As an American

Why should I care if Europe gets invaded by Africans? If anything I find it entertaining. Just grab some popcorn. If anything I should be rooting for the africans, because a weaker Europe ensures we can lord over them for our own benefit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It’s happening to us to

>enters thread
>saves pic
>leaves thread


You're a race traitor cuckold and the US is way worse than Europe.

we are invading your shit hole american country. we are taking your woman and impregnating them. white people are the enemy, even in your "for now" white country.

You shouldn't let the Eurofags cry.

watch your economy plummet as educated Europeans can't be shipped to Muttland anymore.

Your nation is barely 50% white.

Attached: Mutt88.png (1615x787, 170K)

Still better than you English fag.

It is only logical for an american to support his fellow negroes in Europe.

>enters thread
>saves pic
>checks for any more pics like it
>replies to spbp
>leaves thread

We're becoming Brazil 2.0
Only thing I'm rooting for is for this country to collapse for something better, and segregated.

UK was 86% white last census. So no, you're not.

I FUCKING LOVE PUSSY SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: kek.jpg (250x242, 6K)

>white people are our enemies
>we want to live in their countries though
makes perfect sense

Not in race percentages retard. In global power. Imagine having a country 50% white doing better than your shithole.

You are European who happen to reside on other continent.

You are worse than a larping nigger.

Poop on me

fuck off back to mexico pedro

You're Israels lapdog you mean. Military wing of the eternal kike.

So much better than being white, right lads?

American in Ireland here. You shouldn't care. Europeans are all massive faggots who just shit talk America all the time. Then they all try to move there so they can actually keep some of the money they work for. The irony is lost on them.

I personally don't care. They've been shitting on us since forever. Fuck em.

americans are mutts, disgusting, deformed creatures. you have no reason to care about europe

We get the ones you want to educate themselves you get the ones that just want to mug rape pillage

You're Americas retarded trans step daughter.

The demographics are much better in Europe and the buildings are nicer.

i may be a tranny, but im white

>global power
>you may erase my people but at least I can bomb some shithole better
Nice priorities

You are a literal nigger if you do not care about Europe.

Go ahead and move to Europe for a few years. You will want to move home. You have no idea how good you have it in America until you see the mess that is Europe.

white trannies are worse than shitskins

80% is when the demographic change really starts to kick in, you are in for a wild ride for the next few decades.

t. shitskin

It's only the Irish who try to flee their nation on mass.

>Go ahead and move to Europe for a few years. You will want to move home. You have no idea how good you have it in America until you see the mess that is Europe.

I am skeptical that is actually true, the United States is completely disgusting and full of mongrels, niggers, and spics. Europe may be far from perfect, but seems like a paradise in contrast.

To be fair he's in Ireland, which is basically the third world.

America will always be more shitskin than Europe. Europe is your homeland you cuckold. You're retarded. How can you hate other whites just cause they live in a different place than you. You disgust me. I reject you. Yon era no better than a white hating liberal.

>disgusting, deformed creatures.

>i may be a tranny, but im white

>Consciously disfigure oneself, sparing no effort or expense.
>Call others deformed

You mental or somethin' lad?

i have green eyes

you are no better*

What's wrong with Europe compared to America? In what way is living here worse? It's safer, cleaner, whiter and has better infrastructure.

Like a ninja in the ever concealing shadows.

based, same

still the thread is about why americans should care about europe. and since americans arent white just gross mutts they have no reasons to
i look better than you fat mutt

What are you talking about?

fuck off tranny freak

>we treat our number one ally as cattle.
Enjoy your future collapse.

you are a race traitor and a cuckold for wanting shitskins to conquer white Europeans

The USA is barely 50 percent white, so you are likely talking to a shitskin.

America & Europe will belong to us soon, and you weak white people cant do anything about it.

no u mutt

Attached: 1557199611904.gif (582x404, 1.99M)

>i look better than you fat mutt
Post pic Buffalo Bill.

Attached: tumblr_oyfpmphWck1w5fdfmo1_1280.jpg (1161x1280, 245K)

>you are a race traitor and a cuckold for wanting shitskins to conquer white Europeans

I never said or wanted that, I was just warning the bong that his demographic future is not looking so great either. Europeans can gloat about America, but unless they get a handle on immigration they will become just like us.


Attached: housenegress.jpg (400x497, 39K)

Lording over sub humans is hazardous and expensive.

As an American, you should know this already.

>Only one pic like this in thread
>Shit thread

And you guys have the audacity to blame jews... Unless you are one yourself.

You are aware of what the Nazis did to the mentally ill and homosexuals, right? (Against better judgement hoping that's not you in the gif.)

you can't make white children so you worthless

That's a man, baby.

