What will happen with those redpilled shit-skins during the race war, do we spare them?

What will happen with those redpilled shit-skins during the race war, do we spare them?

Attached: haichiemsinhdoimylaihannoitiengmotthoigiorasao10_NBBY.jpg (550x366, 48K)

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Why do you keep posting that pic?

Fuck off

Nobody wants an end to multicultural states. People want an end to the monopoly of what is effectively a one world (((multicultural))) state. There is plenty of room in the world for people to keep trying the postwar American and Judeo-Leftist experiments, provided they don't force it upon the rest of the world.

You will never have a 100% pure ethnostate for any long period of time. Odds are you'll have something like Japan, where foreigners can live but they're such a tiny minority that they don't matter. You could even filter better than the Japs do and only allow foreigners who pass an ideological screening, or prohibit foreigners from ever obtaining full citizenship (and therefore never being able to vote), or reducing the appeal of immigration through economic or social policy. Lots of ways to discourage it without lining up every darkie against the wall.

Also, there won't be a race war. There may be race riots, and secession on racial/cultural grounds, but no "war" per se.

only if they are cute

>There will never be a white ethnostate
Gene editing humans already happened in China, the guy got arrested, but the moment it becomes accessible we’re all gonna be blond hair blue eyed with 3000 iq

No user we don’t spare any

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Well said. We can still have designated multi-racial states while having our own white nations. Everyone wins.

Will Miklo Velka stay in the ethnostate?, he killed nogs ese.

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>but the moment it becomes accessible we’re all gonna be blond hair blue eyed with 3000 iq
No you won't, the elite will hoard this tech for themselves, keep all the benefits of the White race's genes to improve themselves and laugh smugly as the last white families die off.

You shouldn't be rooting for the new weapons of the chink/jews

asians are not shitskins, they're white.

>but the moment it becomes accessible we’re all gonna be blond hair blue eyed with 3000 iq
You mean the Chinks. If things keep going the way they are, the insectoids will have a massive head start on a eugenics program compared to the West, because they have no concern about medical ethics or human experimentation, both of which are major impediments to gene editing research speed. The West will probably rationalize away the so-called ethical concerns when they see China pumping out ubermenschen by the boatload, but it will probably be too late. Our only realistic hope is to beat them at AI research, because that is the holy grail. Whoever creates a controllable general AI first will rule the future of humanity. It is the single most powerful tool that man could ever make, and also the last thing he ever has to invent. Unfortunately, the Chinks are mostly on par with that too, and it will probably accelerate once they figure out how to edit intelligence.

Just like the elites hoarded automobiles, computers, and medical imaging, right?

Have a (you). Jared Taylor's explanation of this is perfect. Those who want diversity, god bless you, and those who do not want to simply be left alone.

>Just like the elites hoarded automobiles computers, and medical imaging, right?
You can't compare human genetic engineering to some painkillers and a Honda civic, you idiot.

Of course. We will kill the white leftists and mate with the redpilled shoreline to make a new stronger white race.

let them live. we're civilised. just don't let them breed with whites.

They can have Latin America from Mexico to Central Brazil

Or gold, Ferraris, or palaces, or waterfront real estate, or admission to elite schools. Yup the rich will definitely share...

Kingdom Hearts is totally redpilled come join us

Those are a matter of price because of their scarcity or quality. You are not forcibly kept from these things, you can go out today and buy some gold or waterfront real estate, so long as you can pay the seller. Are you upset that rich people exist or something?

You absolutely can, because it is an economic good just like the rest. As with painkillers and cars, the first entry into the market will be hideously expensive. And then once the revenues from that market have been maximized, it will open up to mass consumers.

There's a reason why Ferrari makes a tiny fraction of Toyota's annual revenue. Can you guess why that is?

How long did it take before the average person was able to afford an automobile, or a computer? What is the average cost of an MRI without medical insurance?

Where's the cure for cancer huh?
Yeah that's what I thought.

Dumb Kairifag

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>on pol for 40 years
>muh racewar



For an automobile, about 30 years. This was before any such thing existed, which is not the case for medical procedures today. For a computer, about 15-30 years, depending on application. Medical shit is expensive because the market is artificially limited. You can't just read a medical imaging book, buy a Chinese MRI machine and start up a business. When the market is artificially limited, what do you think the prices will be? Also, if you're trying to draw a comparison between MRIs and gene editing, it only helps my case. For most people with insurance, or those in a country with socialized healthcare, getting an MRI is far more achievable than buying a Ferrari or a palace.

