Why are prots so dumb? Catholics believe in Jesus Christ and have been Christians for hundreds of years before their heretical German priest was even born.
Prots are lazy. Faith alone, does not guarantee salvation. You also need good works. Not to mention, Luther took out parts of the bible that the Jews didn't accept.
"I'm Christian, not Catholic"
Christians are Christians.
"Faith alone, does not guarantee salvation. You also need good works."
Burn in hell satanic kike
Prots are Christians but they're misguided ones. They'll go to hell if they don't change their ways.
maybe because the catholic church was charging people for indulgences and abusing their power, and weren't following the scriptures at all
Catholics are the only Christians.
t. lazy prot
Continue being arrogant. It pleases Christ and benefits His church.
Orthodox is the only way. Come come Christian man.
*come home
Christians follow the message of Christ.
So wtf is Mary doing with this ?
>worshiping a kike
Catholics are cucks to the pope. He condones transexuals and homosexual marriage. Your church has fallen. You worship false idols in the mother mary and st peter, paul, etc. You believe in backward religious dogma, promote pedophilia and are allies with the Jews. Catholics will get the fucking rope
>Worshipping cows
>Faith alone, does not guarantee salvation. You also need good works.
Can you provide scripture for that?
Also no protestant says "you don't need works" certainly not Luther. The question is whether good works are part of our justification before God, or whether our righteousness before God is solely the merit of Christ received by faith alone.
It’s pretty clear Protestantism was a mistake, just a bunch of white northern europeans destroying civilised society again via their virtue signalling.
This is backwards. The protestant reformation was in protest of the zionist take over of the catholic church. Hence the massive cathedrals lined in jewish gold all cross Europe .
Baptist gang where you at?
Catholic heretics abstain from SEETHING.
>hurr durr prots split up the church!!!!
you're a fag Martin Luther did what Jesus did to the Pharisee's because the Church was corrupt doing to EXACT same thing Jesus protested so if you honestly believe that you're a fucking moron
oh yeah and prots weren't the first ones to even split up the church you faggot
The East–West Schism, also called the Great Schism and the Schism of 1054, was the break of communion between what are now the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox churches, which had lasted until the 11th century.[1] The Schism was the culmination of theological and political differences between the Christian East and West which had developed over the preceding centuries.
Neck Yourself
Why? If they believe in christ and still act good but merely dont believe does good actions contribute to their salvation why would this damn them. Same thing for the prot argument, if catholics believe in christ but believe one must also act good why would this damn them? This is pointless infighting
They worship a woman like fags
>how dumb is this sect of individuals who believe in something different than me
>yet still believe in an unverifiable supernatural being
I'm Christian and not Catholic
Пpaвocлaвиe или cмepть
>believing that God approves of your works
Cant ivan, the nearest orthodox church is an hour away, and its Ethiopian.
More like they were just a bunch of lazy degenerates who didn't have what it takes to be Catholic.
Guys faith alone saves
True faith will make you want to show your devotion to God through actions, but no human work will get you salvation. That's heresy.
>believing in something without a shred of evidence to suggest its correct in any standard
you also need to protect pedophiles.
>catholic larper doesn't understand why christians don't get along
The thief next to Lord Jesus went to heaven on faith alone. How could he do works when he was mailed to a cross dying with Lord Jesus?
42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Um, Martin Luther literally wrote a book called On the Jews and Their Lies..l
Catholics fuck children. They then worship child fuckers because their religion requires them to. I believe Christ is my way to salvation. I try to memic HIM not some child molesting "priest" that got voted I to King priest by other child molesters. Burn them in hell Catholics along with your Jew brothers
>ethiopian orthodox church
and it may be coptic church anyway...
Catholics came about long after the first churches had all been divided, scattered and repressed.
They splintering didn't come from Martin Luther, the attempted elimination of the old Christian beliefs came from the Universal pagans.
holy shit gabon? aren't the lot of you starving?
i remember we donated money when i went to church back in the early 2000s
christianity is catholic by definition. now let's discuss whether jeebus is a good thing.
roman and catholic is an oxymoron
Imagine believing this.
Modern Catholicism is the result of a forceful political takeover more than 6 centuries ago
The mere fact that a man believes he is the vicar of Christ is blasphemy
Additionally, the abhorrent Marxist adaptations of Christ's scripture is not picky self defeating, but sacrilegious
Catholicism is worshipping a man who acts more in line with Satan
Virgin Protestant
Brad Pre Reform Catholic
Chad Post Reform Catholic
Based and Dyer-pilled
You have to start with the Judaeo-Christian belief that there are magic apples that give one instant god-like knowledge when eaten. The apples actually have magic apple power but are also cursed by the magic Jew-god called Yahwah. You believe that Adam and Eve ate the Genesis fruit awakening the wrath of Yahwah. This is how you start to construct a Biblical Judaeo-Christian worldview with Biblical Judaeo-Christian worldview beliefs.
