We Fly Our Flag!!! Flag Acquisition General /FAG/

We subvert the meaning behind the LGBTQP flag (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Queer Pedophile)

It now symbolizes national diversity; seperation of cultures and races geographically.

Make some memes and spread them everywhere online! Honk Honk!

Goal this thread: We need a list of good anthems/themes! music is the langue of our soul.

TRANSLATIONS (some might need edits, please copy the text, make the edits and post them so we have the uptodate version)
English: A safe space for every race
French: Un Espace Sûr Pour Chaque Race
Spanish: Un espacio seguro para cada raza
Portuguese: Um espaço seguro para cada raça
German: Ein sicherer Platz für jede rasse
Dutch: Een veilige plaats voor elk ras
Danish: Et sikkert sted for alle race
Norwegian: Et trygdet liv for enhver rase-frepper
Swedish: Ett säkert utrymme för varje ras
Finnish: Turvallinen tila jokaiselle rodulle
Macedonian: Зa ceкoј coј eднa бoјa oдвoј
Bulgarian: Бeзoпacнo мяcтo зa вcякa paca
Lithuanian: Kiekviena rasė nusipelno turėti saugią vietą
Russian: Бeзoпacнoe мecтo для кaждoй pacы
Ukrainian: бeзпeчнe мicцe для кoжнoї pacи
Polish: Bezpieczna przestrzeń dla każdej rasy
Romanian: O casă pentru fiecare rasă.
Greek: 'Ενας ασφαλής χώρος, για kάθε φυλή
Arabic: مساحة آمنة لكل عرق
Italian: Uno spazio sicuro per ogni razza
Chinese: 各族各群各有安土
Korean: 모든 인종을 위한 안전한 곳
Kikish: מקום בטוח לכל גזע
Thread theme: m.youtube.com/watch?v=qcWKZTI9OC4

Old Thread:

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It's not a hate crime to spread love and show pride!

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Our power is Growing! We will see meme energy in the same levels we saw in 2016!
We can change the World! Save Share and Bump!

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Clown Pride World Wide!!!!

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English: A safe space for every race
French: Un Espace Sûr Pour Chaque Race
Spanish: Un espacio seguro para cada raza
Portuguese: Um espaço seguro para cada raça
German: Ein sicherer Platz für jede rasse
Dutch: Een veilige plaats voor elk ras
Danish: Et sikkert sted for alle race
Norwegian: Et trygdet liv for enhver rase-frepper
Swedish: Ett säkert utrymme för varje ras
Finnish: Turvallinen tila jokaiselle rodulle
Macedonian: Зa ceкoј coј eднa бoјa oдвoј
Bulgarian: Бeзoпacнo мяcтo зa вcякa paca
Lithuanian: Kiekviena rasė nusipelno turėti saugią vietą
Russian: Бeзoпacнoe мecтo для кaждoй pacы
Ukrainian: бeзпeчнe мicцe для кoжнoї pacи
Polish: Bezpieczna przestrzeń dla każdej rasy
Romanian: O casă pentru fiecare rasă.
Greek: 'Ενας ασφαλής χώρος, για kάθε φυλή
Arabic: مساحة آمنة لكل عرق
Italian: Uno spazio sicuro per ogni razza
Chinese: 各族各群各有安土
Korean: 모든 인종을 위한 안전한 곳
Kikish: מקום בטוח לכל גזע

Attached: Wisdom.png (1834x2111, 1.7M)

German: Ein sicherer Platz für jede Rasse
Just realized Rasse needs to be capitalized

Attached: Logo1.png (764x764, 419K)

Thank God someone posted that!!! Good on you user!!!


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Attached: kek.png (1746x1076, 232K)

if you mix all clolours together, it will be WHITE

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Attached: pepe2.png (1300x796, 56K)

The Old Thread and Thread Before that are great if you need some memes to post!

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Could you imagine the Triggering when we make the Rainbow an official Hate symbol!! It'll be great! Kek!

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I will drop some resources.

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Bumping for righteous subversion.

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This isn't going to work

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can you say it?

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>A name fag
k. sure. right. ok.

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Fuck Israel. They're a Nazi nation.

That's a nice design fren.

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Attached: LetsGoBeatTheQueers.png (1024x1182, 777K)

Attached: FlagAway.png (637x800, 396K)

remember Israel has Nukes!
make your meme rainbows and they will lead you to a pod of gold.

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Brilliant title. Good luck on the mission boys! I think it'll be successful!

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Someone alert the journalists that the "far right extremists" co-opted the flag

well damn, if Satan loves it!

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Checked!!! PRAISE KEK!!!!

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i'm proud of you faggots. just saying.

Indeed much needed chaos to make the squirm.

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Kek demands it!

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I will make a mega mix of this thread on post it on youtube

Attached: alright.png (499x499, 171K)

If you search the archives you will find some GREAT shit.

If you look deep enough you "might" find the old Triggered Tranny Raids.

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glad to see another rainbow thread. i hate how the fags ruined this beloved European symbol.

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>Gays will be considered hate symbols in your lifetime
This place is a rainbow colored house of horrors and it’s amazing

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I love Dio

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It's "separate".......

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Are these actually being posted outside of Jow Forums?
That’s the whole purpose

>Et trygdet liv for enhver rase-frepper
A safe space for every race == Et trygt sted for hver rase

fixed it for you

Attached: 1555598124955.png (389x516, 251K)

English: A safe space for every race
French: Un Espace Sûr Pour Chaque Race
Spanish: Un espacio seguro para cada raza
Portuguese: Um espaço seguro para cada raça
German: Ein sicherer Platz für jede Rasse
Dutch: Een veilige plaats voor elk ras
Danish: Et sikkert sted for alle race
Norwegian: Et trygt sted for hver rase
Swedish: Ett säkert utrymme för varje ras
Finnish: Turvallinen tila jokaiselle rodulle
Macedonian: Зa ceкoј coј eднa бoјa oдвoј
Bulgarian: Бeзoпacнo мяcтo зa вcякa paca
Lithuanian: Kiekviena rasė nusipelno turėti saugią vietą
Russian: Бeзoпacнoe мecтo для кaждoй pacы
Ukrainian: бeзпeчнe мicцe для кoжнoї pacи
Polish: Bezpieczna przestrzeń dla każdej rasy
Romanian: O casă pentru fiecare rasă.
Greek: 'Ενας ασφαλής χώρος, για kάθε φυλή
Arabic: مساحة آمنة لكل عرق
Italian: Uno spazio sicuro per ogni razza
Chinese: 各族各群各有安土
Korean: 모든 인종을 위한 안전한 곳
Kikish: מקום בטוח לכל גזע

Attached: justrightassfergif.gif (777x518, 130K)

>Et trygdet liv for enhver rase-frepper
Why hasn't any other norwayfags pointed out that this means "Give gibs to every race-'frepper' (not a word)"?

Good thread

Attached: pepe NO.gif (607x609, 821K)

so my gif got gay opt :/

Attached: lgbtq.png (1000x1000, 704K)

thanks for pointing it out

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Not technically the flag...but fuck it

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It is absolutely important that we double check ALL the Translations!!!

The Tranny fags have and WILL make edits and try to Subvert our memes!!

Keep a Keen eye Anons!

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Attached: rainbow.png (1600x900, 283K)