An author tweeted this photo of a DC Metro employee breaking the rules by eating on the train...

An author tweeted this photo of a DC Metro employee breaking the rules by eating on the train. Her publisher "Rare Bird Literature" immediately cancelled her upcoming book saying "How dare you shame a woman of color for breaking the rules".

And look at the thousands of replies of encouragement.

I guess it's politically correct for blacks to break rules now yeah?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Social media companies are intentionally weaponizing their platforms to sow division

>I guess it's politically correct for blacks to break rules now yeah?
Blacks' goal is literally just to be able to commit crimes and not be punished for it

Is this just a bong thing? I don't really get it.

the author is a poo, right?
she needs to learn what the progressive stack is

Breaking the rules and eating on public transportation is duchey, taking pics so you can shake them to get brownie points on the internet is even more duchey.

Fuck the both of them.

no one like a rat

Jordanian/American author.

don't care what race you are. eating on public transport is degenerate

> Bong... DC.
Think Leafbro, Washing DC is not in Bongland.

Why would anyone give a shit about a worker trying to eat their dinner this much?
Yeah it might be a tad shitty to eat food that smells on public transport, but ratting them out gets you what is deserved

It's an employee though.

When you work around people you're supposed to be professional. e.g. "Do you mind if I eat here? I'm on my lunch break and there is no break room on this train"

Social media is lowering the standard of society.

She's obviously working 4 jobs and doesn't have the time to eat anywhere else, you fucking RAYSIS

>it's personkind
a fucking leaf, holy fucking christ fuckoff

Remember that it's supposed to be whites who are sensitive

to these people, blacks are seen as retarded children who need their hand held for everything. Criticizing a black person is like beating up on a retard who is trying their best

>"How dare you shame a woman of color for breaking the rules".

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Why should workers be able to break the rules? Or is it that nogs should be allowed to break the rules? I’m glad this woman was fired. The fact that she is willing to brazenly break this rule is a sign she’s a shit worker.

Not to do that whole "Democrats are the *real* racists but this is exactly it.

oh shit misread the post. still don't get it



All they have to do to stop it is stop gamifying their platforms. Take away the public follower counts, likes, and retweets and the outrage machine would break. But they aren't going to do that because this shit is the plan.

back when BLM was going strong, they released a set of demands that was basically legalizing petty crime.

Soon it will be illegal to call the police when you see niggers stealing, killing, etc

The worker wasn't fired.
The author who took a photo of her was.

Fuck that snitch cunt

>eating on the metro
who the fuck cares
fuck normies

holy fuck that gorilla is ugly

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>there is no moral difference between eating at your place of work and killing or stealing
it's a victimless crime ffs let the chick eat her lunch

>the amount of NPCery in that thread
I give up.

metro should just remove all rules if its become socially unreasonable to expect even their own employees to uphold them. they already decriminalized fare evasion because it 'disproportionately affects minorities'.

but the end goal is most blacks just want to break the law with impunity. DC infamously practices catch and release for violent crime

she didn't have her lunch license, shame on her


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The woman is clearly disregarding a rule that should be disregarded. The whole colored people argument is fucking lame, but as long as she isnt making a mess, than fuck that rule.

What’s the point of rules if blacks don’t need to follow them? Why don’t we make a black free society where rules get followed? Blacks will then come in and destroy society yet again. It is partially about the principles and corruption. Laquisha is an employee who herself is supposed to follow the rules.

I live in DC and have taken the DC metro for years. Here's what I can tell you all:

If you're taking the train to/from Maryland, you're going to see mostly blacks, with a few whites

If you're taking the train from VA, it's going to be mostly white people on the train.

If you are taking the train within DC, during the day, that's when you see the niggers. Loud female nig teens are the worst, then you've got the gypsies who drop a pack of tissues with a paper talking about how poor they are, and then your "performers" which are nigs who sing like shit.

Metro employees are ok, I've forgotten my metro card a few times and they let me ride, some of the conductors are assholes who scold the whole train on the PA if the doors keep getting blocked.

Overall, it's a shitty system that's run apst exclusively by blacks.

Because when the tables are flipped and someone else is a 'worker eating their dinner on the train' this gorilla would issue a citation for breaking the rules without a hesitation.

Fare evasion seems like a bigger deal than eating somewhere. This looks like the outrage over manspreading.

it's a notoriously strictly enforced rule user
people get kicked off all the time for just snacking, let alone a full meal

I’m from a tourist town. My thinking is ALWAYS; “fuck off you stupid tourist, I don’t care what you think”. So my opinion is probably a bit biased.

Blacks reading books going viral is an insult to blacks in general. It's basically saying like blacks are so fucking dumb that them reading books is a huge accomplishment lol


Because this is a baseline.
This is what they are supposed to do.
Niggers doing civilized things should not be news.

this is the rarest thing i've seen.. usually nogs can't read and there are 3 that can? wtf?!?

Obama started this race baiting trend.
Fuck niggers.

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get woke or go broke, incels

I've lived in DC for 6 years. it is literally a crime to eat on the Metro here. People are arrested for it. There was a controversy not long ago where a little (black) girl was arrested for eating fries on the Metro.

Also, Metro is notoriously poorly run. Trains are late, managers don't expect black people to pay the toll, the tracks catch on fire. They are filled with waste from (black people) throwing their sunflower seeds and food wrappers on the floor. I do not blame Natasha at all.

you are nigger

I use the DC aren't supposed to fucking eat on the train because it smells like shit in those cars and attracts rats. You will get fined for eating on the train if a worker catches you. Why the fuck does this nig nog get to break the rules? Wait 20 minutes until youre off the train.

