This is Robin DiAngelo...

This is Robin DiAngelo, author of "White Fragility" (a concept she is credited with inventing) and a PhD in "Multicultural Education."
Does anybody know her Ethnic background?

Attached: Robin DiAngelo.jpg (320x400, 17K)

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Der Whineaunt!

Attached: wineaunt.png (960x960, 322K)

just another single childless twitter kike

most probably a kike larping as white but haven't seen anything concrete so far

Yeah the hair and career choice suggest Jewish, but the name an regular-sized nose throw me. Could she be one of those rare feminists who take their husband's surname?


Attached: c7c.png (612x491, 91K)

Why do ugly women make a lifestyle of complaining? Surely there’s more fulfilling hobbies?


Look closer

It's a whole industry. Lookup "Grievance Studies Joe Rogan" on youtube.
1. write some academic bs 2. set a high price for it 3. force university libraries to buy it
She's old but her face looks very odd to me. She probably had at least one plastic surgery which would explain the nose

Attached: 1598739853.jpg (1280x720, 56K)


>She probably had at least one plastic surgery which would explain the nose
Perhaps, yeah.

Check out some of the crazy shit on her website.
I'm going to have to go through her stuff to see if she mentions being Jewish anywhere. It would be easier if other anons are working on it too.

Attached: Robin 3.png (719x289, 24K)

Didn't read anything about her yet. Let me guess. Jewish.

I'll try to find something
btw the white fragility book can be downloaded here for free

>btw the white fragility book can be downloaded here for free

your pic related are basically cornerstones of the cult.
The canoe footage at around 14:00 is an initiation ritual where you have to admit your whiteness=guilt


They remind me of those Marxists who followed Jim Jones down to Guyana and drank the kool-aid

Attached: anyone thirsty.jpg (500x729, 72K)

I'd guess she's a pizza bagel.

>PhD in "Multicultural Education."

Attached: 1518155402645.gif (229x176, 987K)

that's pretty much it but on a more systematic level see
Evergreen was just a test run for this.
Once they've undermined law and the gov it will be a multi level Kafka Trap circlejerking instead of a suicide in some village.

The Red Elephants looked into it and even though he couldn't find out what ethnicity Robin herself is, he found out she was working for a Jewish think tank.

>Does anybody know her Ethnic background?
Looks like a Mutt roastie

If I had 6 million dollars i would bet it all that she's a Jew

No matter what she claims she is, she’ll always be a jew to me


Oh you have a link to that?
Go to around the 1:20 mark

Eyes say jew


Italian descendants with 'Di____' surnames are usually jews. Danny devito, Vin di bona, Leonardo de vinci, etc.

Leonardo wasn't a jew, "De" simply means of, Leonardo of Vinci


4chins best on the case


Yes, and that meant they didn’t have a proper surname. When the spanish inquisition came calling, they just took the name of the city. (Also some jews have random af names because if they were asked on the spot they just said the first thing they saw, so you get people called things like ‘cipolla’ (onion) etc

its a fragile kike with a fake name their bread and butter

I've heard my entire life Israel is tiny and "fragile" to justify its illegal and genocidal policies towards the Palestinians and genocidal occupation of the Golan Heights

jews so fragile so mental so weak

Jewish of course.

Attached: CB8F581A-50E6-4E06-A4F0-3E34C28F2B8C.png (2048x1536, 228K)

run out the former albert pike temple controlled by a synagogue and the"elite" of jonestown were all jews

She's obvs a witch

good info

Are you guys fucking serious? kek Just use your eyes. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


Is it spelled De Vinci or Davinci? Which one is correct?

i dont feel guilt just angrier at non whites good job kikes