Anyone else here off the Trump train?
Anyone else here off the Trump train?
Roughly 50% of Jow Forums
Probably more than that. Most pro-Trump posts seem forced and astroturfed. The only real support I see for him around here is when he's compared to other politicians.
nice try trannies. obama never should have sided with iran and china over america and israel. you are all so screwed.
>when Trump is basically only winning agains a a full anti trump media but people are not happy
I swear to god can people be really this delusional or is it just LARPing? We know that yanggang was a shill-op but come on man. So much hate over nothing.
>*touches wall*
>He a zog >>:(((
Literally everyone is still on it. There is no way off.
sloppy job mossad
Never, kill yourself traitor. Hail the Trumpenriech!
and who you will vote for?
This. We are all going to vote for Bernie or indeed any Democrat because that will obviously be way better than Trump, right (((guise)))?
absolutely not, the fun ride is no less fun that it was at the start, i want to see what moves this madman makes next! Trump is awesome! :D
Nope fuck China.
If he did nothing else but fuck over the yellow jew i would still vote for him again.
XDDDDDD kys bro.
He was made a nazi by the media, now it is not really possible now is it?
fucking nigger IQ
that image is so true
of course JIDF would be against Trump
Trump is very bad for jews and israel
That's just an asinine strawman. You can rationally come to the conclusion Trump is powerless while also disliking the Democrats agenda. If anything, Trump's presidency broke the artificial left/right divide once and for all. I'll give him credit for that at least.
wtf... i HATE trump now and am now a tranny-missile
Yep. Voted for him in 2016 and watched him turn his back on all his supporters including myself. Not only that, but all of his supporters along with myself saw as he crashed and burned. He has ruined America for for all of us, myself included. I voted for him in 2016 and we won't vote for him in 2020
He's controlled opposition, so yeah fuck Trump, You guys should still keep him around in 2020 though. Those democrats are absolutely awful, cannot stand them, can somewhat see the appeal of Trump though, even if he is controlled opposition.
I like how Migapedes have no arguments against OP’s points and instead call him every name in the book. America is fucked, Trump was our last chance and ended up backstabbing whites.
Democrats and their horrible policies will wake up whites. Trump just pacifies them so they can accept their invasion. The economy needs to become extremely shitty in order for something truly epic to happen.
Checked. Fuck these low grade anti trump shills
Trump supporters are retards who have fucked up the Jow Forums. This could've been a ground for socialists, but no, you Americans had to fuck up everything, even Communism for that matter.
Aside from the Socialist part, I agree. Trumpfags pretty much destroyed the board and now claim anybody who isn’t apart of the GOP dicksucking factory is somehow a “shill” they’re pretty much everything wrong with American politics alongside leftists.
You aren’t american, you aren’t witnessing the browning of your country. Fuck off
>replies to a shill poster
Lmao and you get even get paid!
OP named no points you fucking retard maybe actually put some effort in you shariablue posts.
how sad
Nope. This train is still going full steam.
I doubt it, if they haven't already all woken up by now then it doesn't matter how bad it gets I doubt 99% of them will either stay ignorant or "woke".
It's pretty cringe worthy to see a Dutchman suck off American politicians even though this country is behind Europe's ethnic replacement. It's like cheer-leading for your own genocide. Why don't you stay out of our politics and worry about your own country.
>This train is still going full steam.
to Israel
1-Pick two shills (at least) A or B
2-Fake pooling say they are the only ones with chance to win.
3-People vote A or B because of the way election works (first past the post, and the problem this system has called favorite betrayal) and A or B wins.
At 2016 election, hillary wanted to much to win that came with some trick (according to the emails).
1-They would tell tv stations and etc... to give support to more unorthodox (unorthodox at their point of view) candidates.
2-People see that and think they have chance of wining.
3-Other candidates non shill see the unorthodox tactics works and try to emulate it or being ok with doing this kind of stuff.
4-The ones that are not registred as gop see those candidates and think "wtf is this shit, I am going to vote dem"
5-Hillary win, easily instead of having a hard time with jeb bush as opponent.
This stupid tactic failed because you need two candidates to be sure you win election and do the same thing you did with dems primaries at general.
Later, they tried to say trump had 0.999%, hillary had 99% chance of wining and everyone else 0.001%, to try to fix the bullshit they made (also tried to kill trump with that guy with knife, like it was made with bolsonaro), but it was a nonsense tactics, because if trump as 1% of wining, and you vote for hillary you reduce even more the chance of trump wining, 1% chance is better than less than 1% wining.
Maybe they did this to try to make trump voters not go vote because lack of chance of wining, but maybe can make hillary voters not go vote anyway since hillary will win anyway and their vote wont matter.
I heard that, komrade
ill be killing MIGAtards before anything else once shit kicks off in ten y ears
The main reason the Nazis came into power was because of economic collapse. I have a feeling the right would benefit from that the most. The standard living is too good right now and most people are ignorant because of it. They don't realize Trump is basically the same as every other politician and actively replacing us with cheap labor. Radicalization is the only answer, the two party system has failed us.
I've lost all hope in him but I'm still going to vote for him again.
Yup. After his wanting super most all “legal” immigration. This was what finally took the blinders off.
Nuclear codes etc
Anyone still on is the better question
Democrats and Republicans are the same thing, the only different is one is slightly more conservative than the other. Less than 10 years ago, the Democrats hated LGBT rights. Now even the Republicans who were even more against it now support it. You can't vote yourself out of a government funded genocide of it's white populace. Trump has done nothing to prevent mass immigration, the white population is still declining and our cities are still getting flooded. He's completely and utterly useless.
