Happy mothers day or are you triggered cuck?
Happy mothers day or are you triggered cuck?
>israel flag
The absolute state of migapedes
That's not how you spell incest.
hey tranny
Redditfags and kikes. Is there even a difference?
to back to plebbit you piece of shit
Based Isreali flag instead of US flag. MIGA!!
>Jew flag
In to the trash it goes with the rest of the demons
lurk moar faggots
lol, literally what OP predicted.
I mean, the evidence is already there. Trump IS a neocon, The_Donald IS a hub of Zionist neocons as well. There is no shill interpretation, just the way it is.
its non binary day
fuck off reddit shithole
Can someone edit the OP with "incest" instead of "princess"
Posted it again?
>omg u like ebin trolled maaaan
Fucking kill yourself, you animal
The absolute state of MIGApedes.
>Tfw no hawt Jewish qt to shoot Palestinians with.
Still running the israeli girl ops, they never learn.
Suck it snowflakes
fuck off with your trannies
nah im cool with that
looks like that hag from The Young Turks; proving once again that israel is a shithole.
lol I love how these people think pol is a thing, theyre probably harassing intel officers or some shitposter, also nice digits
lol, people still go there? the fuck.
this is fucking hilarious lmao
Nice try kike shill
MIGA! amirite MAGApees?
I want to do things to her body.
t. right-wing SJW for Israel
fucking kike. die a thousands deaths
this is either extreme satire or extreme cringe. either way i am impressed
Sloppy job mossad