Stop complaining.
This is great.
Every single user in DC should save this screenshot and if they’re ever fined on the Metro, just has this as precedent in court.
Make them admit in court an apartheid exists.

It's a cunty thing to do. Girl is probably being paid a low wage, black or white. If she wants to eat at night then let her eat.

wow so people shouldnt be allowed to eat on their commute? can you not trust a metro worker to clean up after herself from eating while working at least shes not on welfare and actually doing.

saddest thing is why dont you clean up the train do something instead of complaining about it niggers. everyone in this day and age is.


Good. Busy bodies should fuck off.

Rules are just colonisation so they don't apply to people of colonisation.

read the fucking thread

Why are black people incapable of just following the rules.

maybe you missed the part where I said it is literally AGAINST THE LAW to eat on the train. Metro employees should be enforcing this, not acting like they are above it.


you are nigger so outraged by someone eating on a train fuckin faggot

they're going to make it illegal for you to call the cops on black people committing crimes soon

>Blacks' goal is literally just to be able to commit crimes and not be punished for it
They're doing that in sanctuary city Seattle the past few years due to the constant anti-racial activism. As a result, many city laws are not enforced against blacks including hard drug laws. The amount of hard drugs blacks can carry on them and NOT be charged is now up to 3 grams of heroin or coke. That was documented in a recent news documentary which used data from the city prosecutor and court system to verify such hard to believe facts.

With all the druggies around, property crimes jumped way up.

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free country you dumbass if i cant eat on a train then what is my incentive your stupid if the ytried giving me a ticket for eating on a train id laugh in their faces and take to the highest court possible.

i lived in seattel and constantly on the busses everybody did and if a mess was left the metro people would clean it up they get paid to not niggers like.


>>I guess it's politically correct for blacks to break rules now yeah?

>employee breaking the rules by eating
I'm motherfucking security and nothing in the whole world can stop me from eating that sandwich while getting paid for it

She should've minded her own business. Shaming this working negro in social media is absolutely ridiculous. What a cunt.

You have to be 18 to post here.

those rules are so lower class citizens, as in the ones using public transport in the first place, don't shit up the place
I'm sure employees on their lunch break, that they are entitled to, can break the rule and eat there. Although they may be setting a bad example and the low iq citizens may think the rules changed or they will act like children and whine and complain that Janiqua gets to eat and they don't.

pretty dumb situation, why is this even a thing?

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and you have to be a fucking faggot to be offended by someone eating on a train you must be a jew shill

>You shouldn't eat on public transport because it attracts vermin and insects
>Nigger works for the metro, knows the rules and doesn't care
>Nigger gets called out
>Does the typical DAS RACISSSSS whine
>Everyone hops on the virtue signalling bandwagon
Man, I fucking hate niggers.

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That just reinforces my point. If it's a shitty metro with poor management, what's this girl really doing if she eats a quick lunch on there? It's not like she's shitting on the floor. Social media is cancer.


Yeah, I eat at my desk at work all the time even though it's against the rules. Who gives a fuck?

Pick your battles. Stop fucking with someone trying to get a bite to eat while they are working you piece of shit.

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the "no snitching" culture in urban america keeps them from leveling up, excuses poor behavior and excuses it

not sure if this is a troll but am leaning toward yes.

everyone uses public transport here, no one drives. No "lower class citizens" to define.


Black or not, snitching on a person eating at their workplace in a way that EVERYONE can see it is fucking trash.


nigga she spends her eight hours eating

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Only if you leave a mess.

Chimp's gonna chimp.

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This, we are all debt slaves in this shit show together

>it is literally a crime to eat on the Metro here.
not if you're black :)))

They may as well be synonymous.

>author (who isn't even white) asks "hey isn't it against the rules to eat on the train" to a metro employee.
>employee, being a she-boon of course comes up with a rude snarky bitch response which drastically escalates the situation instead of a half-intelligent excuse that would have diffused it right then and there and they both would have went on with their day.

Bitch is a piece of shit Raghead trying to write books for people to develop empathy for the sand niggers.

Described in media as...... White

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Right, they should just welcome a Big Brother authoritarian approach where people are watching to punish for the 10 minutes you fuck up that could even be while you're on break/lunch, out of the 120000+ minutes you work a year.

Go fuck yourself bong. This bleeding heart mentality is exactly why London looks like Pakistan and has 4 times as many grooming gangs.

No. Watching people shovel garbage into their fucking maws is not my idea of a pleasant train ride. Look at this nog. She could stand to lose a few any way. Eat when you get home.

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You don't work with niggers, it's obvious from your post.
If she's not supposed to be eating at a certain area, it's for a reason.
Also, she probably sits on her fucking phone 6 of the 8 hours she's at work, and I'm being generous in her favor.

Thug Lives Matter

>LARPing as a zoomer
floss more, millennial faggot

fuckin groids graze like bison, they just eat and shit wherever they park their fat asses.

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>Jordanian/American author.

At least she knows now that she's below the blacks in the oppression hierarchy.

Shut the fuck up nigger. There is a balance between both.

You'd be surprised how much some of these affirmative action government jobs pay. And they pretty much go exclusively to blacks. I notice a lot of non americans in this thread don't quite understand why americans might think about this differently. Let me explain. If you, the white devil oppressor were eating on the train shaniqua here would make you follow every rule to the letter because she's upset that she even has to be at her overpaid gibsmedat job. She will then use the tiny amount of power that she has to make sure that whitey is punished somehow.

It deserves no award or recognition, this is how people are supposed to act.