I'll be honest I should have provided a bit more nuance. It really depends on the type of lifestyle you want and what you value. If you're okay with high taxes, limited gun ownership, less personal space, smaller housing and incomplete freedom of speech than Europe is likely a good fit for you. The demographics comment you made is skewed as there are no accurate assessments of illegal migrants in Europe, only estimates. The same could be said for America. Also France does not keep demographic stats.

If you like lower taxes, almost unlimited gun rights, constitutionally protected free speech and vast swaths of untouched land then America is a better fit. I'm not trying to make one sound better or worse than the other either. Just a general observation from someone who has lived in both.

Jesus H fucking christ OP got anymore?

>paying shitskins free welfare and giving them affirmative action is "lording" over them

0 > -1

>t. globalist faggot via "white"

Why are you ignoring my question man?

>You are aware of what the Nazis did to the mentally ill and homosexuals, right?

Fuck America. I only care about the white race. This country is a nigger infested shithole and means jack shit to me. Blood is first.

>t. latino that hopped the border.

You shouldn't care, you should care about your own country becoming the first majority non white country of the western world.

You shouldn't.
Please for the love of all that is sacred, DO NOT interfere in anything that might happen in Europe in the upcoming years. Please just forget we exist.

Oh come on!
there are much more important matters.
this thread, for example, raises a good question.
why SHOULD Americans care about mass migration in Europe?

Well, pic related.
them rapefugees love them some white girls

Attached: Ddk-hDyVwAAxgmV.jpg (800x1200, 166K)

The US had a mix of jewish-negro entertainment instead of culture for at least a century now.
Frankly speaking, their DNA doesn't matter anymore.

I'm almost sure it's evidence of a crime, so good for you for saving it (I guess).

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i love upskirts like this for some reason.

>okay with high taxes
Some states have high taxes
>limited gun ownership
Sure but I'd rather be safer than have a cool toy.
>smaller housing
Depends where you are talking about in both Europe and America.
>incomplete freedom of speech
You can still get jailed over jokes on Facebook in America. It's much less free than you think.
>The demographics comment you made is skewed as there are no accurate assessments of illegal migrants in Europe, only estimates.
Well that's because we don't have Mexico on our border. Our illegal immigration is nothing.
>Also France does not keep demographic stats.
That's only one country.

Playing with guns and having less urbanised areas isn't worth all the diversity that America has as well as the lower quality of life.

Would motorboat that ass immediately after she took a shit/10.

Attached: 1557537728897.jpg (200x194, 6K)

Cute feet too.

You have the same amount of "diversity without the perks.
And free speech also goes to censorship, or do you prefer paying for porn and having Islamic rape gangs' faces blurred out?
Why even live you you're in Bongistan?

Her name is Ellana Bryan

Got any more? For research purposes, of course

Attached: 1541169075226.gif (500x249, 1.9M)

May need her vitals, also research.

Her name is Ellana Bryan.
Part of the All Good Things Network, which hosts women models of similar build

Attached: 40536269_295068471083320_6613977056261523019_n.jpg (320x400, 28K)

pic related

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>You have the same amount of "diversity without the perks
>87% is the same as 56%
That's some next level maths, mind teaching it to me? Also we have many more, better perks.
>And free speech also goes to censorship, or do you prefer paying for porn and having Islamic rape gangs' faces blurred out?
I don't think porn should be legal. Yeah our rape gangs are awful but that has nothing to do with censorship or guns.
>Why even live you you're in Bongistan?
Good money, clean country, NHS, security, environment, communal spirits, low amount of non-whites (compared to America). And most importantly because as long as humans can write my family has been living on these islands.

Attached: 1553547497556.gif (500x281, 1.83M)

>rape gangs
How dare you defame the Islam faith?!? They're not rape gangs! They're spreading their God's love to those 10 year-old little girl. Praise Allah!

Are you trying to be funny or are you trying to say something?

oh funny American.

Attached: UsSacrifice.jpg (477x731, 123K)

Isn’t Canada getting massively chinked and pooed? You’ll probably be in our position in a decade if the liberal party somehow wins this year, fuck, Canadians already shop at Walmart and eat McDonald’s. Canada isn’t far from going full America, especially with Trudeau giving jihadis millions of leafbucks

Why can't it be both?
That is what the courts in Europe have been saying isn't it? As long as the practice is based on the immigrants' culture in their previous country, these "rapes" you call them are just simple misunderstandings. So, the little girls get what they deserve! Those men should "love" those little girls over and over.

I want that video clip - both of them.

If the U.K. gets jewed on brexit and ends up staying in the EU, you’ll have American style diversity in 20 years, Europe will try to get revenge for even attempting to leave


Global power just means global power for the Jews that dominate your industries and wall st. You don't have any power whatsoever, silly goy.