see him gradually beginning to hate them.

No it's just another charade to keep brainlets satisfied. Once they milk all they can out of this act something else will come along to give the goyim just a little bit of hope.

Speaking of Barr, literally what has he done to provoke a "constitutional crisis" like Nadler is claiming?

Hard mode: no pleas to emotion

Just another buzzword Dems use to make the MSNBC drones think they need Dems to save them. Constitutional Crisis, Threat to our democracy, Stain on the presidency etc.


I wonder what will be in the IG report

he definitely knows his way around DC...not intimidated by Democrats like Jeff Sessions was....Sadly, I think our government is too corrupt to actually throw any big-leagues in jail. Even if he could prosecute Comey or Brennan, it wont happen because the GOP establishment knows that Dems could do it back to them in the next administration....

I do however think that Barr will run a thorough investigation that damages the DNC party so bad, that Trump will win 2020 and then a Republican might win again in 2024...Plus I think he will bring down Obama's legacy.


I do. Because if they don’t, violence will ensue.

The democrats seem to believe it based on how scared they seem.

Of course. So do you. It shows in your question. Enjoy the ride.

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Trump admin doesn't have the guts

I am not sure yet. But this is definitely progress compared to Sessions.

If he doesn't we're on the path to an uncivil war.

>civil war happens every 2 and 4 yrs through voting.

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Though the actions of Barr there will be two people brought to justice, but that will be enough to save America....

William Barr and Donald J. Trump

There will be other swept up, but those are the primary two


There are at least 10 people from Obama administration who should've been hanged already

Looks like it.
Best gut feeling so far. I think he's the real deal, the punisher.

Altered Mueller's Obstruction of Justice Charge into an exoneration. Colluded with France on our Drug Policy. Fundamentally stole the heart of the FBI, drawing forth fake documents detailing "spying" of Trump (It was State Monitoring). Spied on Hillary Clinton, plans on Conviction and sentence of death of Political Allies. [[[Barr]]] is evil and Fash-lite.

Also, he edited the Mueller report to omit the piss tapes and change the charge of Collusion with the Russians into complete [[[exoneration]]].

fuck no. boomers are cowards. they only care about muh retirement fund or muh stocks

No. Not because he can't, but because he won't.

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I can't believe Barr and Kavanaugh haven't started taking out ads to start a Democrat lynch mob

Why are you such a retard?

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>Trump admin doesn't have the guts

LOL, Trump has a giant ego. He can ensure his re-election by prosecuting Spygate plotters and a bunch of other Democrats and proving them the corrupt traitors they are. He can drain the Swamp and vindicate himself, 100% legally. Why the fuck would he NOT do that?

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I hope the Democrats try to arrest Barr, that might really kick it off

I am not a retard, though I do say to try looking in the mirror. I am stating the facts. The real facts, not the [[[facts]]]

I think they will "face justice" but I'm sure all of them will walk or get a slap on the wrist
>okay don't try to overthrow the government for the next 30 days or you'll get a slight fine

>state monitoring

Yes, second tier guys like Comey, Brennan, Clapper, etc. No first tiers like Obama, Hillary, anyone like that.

>Yes, second tier guys like Comey, Brennan, Clapper, etc. No first tiers like Obama, Hillary, anyone like that.

Why not? You think ALL of those people will just take whatever prison terms they face and not claim "I was only following orders!" in order to get a lesser sentence?

Trump is in a perfect position to at least disgrace his enemies. Why would he NOT do that? He's got proof. He's got them by the short hairs. He has a whole chapter on revenge in one of his books!

Sure, he may not send them to Gitmo or try them for treason, but he could easily indict them and then pardon them: a humiliating gesture of mercy and national reconciliation from a uniter, not a divider, LOL.