Why do they go to other countries to rape kids and little girls?

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On going theme, guess what Pakistanis did in this country!

>other countries
You mean Mirpuris in one country?

lol why do u alway blame the mirpuris

Because Islam is an ancient satanic cult that disguises itself as a religion of peace

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Indian genes
after all Rape is the national sport on that Sub-continent besides tech-scams

The same shit is going on in your country. Politicians, Hollywood and rich people fuck kids, the poorfuck ones travel to south america. It's global on a massive scale. I see it documented in the news in Norway all the time. Politicians, famous people, and a massive interest for Thailand for single men. Pedos are all over.

>Because Islam is an ancient satanic cult that disguises itself as a religion of peace

>kids and little girls
Isn't that a bit redundant?

UK allows and borderline endorses it

The Crescent is not even an actual symbol of Islam though, it's actually calligraphy of the word Allah, Crescent only represents it, because Turks took it as their symbol and because Turks were the only Islamic nation that had a close contact with the European world, ever since the middle ages

>why do they rape kids

yes some paki niggers are quite repulsive and view western women as sluts. they deserve death. but do not overlook the real child rapists- the same ones that traffic kids in every country and have destroyed the middle east and opened the borders of the west for these hoards.

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fuck off meme flag faggot

>it's actually calligraphy of the word Allah

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Well you are not grooming white girls so they will. First come first served

Really you found a fucking way of turning your kiddie fetish onto india damn I knew 90% of marrige in pakistan were incest but this comment really shows btw Pakistanis are low case weaklings who pussied out and converted to islam and turned into retards after years of incest
Indians don't rape kids you do you nigger

Humans are naturally pedophilliac creatures, regardless of religion. They always been doing it since the dawn of time to get bigger brains and to make their women look cuter, which is why women lose their fertility at the age of 25 compared to men at 70. The only reason why Muslims are under fire is they're do it in a more barbaric way and it's basic religion vs religion. Look up the concept of neoteny.

Ugh, even I who fervently hate it, think that this is just ridiculous

John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

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extremely repressed culture mixed in with retardation of islam

hence they spend most of their lives virtue signalling that theyz gud m0zlums while in reality they fuck kids and rape women.. basically the same thing that occurs in india except wez guud high caste brahminz bery vedas enlightenment meanwhile india has the highest rates of sexual violence in the world

basically, most shitskins are nigger/spic tier people who need to either be forcefully assimilated into superior western culture or gassed

>pic related a 7 year old who got raped and killed in pakistan and afterward was dumped atop a garbage pile because her parents left her alone at home to go pray to the black box in saudi arabia.. her dad came back and got pissed that a non-muslim was heading the investigation into her death.

south asians are 90% scum, seriously.

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We get the point of "denying the truth". Yes, Muslims are barbarous due to their inability to assemble. Still does not explain why the random threads regarding 'age of consent should be lowered' and 'women are banning lolis waahh' posting on multiple boards. The coincidence is that they are coming from both muslishits and the people who want to protect their countries from them. I sense some irony here.

t. But but we iz not muslim, we iz aryanzz


pretty much

That is a isolated rape and a tragedy. Pic related is Asifa who was raped and killed by Poo politicians, priests, and police because her family was Muslim. Poos are the ones who use vast premeditated rape as a weapon and most mass Paki rapists are actually poos.

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Both rapes happened in Jan 2018. The person who raped Zainab is already long gone executed. The rapists of Asifa and other girls in Pooland are supported by Poo society and will probably go free.

Why are the host nations that allow them to come so weak?

not really, the sick fuck murdered at least 12 girls



Didnt know that but he is dead now. Whereas here on Jow Forums there are Modi-Pajeets who brag that their mothers tell them to rape non-Poos.

>cross included
Does this mean Christianity is Satan worship as well?

Indians and Islam don't mix well.

Seriously. Is Christianity satan worship or not?

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Don't worry they're equal opportunity rapers .

Based Pajeet


They do it in their own country as well.

Indians + Islam

Slay the Pakis Poo. Remember to close that top hatch on your sub before diving.