Catholics are retarded followers of a Roman cult. Stop pretending you're a Christian when you keep Idols of Mary and saints.
Christians are jew worshiping fools..morals are good but desert religions made by jews are not ..turn the other cheek and racemix more
Cows have never subverted my nation and called for my genocide. They also don't snip off and suck off baby dick.
James 2:14-26
lol a dude straight up murders a racemixer and his whore in the bible and it's described as lifting a fucking plauge. christcucks don't even read their own book.
Something something stone river jew idk OP is a faggot
Why are Catholics so insecure?
Google [reign of the harlots]
Once you read this and you can never look at Catholicsm the same.
Protestants realized that they were paying a vig to the judeo-italian church for no reason, so they made their own thing. They also translated the bible into prole so that the peasants could learn about proto-marxism instead of just the ennobled wealthy (big mistake!)
Catholics, for all their faults now, were the only ones defending Europe from subversive Jewry and invasive Muslims. I mean, even in the US Catholics held the tide against Jews in Hollywood and the culture until very recently. Look at the recent Kavanaugh debacle. Or the Covington fiasco. There's deliberate targeting by the media to take down the RCC. Even Bella Dodd said the only things communists feared was the Catholic Church. There's certainly evil within the Church and Bergolio is unquestionably a nefarious figure, but I can't help but admire the Church for what it did. I only hope they can undo Vatican II and remove the Marxists and homosexuals.
Satan was the original Bad Goy
Dangerously stupid.
fuck off underage retard
Modern Catholics might be good, but the church at the time of Martin Luther was highly corrupt and evil. It is no surprise that someone like Martin Luther demanded reform, the Catholics had it coming
I’m sorry that’s not the gospel and therefore a suggestion.
Catholics & Orthodox agree on almost everything save for a few finer theological details. Protestants are heretical iconoclasts who wanted to open a second front on Christendom at a time when Europe was already facing the greatest menace in its history from the Ottoman Muslims.
20 "Arius, king of the Spartans, to Onias the high priest, greeting. 21 It has been found in writing concerning the Spartans and the Jews that they are brethren and are of the family of Abraham. 22 And now that we have learned this, please write us concerning your welfare
Ah okay. At least we know how old you are now.
Catholic, not "catlick."
>Catholics believe in Jesus Christ
No they don't because the Pope is their Christ. That's why the Pope is called the Pontif. Pontif Maximus was a political and religious title given to Cesars during the Roman Empire. It means "bridge-builder" as in the bridge between gods and men. The Bible teaches that the bridge between God and men is Jesus as mediator.
>(Hebrews 12:24) and Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and the blood of sprinkling, which speaks in a better way than Abel’s [blood].
>(1 Timothy 2:5) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus,
>(Hebrews 9:15) So that is why he is a mediator of a new covenant, in order that, because a death has occurred for [their] release by ransom from the transgressions under the former covenant, the ones who have been called might receive the promise of the everlasting inheritance.
>(Hebrews 8:6) But now [Jesus] has obtained a more excellent public service, so that he is also the mediator of a correspondingly better covenant, which has been legally established upon better promises.
The Catholic Church is part of Satan's system and is Satanic as well.
Study the Bible and you will realize how everything they believe is not in it. Why do you think the Catholic Church was obsessed with killing commoners who read the Bible, translated into commoner tongue, or preached it?
literally a cult
Luther supported protestant nobles killing protestant peasants in numerous uprisings
>Prays to Mary
>Claims he's Christian
Yes jews claim they are related to you and part of you and they deserve your things..big suprise
>Why do you think the Catholic Church was obsessed with killing commoners who read the Bible, translated into commoner tongue, or preached it?
Because not doing that is how you end up with Mormons, Christian Zionism, and Joel Osteen.
>(2 Timothy 4:3, 4) For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; 4and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories.
>(Matthew 7:21) “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.
>(Matthew 7:15) “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves.
>(Acts 20:29) I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among YOU and will not treat the flock with tenderness,
>(2 Peter 2:1) However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among YOU. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves.
>(1 Timothy 4:1) However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons,
Most "Christians" aren't even Christians by Biblical standards. Most people are not aware that Christians are not Christians just because they say so or identify as one. No more than a Transfag is a "woman" because he says so or he identifies as one. There are rules, laws, and specifications one must have to be something.
