Attached: 726DF32E-D3AC-40CE-8F76-118ABE3E59EA.png (750x1334, 163K)

Other urls found in this thread:!8s93VKIS!gFI1I2CGNgBKpT602FGefw!P3Ij2RxD!C_vUhcH3G4nv5aW0iu_GKQ

Attached: 1554138003383.webm (404x718, 1.06M)

Attached: bz-5cca535cad0f9.jpg (480x373, 33K)

Attached: nigger_cheapshot.webm (640x640, 1.96M)

Attached: nigger_attacks_teacher.webm (640x360, 2.69M)

Attached: nigger_beating_a_human.webm (332x574, 1.96M)

Attached: nigger_eating_flour.webm (720x1280, 1.12M)

Attached: nigger_equality.jpg (640x368, 53K)

They sure do love sucker punches

Attached: nigger_home_invader_beats_women.webm (480x360, 1.78M)

Attached: nigger_home_invader2.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

stop being racist

Attached: nigger_nigger_baby_killer.png (600x1007, 646K)

Any one has this one with audio?
It was absolutely brutal.

Attached: nigger_pack.webm (720x480, 2.05M)

Attached: nigger_burning.webm (640x480, 2.85M)

you still owe the bull Ivan, dont push it

racism is evil, not funny

Attached: white_fire.webm (208x320, 2.95M)

keeping them alive was a huge mistake. should have just kept a few, hunt the rest for sports. a tribe of 100 for research and nostalgic purpose. a huge waste and expense of nature

Attached: nigger_tongue.webm (202x360, 1.88M)

Attached: 1556294537081.jpg (743x925, 376K)

so is the nigger and its not funny either


Attached: nigger_evolution.jpg (1024x819, 89K)

He is being culturally enriched.

stop it, there's literally nothing wrong with being african american

Attached: 1556249938597.gif (300x197, 1.85M)

Attached: nigger_robs_elderly.webm (1000x562, 1.94M)

that tribe of 100 would make you a minority in just 3 generations though


Niggers burning niggers, no racism here


Attached: 1554744920070.jpg (540x960, 57K)

This is scientific proof that black people are mentally retarded. The tv was obviously obliterated as could be seen by the fucked up screen/picture. Yet they still went to the trouble to stealing it. Both of them.

thats what i also concluded.

Except for the sub 90 IQ

contained by whites, you must be low iq. you believe we can not keep a hundred niggers in a zoo for the history museum of the bundesreich? maybe we keep a room for you frogs aswell, what a weak specimen put on your yellow vest already

Attached: 1556250239052.webm (270x480, 819K)

Attached: niggers_steal_transformers.png (707x1104, 765K)

Dishonourable slime

Blacks really have to be left to their own accord to destroy their own cities. It's clear they are not capable of living in civilized societies, every attempt to help them is met with the exact same outcome. They blame us for everything while having the nerve to live off our tax dollars.

Attached: 1523839536922.jpg (960x960, 120K)

NIGGER HATE pic library!8s93VKIS!gFI1I2CGNgBKpT602FGefw

Attached: dad-is-right.jpg (675x1200, 148K)

Attached: nigger_nigger_toddler_killer.png (626x732, 320K)

1000 webm collection of funwblacks!P3Ij2RxD!C_vUhcH3G4nv5aW0iu_GKQ

Attached: dad-is-right2.png (695x524, 341K)

Attached: coalburner_kids_father_shot.png (600x1007, 631K)

only in north houston babyyyyyy

Attached: orc.jpg (515x693, 184K)


Attached: 1556474904199.png (577x582, 557K)

Attached: nigger_punches_child.webm (480x480, 1024K)

stupid niggers, cqant even run a compnay. bottle that shit, and sell it instead of power

Attached: nigger_parenting.webm (480x360, 835K)

Attached: nigger_punches_woman.webm (222x400, 1.53M)

Attached: 1552198442213.webm (264x480, 1.67M)

Attached: nigger_robs_woman.webm (552x358, 2.99M)

