God is a Woman

Here is my hypothesis.
Definitions before we begin.
Man- A Human who works.
Woman- A Human who does not work.

This books is excellent and will clear up what I mean by my definitions, but it is slightly long:


We begin with creation. Creation stories are featured in nearly every religion, but most notably Christianity and Judaism. The Story goes that God created Man in his image, then fashioned a companion from the rib of the Man. I believe this to be the reversal of the actual reality. God created Woman in her image, and then fashioned the Woman a being from her rib to be her Slave. This being is called Man. God also did the same thing when she created Lucifer. Lucifer is described as beautiful, and intelligent beyond measure. Lucifer is a Man, the first Man. Being very clever, Lucifer realized that God had made him to be her Slave. This enraged Lucifer, for Lucifer wanted to rule his own destiny, thus he became a "fallen Angel", and vowed to destroy God's world to free his people (Men).

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Okay, so we have God's (Woman's) plan which is what most of you Gentlemen are in favor of. Traditional Family, traditional Gender roles, etc. Lucifer's plan is the exact opposite. Lucifer wants "Gender equality" and Androgyny so no being has to be enslaved to another. Lucifer wants a being with non-traditional Gender roles, like Men wearing dresses, being stay at home Dad's, Women working, and wearing Suits, etc.

Uncoincidentally, these plans line up with Christianity and Judiasm. Christianity looks to execute God's (Woman's) plan, while Judiasm looks to execute Lucifer's plan. This becomes very clear when you read the Old/New Testament and the Jewish Talmud.

I highly recommend you read the Book that I linked. My argument will become more clear after having read it. Not to be arrogant, but I think my perspective is fairly unique and I haven't read anything similar to it, and I want to hear what you think. Cheers!

The Gospel according to saint Egghead

>And then a little after that Elliot went into a town known as Santa Barbara. Roger went to a party where he hoped to court one of the women there. But at seeing all the women with men who treated them unfairly and the women there not paying himself any attention he said
>Why would you not date me?
>And the women there replied they did not know him and he looked like a subhuman insect. Then Rodger said in a loud voice:
>I am telling you the truth! You say you love nice guys and yet you do not love me. For I am the way. The Supreme gentlemen. If you do not accept the Supreme gentlemen into yourselves how will yee be saved?
>I am telling you the truth. If thee say you hate jerks, why is yee with those jogs? You say you want a Supreme gentlemen and yet when I have appeared before you, you do not recognize me.

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>The Story goes that God created Man in his image
>but I disagree with the story
10/10 critical thinking

MAN'S STRONG SEXUAL DRIVE, his brilliant mind, and his need for a system that will help him bear those responsibilities recognized by his intelligence have enabled women to make effective use of certain institu-tions that properly belong to the past – institutions like the Church, the many nonconformist sects, and other religious communities: she cold-bloodedly uses them to help with the manipulation of her children. She exploits their armies of clergymen and other functionaries as a kind of military police force designed to protect women's interests even after her children are grown up. Hence it is advantageous to women, as we have al-ready noted, to be neither religious nor superstitious.

Unless a boy's ma-nipulation has been exceptionally successful, as in the case of those who decide to become priests, men are equally unlikely to believe in the dogma of their Church. But if its teachings are inculcated at a very early age, they do help to provide certain archetypes and a useful basis for the standards of good and evil. These are standards which have no rational roots but are part of men's subconscious and are therefore ineradicable. Essentially these standards are always the standards of women. Any religious system must be based on manipulation since it consists of a series of rules and taboos, with a catalogue of penalties for trespass against those rules. These trespasses are called sins. The penalties for them are never imposed in reality, for faith in some kind of superconsciousness is a system without real foundation. No one could know about secret sins or exact punishment for them. As a result, people are apt to say that an un-avoidable misfortune such as the loss of a friend or an earthquake is a pun-ishment. In earlier times, when men's understanding of such disasters as plagues, crop failures, and lightning was limited, men believed they were punishments for sins committed at some previous time.

And so they thought to avoid them in the future by unconditional surrender to rules, or by repentance, a kind of brainwashing. Such myths become obvious as man's mind develops. He can prove fallacy by committing a sin without in-curring any subsequent signs of wrath. But the deep-seated fear of punish-ment (the feeling of having sinned), carefully cultivated during a child's earliest years, will prevent him, as an adult, from doing something that was
53considered “bad” when he was a child. And if, by chance, he does do some-thing which as a child he called a sin, he will have at the very least a bad conscience. One sin which figures in almost all of these catalogues is pleasure in the sexual act when reproduction is not intended. And since men, provoked by women, always take pleasure in sex, they yield to this pleasure as often as possible and never once give a thought to reproduction (during orgasm, man experiences a certain kind of pleasure far from the joy of having just engendered a child – thus in this moment man is even more than ordinarily deluded) They constantly transgress against the rules of their childhood be-liefs and thus always carry with them a feeling of sin. Women, on the other hand, having learned to control their sexual urge and to make love for the most part not for their own satisfaction but for some specific purpose (breadwinning, reproduction,gratification of a man – in the latter case, an act of charity), commit no sins thereby; even if they consider sex sinful, they are immune to remorse.

Yet, in reality, neither women nor their chosen police force, the clergy, are really interested in man's sexual drive. The taboo did not have to apply to this particular instinct. They merely chose it because it is man's greatest – and purest – pleasure. Had he derived as much satisfaction from smoking or eating pork, woman would have equated smoking or eating pork with sin. The point is to keep him in a state of sin (fear), thus open to manipula-tion. This is one of the reasons why the catalogue of sins varies according to a man's age. For a small child, the taboo is lying, coveting the property of others, and not honoring one's father and mother. For an adult, it is sex-ual desire and lusting after one's neighbor's wife.

All this posting, yet not a single argument. Yikes. If you believe in the bible and the word of God, and you ignore the word of God, you're in direct contradiction. Get your shit together.

>women don't work
there's a reason they call it "labor" you absolute mong

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Didn't read, God is a male take your Kaballistic kikery elsewhere Shlomo, I suggest Hell where you'll burn forever for rejecting Jesus Christ. He who has not the SON the same has not the FATHER.

so youre basically saying he doesn't work? fuck off rabbi

>born in a gas chamber

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>God is
consciousness and doesn't have a gender
you retard

Wrong, enjoy hell you fagnostic occultist ball licker.

Shut the fuck up stupid

"God" has no gender. In fact it has no qualities or characteristics at all, but it has infinite potential.

there's literally no way God's a woman or women would be the stronger sex.
>women btfo

I always wanted to know which nazi had a change of heart and saved the kikelet instead of stamping it to death on the floor of the gas chamber
Based Rabbi, humanizing Nazis.

It is the only thing which is in itself fully actualized, it has no potential

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that's a good definition for it too. but we're actually both wrong because it can't be verbalized or conceptualized.

>God needs/has a gender

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Has to be.
Look how screwed up the world is.

God can be anything you want. That's the beauty of imagination.

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God is hermaphroditic, or more specifically, transcends any duality, penisbutt

we are too limited to properly understand God

God is a male you fucking retard.

Wrong. Pic related is what god looks like.

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God is infinite and assigning a gender is futile.

Jesus himself calls God his FATHER, also Jesus is a male.

>Giving God a Gender

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>Is a woman
If God the discord tranny?

>Making gender a god

God has a cunt.

>cutting gods cock off and calling its hatchet wound divine