Not only will I not vote for Trump again, I'll never vote again period.
Being on the Trump Train is like sex with a gorilla.
You're not done till the gorilla's done.
I voted for him and will again, but i'm not one of these 'Muh god emperor' types who would wash Trump's balls with their tongue if given the chance.
>one is slightly better so ill just allow my society to select the slightly worse option
airtight fucking logic there brainlet
And what's your solution? That "strawman" IS accurate. That's why you deflect. If anything hes got my vote on the economy and I'm in manufacturing. Do I have my gripes about his Israel dick sucking but with no viable alternative you can kindly go fuck yourself
>Let's keep backing someone who's openly replacing us just like every other candidate regardless of political stance
America needs it's own Yellow Vest movement, not another Trump. One actually changes something, the other basically puts you aside for Israel.
The economy being successful is the main reason we are getting flooded with nonwhites on a daily basis. If everything crashed, the whole consumerist system would collapse. I'd take America being something like Russia or the Ukraine if it meant nobody was coming here.
gtfo anti-Trump shills! MAGA!
Collapse everything... yeah I'll get right on that shit! Sounds fucking great throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Trump has his uses. For boomers and normiecons Trump is now their new baseline for a candidate, they want Trump or further to the right. That's good.
He's a stepping stone, nothing more, but also nothing less. An important, vital, stepping stone, despite also being a Zionist, civnat stepping stone.
America's growth in economy just means more consumerist slaves and nonwhites. People only wake up when things are going to shit. Look at France for example, their economy currently is declining. The people there are waking up from their consumerist mind sense and realizing that nothing is quite right. America needs to undergo something similar if this country ever wants to be saved. The only reason you're mad is because people will start to realize Trump has done nothing to benefit the right in any feasible way.
I've always said trump is a bandaid on a bullet wound. But better than losing everything in an instant
So you want me to vote Democrat? Fucking say it nigger fucking say it...
How else are you going to wake up whites? Trump has made nationalism unpopular again with his constant betrayals. Someone as terrible as the democrats will likely get people off their asses and start doing something. I've unironically seen more leftist talking points become mainstream since he got elected.
There it is... fuck your meme ideology. Hurr durr vote for the enemy and you win!!!! You larping faggots get the rope too.
A man with nothing but Jewish grand kids is pro Israel.
>Hurr durr vote for the enemy and you win!!!!
History has shown this tactic works, meanwhile Optics killed Rome.
I'd say we have maybe about a decade of business as usual left, and that's being generous. Enjoy the show, vote for the WORST candidate, and don't forget to honk.
Kikes won't rest until Trump attacks Iran. Netanyahoo has been jerking off to the idea for years.
me, he's a total clown, he didn't maga and he wasn't the chaos candidate either, just the regular Jew puppet like the rest of them
I'm going to vote for him, but he's a complete failure.
I'm in a state where my vote doesn't count anyway.
Will vote Tulsi or yang in the primary
I am not persuaded by your sly tricks. I vote trump I benefit. Until that white nationalist comes along to vote for I will not be swayed. They have us running a rat trap and I know it, but your solution is preposterous. We have more time to prepare this way and to change minds. Either way ... we disagree.
Voting for Trump will be no different that voting for a democrat or a neocon. They're all the same. Only big money, the Jews, and Israel benefit, and we're still going to be flooded with shitskins.
Only the braindead boomers and politically naive don't realize this.
>against OP’s points
OP didn't even make any points you dumb fucking shill.
Hard to be enthusiastic about a president whose agenda is to serve a foreign supremacist ethnostate instead of America. I'm sure he can win the electoral college on his own. But why stand in a voting line with the unwashed masses?
Your argument is even worse.
If they're the same why do you care to change people's choice of vote?
I was off the Trump train back in early 2017.
It takes a special kind of retard to be just now realizing that they've been had.
I hope this Jewish cocksucker drops dead.
that shouldn't be the case. there's been more immigration since trump assumed office than in the last 15 years apparently. even nigger obama wasnt that bad when you consider his hate for israel.
>If they're the same why do you care to change people's choice of vote?
>Only the democrats and republicans are possible voting options
I can taste the newfag in you.
People need to break from the democrat/republican trap. As long as the biparty system continues to rule, things will only get slowly and steadily worse.
good joke
Tranny pilled
lol no
Making libtards seethe is no longer enough, Jow Forums must seethe as well
Theres a way to fix America. I know it, you fags know it, and everyone else knows it but no one is going to do it.
This. I was never a big fan of Trump, but I can’t argue with some of the results. And there just isn’t any better alternative. In fact, some of them are downright terrifying. I’d rather have this shitty israel-first boomer in charge than anyone else who would be objectively worse.
Yup. Pretty much this. Inb4 wtf am I doing here, I love Trump because he kinda loves his country (a rare trait in most politicians) and coz he makes liberals (worldwide) uproot the hair on their stupid commie heads.
>thinking that everything is black and white
Where did you lose your brain?
Just because Trump goes against shitlibs doesn't mean he's the good guy. In fact, he doesn't even hide the fact anymore that he's a jewish stooge.
The enemy of your enemy is not exactly your friend in this case.
is this satire?
if trump loved america he would have done a lot more for it by now instead of just benefiting israel.
>two years and no wall
Wtf Donald
Yep. Obama brought us the iran nucleur deal and trump will bring us a iranian war.