>their own cities
come on now, this is why I feel lonely , its like im from the future to be the only one to understand that there is no hope whatsoever for niggers.
atleast based poland understand me.
niggers are so fucking stupid, I used to be the most unprejudiced guy but after every encounter with gorilla hybrid I am exposed to unprecedented stupidty tjat I have not even seen in (full) animal species. it is a breed of brutal stupidity and hatred for beauty

You're a Nigger

Attached: niggers_go_tubing.jpg (648x750, 64K)

Attached: nigger_astronaut.gif (350x350, 1.73M)

Attached: nigger_swimming.webm (406x320, 2.68M)

Attached: nigger_twerking_on_grave.jpg (960x834, 138K)

Attached: 1556251491136.webm (230x400, 1.55M)

Attached: nigger_watermelon.gif (493x277, 2.91M)

Attached: elizabeth_warren_nigger_jar.jpg (865x453, 61K)

Attached: niggers_attack_bikers.webm (500x500, 1.87M)

Attached: nigger rekt 18.webm (202x360, 2.74M)

Fake text is fake

Attached: fake police nigger rekt.webm (640x360, 2.35M)

Attached: 1543339510308.png (678x485, 20K)


This is why you don't try to save someone who can't swim. They'll just pull you down

It's a demon

fucking "nike" lmfao

Attached: 1555544797810.webm (480x360, 1.9M)

Damn, This is so harsh, but SO true.

Breaking a tv to steal it. Real nigger intelligence.

Knuckles to boot.... That oughta get assault with a deadly


Attached: 932B9AC6-AD43-4898-B3C4-B54BD0C3B9F8.jpg (448x798, 150K)


Id fuck that nigger up so bad even with him having brass knuckles on

Attached: 1556119799566.webm (640x480, 2.03M)

yeah his is doing years in prison now

Does she even know that dude or did he just knock on her window and say "suck muh dick"? At Least her shame is immortalized on the internet. Good way to get HIV too

Remember Eve Carson?

Attached: eve carson.jpg (255x197, 8K)

Attached: gooks of hazard.webm (320x180, 2.06M)

Caught a nigger lining up for the knockout game once, flashed my handgun and he scurried back to his pack quickly.

I love seeing lil twinky white kids get there ass kicked by niggers. The irony of the fact that the Negroes get racist 90% of the time. These idiotic white kids idolize being black, act black, talk black, hang out with blacks. But they'll never be monkeys. It just doesn't work, it's not a mental issue it's a physical issue. Funny thing is, they are also anti racist usually then they get beat up for being a "weak cracka" and don't fight back so aggressively because they're afraid to be inevitably framed racist in our current race shaming community that western culture has become.

I say this because of some of the videos angry anti whites send...

Remember Autumn Pasquale

Attached: AUTUMN-PASQUALEmeme3.jpg (650x576, 95K)

Muslims here are exactly the same

Remember Lauren Burk?

Attached: Lauren Burk.jpg (365x205, 20K)

>last resort is imaginary hollywood utopia produced by jews

Attached: 1CD9F191-C4DB-4F35-A502-858D99ACCF41.png (1334x750, 1.74M)

Ugh I hope I never have to do this and my daughter marries White and right


Attached: 1549947501806.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

Remember Lacie Larose?

Attached: lacie larose.jpg (636x382, 55K)

Remember Alyssa Oakes


Attached: blacklivessmoulder.jpg (608x456, 66K)

> me and my niga obama wuz just investigating sum shit and turns out you gots to gibs me dat!

Attached: CEAA4E6C-4684-4307-A1E1-E540564238EB.png (750x1334, 1.3M)

If you dont teach your white children to fight, and promote physical elitism you are doing them a disservice.

Serious question, why is it that when I search for fights between humans and niggers on Youtube the human wins in 99% of videos? And why do chinks beat humans at least 90% of the time? Pls explain.

Remember Hannah Graham?

Attached: hannah graham.jpg (618x410, 73K)

How do faggots like that get a body as such?

And if the nigger got pushed
>violently throwing Wakeem to the floor