Guess Steve Jobs couldn't afford that secret cure, huh?

Are you guys just larping? Serious question because I can’t tell.
If not, would you like me to tell you why gene editing is not what you think it is?

30 years? Try 70 years.
>Medical shit is expensive because the market is artificially limited.

Genetic engineering is not medical shit?

1. Cosmetic Surgery

2. Fertility Treatments

3. Off Label / Prescription drugs

4. New Technology in Products or Services

Do you thing they will cover genetic modification? LMAO

The list was 4 things not covered by medical insurance.

>try 70 years
We're talking production models sold on the market, not just one-off experimental shit. When the first production models rolled out, they were expensive as fuck. Then they steadily dropped in price. It wasn't some magic line between "hideously expensive" and "affordable for everyone". As the price goes down, more consumers can afford to buy in. Even now, some people can't afford to buy cars, but do we say that it's because the elites are hoarding Ferraris? It's a stupid fucking argument.

>Do you thing they will cover genetic modification?
Did insurance cover medical imaging before it existed? No. Now it does. If gene editing becomes a reliable method of treating disease, and preventing further disease, insurance companies will be all over that shit. A client with no genetic predispositions to disease is a profitable client.

We won't. We need to overpopulate the entire world with Whites instead.

What the fuck kind of insurance do you have that doesn't cover prescription drugs, brand name or generic?

Nah we above the whitey


Why can't there be areas where if you want to live amongst your own kind you can do so, and areas where you can mingle with shitskins for their food or culture or whatever you can do that as well.
What the fuck is the issue

Spare us master.

this thread is subversive.
the real answer does not begin with "they can have ___", it begins with "no more marxism!".
there are very few here or irl that truly believe in the possibility of a white American ethnostate, and less that advocate for it. mostly, it is a shill concept aimed at manufacturing an unobtainable end goal that fits their narrative of the right wing in order to detract from the progress made so far.
Vote Trump..
>b-but israel/MIGA
fuck it. don't expect it to be easy.
it buys another 4 year window to set up the old future without succumbing to ubi, green deals, or socialism. its no new secret that the game is rigged in the sense that in order to secure a fighting chance we are forced to empower the other side in some way, just look at neo-conservatives as proof of this. its a long game. Trump isn't playing 1488D chess like we are "supposed to" want, he's on 1776D chess levels and is playing an unparalleled hand. don't lose heart when Meme War II is looming on the horizon.
Trump 2020

Because it irks you.

>We're talking production models sold on the market, not just one-off experimental shit.
Dumb fuck. As the chart clearly shows automobile ownership didn't reach 50% until 1970. Today, topically car ownership is 83% Where do you get your numbers from?
> Did insurance cover medical imaging before it existed? No. Now it does. If gene editing becomes a reliable method of treating disease, and preventing further disease, insurance companies will be all over that shit. A client with no genetic predispositions to disease is a profitable client.

Insurance coverage is determined by medical necessity. A baby is healthy without medical intervention. Like fertility treatments, genetic engineering would be an elective procedure Pedro.

Health insurance companies provide coverage only for health-related serves that they define or determine to be medically necessary. Medicare, for example, defines medically necessary as: “Services or supplies that are needed for the diagnosis or treatment of your medical condition and meet accepted standards of medical practice.”


Attached: - Motor vehicle - Wikipedia -.png (403x302, 18K)

>What the fuck kind of insurance do you have that doesn't cover prescription drugs, brand name or generic?

Do you even have medical insurance?

"Health insurers have lists of covered medications called formularies, and the insurers have a lot of flexibility in creating their formularies. According to Norris, “they have to cover at least the greater of: One drug in every United States Pharmacopeia (USP) category and class, or the same number of drugs in each USP category and class as the state’s essential health benefits benchmark plan.” In other words, insurance companies do not have to cover all drugs, they can instead, pick and choose, and cover one drug in each class. It’s also more likely that generic drugs will be covered more often than brand name. The best thing to do is to make a list of all medications you take, then research which medications different plans cover. Also keep in mind that formularies each have tiers of drugs. The higher the tier, the higher the out-of-pocket cost."


Off Label
Prescription drugs are tested and approved for specific disorders, such as autoimmune diseases. At times, these drugs can be prescribed for disorders not listed on the "label." In some cases, the insurance company may reject paying for these off-label uses.