I would estimate that 99% of Christians on Earth today are not Christians at all but morons who are unaware of their Un-Christian state. Less than 1% of Christendom on earth today IS THE REAL Christianity. But the mainstream you know of and accept are not. Your problem is that you are all over-generalizing with the word "Christian." There are over 40 thousand sects.
By and large, Catholics are from lower IQ counties than Protestants. They have neither the intellectual honesty to actually read Protestant arguments in the first place, nor the intellectual acumen to understand them anyway.
This has always been the case throughout history. You need lower IQ religion for lower IQ populations.
Don't be mad about this, Papists. Just accept your place in the natural order of things.
Pretty much sums it up nicely.
He acknowledged his sins, and Jesus accepted his act of penitence as worthy of salvation. In the Catholic faith, (Catholic means universal btw, in case you’re frightened that it is somehow a non-Christian epithet) it is perfectly normal to confess your sins when you are dying, and if you are truly penitent, to be consequently received into the Church. It is Protestant doctrine we have to thank for introducing the abominable doctrine of predestination, which would suggest that no single action, let alone faith, has any bearing on whether a man or woman is saved.
Bellarmine's "Controversies" is a two million word refutation of protestantism
>Luther took out parts of the bible that the Jews didn't accept.
What? What parts did he take out
>earn capital
>use capital to finance works
>somehow isn't works
Prots are delusional communists
Veneration of the Virgin Mary pre-dates the New Testament. Traditionally, it has more precedent than anything to be found in the heretical Protestant churches.
Israelites are white and "jews" aren't Israelites.
Hear hear.
Why do you dislike the person that made Christianity great again?
>Catholics are the only Christians.
No, Catholics are barley Christians
That is correct which makes Protestants NON-CHRISTIANS as well. Protestants are just Catholic Church 2.0. They are just a Pope-less network.
>faith alone doesnt guarantee salvation
But about 3,50 does
What did the Bible command to do with those who misinterpreted scripture to create their own teachings?
>(Titus 3:10, 11) As for a man that promotes a sect, reject him after a first and a second admonition; 11 knowing that such a man has been turned out of the way and is sinning, he being self-condemned.
>(Romans 16:17) Now I exhort YOU, brothers, to keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that YOU have learned, and avoid them.
>(2 Thessalonians 3:6) Now we are giving YOU orders, brothers, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to withdraw from every brother walking disorderly and not according to the tradition YOU received from us.
>(2 Thessalonians 3:14) But if anyone is not obedient to our word through this letter, keep this one marked, stop associating with him, that he may become ashamed.
>(2 John 10) If anyone comes to YOU and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into YOUR homes or say a greeting to him.
>(1 Corinthians 5:11) But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.
>(Matthew 18:15-17) “Moreover, if your brother commits a sin,... If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 ... take along with you one or two more, in order that at the mouth of two or three witnesses every matter may be established. 17 ..., let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.
Jews generally avoided association with tax collectors including harlots. (Mt 9:11; 11:19; 21:32; Mr 2:15; Lu 5:30; 7:34)A “brother” who proved to be an unrepentant wrongdoer like “a tax collector” meant having no voluntary association with him.—Mt 18:15-17.
Can you show me where it says to torture and set on fire people?
“Reforms” had already been coming. Saint Thomas More (a man whom the Protestant author of the first English dictionary called “the most virtuous man these islands have ever produced”) & Erasmus wanted to reform the church without destroying it.
>Veneration of the Virgin Mary pre-dates the New Testament.
Yes, Mariolatry has its precursors in the worship of various mother goddesses like Asherah and Hera.
Yeah, there's no room in heaven for Christ-believers that also help others!
No they are related pretty sure hate to break it to ya bub alot of us are at least the ancient Israelite's you do know the 10 tribes correct? there is a reason reason said
>pic related
Judah / Judea was the name back in the itme of Jesus so why did they name it Israel? Israel was a separate nation and was lost during Assyrian captivity which was at odds with Judah ( Benjamin / Judah {where "jew" comes from}) and the "jews" who live there never descended from the nation of Israel yeah and if you keep reading they say that they are mutual at each other disposal and cooperation not just one way so your kind of a brainlet
hurr durr muh jews!!!!
its a made up term they are Canaanites and our enemies
also one more thing
12 On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,
13 Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.
>20 And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast:
21 The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus.
22 Philip cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus.
>23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.
why did he declare this after the some Greeks showed up? kind of strange
Prots are jews wannabes. Adapted the bible to be like jews, worship money instead of god.
You mean they like beer?