Everyone gets all pissy about Hitler still but nobody gets butthurt about Genghis Khan anymore. Pretty biased really

Everyone gets all pissy about Hitler still but nobody gets butthurt about Genghis Khan anymore. Pretty biased really.

Attached: Genghis-Khan.jpg (1430x949, 1.07M)

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>nobody gets butthurt about Genghis Khan
I do

Tbh that was about 700 years ago

My brother came out with epicanthic folds (looks weird on light eyes) and looks too much like my dad to not be his kid.
I know it's because of Genghis Khan, fuck that guy

I think I might have those but I'm not sure. I'm part Finnish though so maybe.

So odd, I was thinking almost the exact same thing just yesterday.

>Genghis Khan anymore. Pretty biased really.
the most based. no one else comes close. maybe tamerlain but not quite.

Genghis Khan was a chad, Hitler was a failed liberal arts student

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>I know it's because of Genghis Khan, fuck that guy
nigga, has it occured to you that you are descended from Genghis? shit, that pretty base.

The Eternal Gaul tried to make an alliance with the Mongols when it seemed imminent that they would smash the disunited European powers (they completely blew past Hungary, Poland, and were about to crush Austria into pieces).


Attached: BattleOfHoms1299.jpg (1331x881, 777K)

They are probably afraid of Genghis to this day bringing them divine punishment for the sin of being born

if jews were not affected, nothing happened

stupid goyim

>Hungarians revere both Hitler and Ghengis Khan
They c-can’t keep getting away with it

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and that's a good thing. imagine if mongols ran our media, we'd never hear the end of it

I hadn't thought of that (I should have)
it all makes sense now

Actually Timur conquered more land and killed more ppl then Jangiz the only reason he is less baised was cause he is a muslim.

>shit, that pretty base.
You do realize that base means the opposite of based, right?

>Several attempts at a Franco-Mongol alliance against the Islamic caliphates, their common enemy,
this country has fallen even further from grace than I originally thought

Gengis actually favoured jews lmfao. In the muzzrat areas he appointed jews to govern thats why islamic anti semetism started

Maybe in a few hundred years people won't be butthurt about Hitler and he'll just be another historical figure like Genghis Khan

>more land
That's just false. His empire was more or less the old Ilkhanate plus Mawarannar. Most of his expeditions weren't even conquests, he just killed people, took slaves and materials, and left.

My sister has those mongolian eyes and the closest thing we have to Mongolia is 2% Baltic ancestry. Fuck Genghis Khan

No Timur conquered more in his life time then Gengis Khan did. The only person who conquered more land then he did in his life was Alexander. Even the Ilkhans land was conquered over generations

what a waste of digits

supremely based
in the 15th century here some kings and boyars still sent arrows alongside important letters to other rulers as a token of good will, something inherited from mongol statesmanship while it lasted north of the Danube

This is likely because people don't like dissing their ancestors.

and Fingolians get pissed when you call them Genghis-chan

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