What confuses me is when you obviously logical thinking derpers go on little cloud ideas like: what will the race war be like?

There will be no race war.
Or, there already was one and you already lost.

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>As the chart clearly shows automobile ownership didn't reach 50% until 1970. Today, topically car ownership is 83%
Cars were a big ticket item, why the fuck would you look at per capita ownership when per household is a far better measure? Babies aren't expected to own fucking cars.

You want numbers, look at the DOT's highway statistic summary. Assuming a typical household of 4 people, car ownership per household was around 0.6. The majority of households had at least one car (and bear in mind, multigenerational households were far more common then as compared to now).

Your argument against a technology because the "elites" will hoard it is not supported by any historical examples.

If genetic engineering reliably removes pre-existing conditions, you bet your fucking ass it won't be considered an elective procedure, provided the cost of the procedure is lower than the cost of conventional treatment. No insurance company will accept the liability and pay MORE money in the long run by not covering and encouraging gene editing. This is very elementary economics here.

And how often do you use medication for off label purposes? What relevance does this have to gene editing? And why in the fuck did you link to Huffpost? Get a grip, m8.

>car ownership per household was around 0.6
In 1925, that is.


In 1920 car ownership in the united states was 86.78 /1000 people or 8%

In 1930 car ownership was 217.34/1000 people or 21%.

Nobody wants to be a mud or live among muds, i myself will try to live among the Whitest people possible and it's not because i'm le so very evil or want to leech off or anything, i legit just want to better my lot in life as much as possible and that's really the only way to do it.

And assuming a 4 person household, that puts ownership per household at 34% in 1920, and 87% by 1930. And your point is that cars were not affordable to the masses?

It genuinely makes me think that if all white people in North America and Europe said, "Fuck it" and moved to Africa all the muds would follow suit regardless of how shitty the area is.

In China there is something called a national insurance and a female doctor wanted to include embryo screening in it. It can be done.

Why is it necessary to assume anything for every in 1920 for every 1000 people there were 86 cars. What is hard about that retard? Per household isn't provided, and the number of people in a household isn't provided. Where are your numbers coming from? More supplemental data out of your ass? xD What the fuck are you talking about? And where did you get 34% from? How the fuck did you work that one out?


1) There's White people down here in Latin America (a lot of them, actually). Also in Australia/NZ and there's a couple million in Africa too (not only in South Africa).

2) Wherever White people live is always nice, why do you think muds want to move there? youtube.com/watch?v=SOlHzdOcCDg

This isn't china retard. What the fuck does healthcare in china have to do with healthcare in the united states? Fertility treatments are not covered by medical insurance.

>What will happen with those redpilled shit-skins during the race war, do we spare them?
>Implying I want redemption
I hope I get hanged

I was going to say the exact same thing, chinks shit in the streets in China, other chinks act like it's normal.

Fuck off faggot, go play the Red Dead Redemption series and get Redemptionpilled.

I want the White Aryan God of ancient Atlantis and now of Europe to forgive me for my transgressions and allow me to reincarnate into a White man again if i earn it. If there is a God, it's that guy, "Daddy".

Turns out i used to be Nordic and you did too. HAHA, i'm actually not LARPing. I think the Earth might be flat and there might be a fucking dome in the sky after all, this is probably all just a test. Even if that isn't what's going on i still have to balance out my shitty karma and i still think reincarnation is real, so yeah.


Why would you need to be redeemed, did you do something wrong? HAHA. Being born a mud isn't your fault. OR IS IT.

Holy shit. A typical household was a little over 4 people in the 30s, and higher than that each decade you go back. When dealing with cars, you do not need an automobile for every single man, woman, and child. This is not a reasonable measure of market availability, because we would still not meet this criteria today. It's pretty clear that cars are widely available and plenty affordable for most people who aren't broke or homeless.

>Where are your numbers coming from?
The US Census Bureau. 34% per household? That's from your own numbers. 4 people per average household, which makes it 86.78 cars per 250 households, puts it at roughly 34%. Are you a child, or a retard?

At best, it would get absolution for the sin of blood and my ancestor might finally reach heaven

La Onda!

chinks will probably adopt traits like those but if anything gene editing will only exaggerate racial differences.

