Why do you hate black people?

Hey guys, my friend told me about this community. Living in California, it shocks me to see people with my flag that are so racist! Is it a joke? Who raised you guys? Are you like this in public?

All of my friends who are black are good people and my parents work their butts off for this country. My question is, why do you hate black people? Or people of color in general.

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They’re 13 percent of the population, and 50 percent of the crime. Rich black kids are more likely to be behind bars than poor white kids

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Okay, this is a biased statistic and please provide links if u can

I don't hate the blacks still they remain in Africa.

How is this relevant?

What is cognitive dissonance, Mr. Trebek.


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Why do women wear makeup and perfume, OP? Because they’re ugly, and they stink.

if you can see a nigger, you will feel disgusted.

how is your average nigger behaviour not relevant

you are asking why you are hated and he is providing 1 of countless examples


Nigger don't you have hip and the hop to be watching and drinking too?

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This. Blacks are very unpleasant group to be around in general.

How do you even tie your shoes in the morning?


I don't hate them. I hate what they do and they are a problem.

Look up theor story:
Chris Newsom kissing Channon Christian after picking her up from her friend's party when blacks pushed them into their SUV, kidnapped them, and then raped and tortured both for hours before shooting and burning Chris's body, and wrapping and squishing Channon alive into a garbage bin. Channon's vagina turned black from the beatings. One of the goons, a female sow, described that night as an 'adventure'

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This is not too accurate because Europe is being repopulated with niggers and arabs

Fake and gay. Sage slide threads.


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i shouldnt have to live with niggers
ive committed no crime

I actually like blacks but they're retarded (20% lower IQs on average, some african countries as low as 64 average IQ). Plus the way blacks raise their kids (or fail to) means 1 in 20 black men are felons.
Like when the real reason you can't call a black a nigger is that they'll assault you, that's a problem with the race not with the word.

>why do you hate black people?
pic related

>Or people of color in general.
DO NOT lump me in with black people

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>Okay, this is a biased statistic and please provide links if u can

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why all the baits start the same?

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The black experience is different when they are a vastly outnumbered minority. Blacks are a non threat in Oxnard, CA where they are 2.9% of the population vice Compton, Watts, or Inglewood, where they are the majority.

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Fucking niggers need to be removed from the earth alone with their enablers the fucking blood sucking pedo kikes.

Wow you're a hate-filled man. I couldn't imagine living with that anger inside me

I grew up in California and the area made me this way

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I don't care about color of skin.
I dislike people that can't take care of themselves, don't work, use drugs, have kids out of wedlock, listen to crap music so loud I can hear it through their car, and are poor.
Plenty of "whites" and spics that live that way, too.
If The Purge ever comes about, that's who I targeting.
Poor people on welfare suck.
We'd be better off without them.

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You could post stories involving white people as well, this doesn't make any point at all

Uncle Ruckus can explain. They’re horrible people.

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>i-it's biased!
nice try

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This is boomer tier cope.
If there are two berry bushes, one is blue and one is yellow. In the past, 1 out of 20 times the yellow bushes made you poop blood but the blue ones only make you sick 1 out of 100 times...which bush are you going to eat from every time?

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And this image is illustrating what?

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Because you are stupid, violent and parasites.

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I wouldn't worry avg beast of burden. You where made for me to destroy. Your a fucking soulless mud golem. I'm going to make a tower of nigger skulls when the jew world order falls. Your masters world is coming apart as I type so tick tock little whore.



because you're a weak cuck
no surprise here

I hate Californians.

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>this doesn't make any point at all
When African Americans present as 50% or more of US violent crimes while they make up roughly 14% of the population, there is a problem, and it isn't because we aren't showing you enough bad white people. There's plenty of them, they just happen to show up a lot less because the average white person is simply less likely to commit violent crimes.

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wtf??? what's wrong with you

And they have the nerve to ask why everybody hates them.

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we hate you because of crime, nigger. CRIME.

Can you read you stupid single mother raised fuck?

White males don't make up a fraction of America like black men do, while commuting half of all violent crime.

The truth is blacks bring substantial amounts or murder, rape, robbery, etc to every part of the world they come in contact with.

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Speak for yourself. I don't want to live around non-criminal niggers either.

keep spamming your delusional shit dude, it's not helping your cause

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fuck off nigger

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this poor black came here thinking he was smart and that he could argue feeling then he was presented with cold hard math showing his people are fucking shit.

Watch him do nothing but appeal to emotion and call us the bad ones. We aren't the ones being violent to innocence like your cousin dacuavius.

>keep spamming your delusional shit dude

These are just crime reports

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Ooga booga

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>tfw most of whites getting raped and killed are most likely Leftists who want more subhumans in the West

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not a single nigger belongs in my country
the uk is not your third world shithole
i dont want to see the streets around me turn into africa like other european cities e.g. paris
stay where you belong

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do you have a response to the pure fucking statistics? Nothing he is spamming is delusional, it's stuff that actually happened. Reality.


Do you understand basic math nigger? Do you?

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I hate like 98% of black people. The ones who managed to free themselves from their lobster-bucket of a race I respect.

>I don't want to live around non-criminal niggers either.
Poland, please. Such a thing does not exist.

Why are you still here? Fuck off loser

This isn't the 15th century anymore, we live in a diverse world. Holy shit get over yourself

They aren't people.

The media basically says it's okay and normal when black people murder white people in the most grisly ways possible.

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Newfags are insufferable

There's no point arguing against this, they are biased. Blacks are targeted significantly more from law enforcement

>living in California..
Look we get it. You're a faggot who doesnt have a problem with other tribes of men fucking you and yours over.
Keep your faggot ass in California where you belong.

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>This isn't the 15th century anymore

Your people should stop acting like it then. This black man killed this woman with a fucking cinder block

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You really should get out more. Drive across America and there are tons on non diverse places.

>Such a thing does not exist.
It doesn't matter whether it exists or not. Your argument is an inherently subversive one.

The question is, do you want to live around niggers? If the answer is no, then their criminal tendency is a non-factor.

I really don't know how many more daily examples of black on white murder and torture we need for people to finally wake up. This is disgusting that even bringing up the topic can ruin your career.

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Now this one is funny.

People who commit more crimes are targeted more by law enforcement. Gee it's almost like that is their job.