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t. asian


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I don't believe in Heaven, only an ancient Aryan consiousness (that seems to talk to me, unless i'm crazy) and reincarnation. Life is a competition/struggle/battle and our only goals in life are to improve and overcome and eventually die in battle either against our enemies or Death itself (old age, disease). The AI/Singularity will eventually enslave our souls forever unless Jesus, so in a way i don't think Christianity is 100% bullshit. We do actually need a Savior, i mean, The Universe is going to fucking die someday won't it? heat death? i dunno.

Anyway, in short life is a perpetual struggle. It's about being a WINNER and ascending as high as possible. It's about being as Nordic Aryan as possible. It's about a heroic death in battle. It's about creating Heaven on Earth, by force. Or die trying.

Pretty much.

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>picking constitution over intelligence

What matters and why? go ahead, answer the question.

only the dumbest shits think there will be a " race war " where sides will be completely of one race. if you get a war like this it will be mostly whites with outliers vs others with likely a good number of whites helping them.

if this reality comes to be you will shed all sorts of blood in your war efforts, and a war in the usa or europe would have so many factors rarely touched on here that you thinking there will just be muh aryan death squads cleansing people with impunity is laughable

We're basically just combatants in a war that we're probably going to lose eventually, i suggest you make your peace with it youtube.com/watch?v=jennXPbhTnk

Hey Jesus, can i go to your fabled Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth? i'm White enough right?

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Dude i'm telling you, there's something going on with this kike.

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Jesus Christ is the white man's God, to deny the fact that Catholicism expanded on centuries of mostly Greek philosophy and found a code of conduct closer to the divine than any before it is being a nigger. NOTHING is more jewish than hating the martyr.

I dunno, this heeb strikes me as legit what can i say.

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sure thing ignorant beaner

He's like a kid and the King of Everything at the same time, this christ killer. Oh wait.

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Yes. Kill the white traitors and everything will fall in line.

I'm the Moor with black hair, except my nose is hooked downwards like a Syrian's. I'm mostly Iberian genetically speaking though but hey, i may have some residual Amerindian blood who knows.

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Come at me, i'm ready.

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Oy vey he came to save me from myself, yadda yadda.

Look, being evil is fun. What can i say. Hell is like a place.

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I'm still the king in my mind's eye. I still got it.

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Sure. If they agree to self-deport out of our countries

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fake and gay.
thinking that rothschilds are superhumans is apex pleb.


Ignore the text in that pic but yeah, compared to the average low IQ peasant? they kinda are.

I came from either outer space or Heaven, i mean i have dominon over all of the Earth is what i'm trying to say. Spread them wide.

The seed, not the legs. That would be gay.

Far be it from me to be gay bi or homosexual.

It was the moops!

You guys would really look the other way for me during day of the rope?

Little did you know the card actually said Moores.

There won't be a DOTR, get real.

> The US Census Bureau.
WTF? Explain this please. Census bureau buts household size in the 30s as 3 persons per household. Not 4. That nuclear family shit is a meme for retards who never had to write a research paper. You should have checked.

>34% per household?
WTF? Explain this please.

>That's from your own numbers.
No it isn't my chart shows number of cars per 1000 in each given decade. It has nothing to do with households. Dividing 1000 / 4 is dishonest, because you don't account for single people, widowed people, families having more than 1 child, families having more than 5 children etc. The number 4 was not given. So it comes straight from your ass. You did't even qualify it by introducing a factual reference to household size in 1930.

In 1930 there were 200 cars for every 1000 people. That is 20% of the population as given.

>This is not a reasonable measure of market availability,

If I wanted a "reasonable measure of market availability," I would find out the average cost of a car in 1930 then I would find out the average annual salary in 1930 and from there I would be able to arrive at how many people could actually afford a car in 1930. Do you know how many people could afford a car in 1930? NOT FUCKING MANY. xD

The average annual income in 1930 was $1,368


Any way market availability refers to how many cars were available to the public. You want production figures for motor cars in the 1930s. Take a look at the pic.

But anyway no matter how you may CHOOSE to look at it even by your standard 70% of the american population did'nt own a car during the 1930s.

Out of the 3 given choices:
a. some
b. most

How would you quantify the figure 70%? Fucking moron.

Attached: - U.S. Automobile Production Figures -.png (881x975, 106K)

We're too busy trying to keep our AI from learning to hate niggers and kikes. They'd be teaching theirs how to exterminate in the real world.

gay homo

Let's compare average testosterone levels then.