So what are /po/'s economic views?

Our bois were socialists as much as they were nationalists really, plus Spencer, Johnson, Enoch, etc are all pretty much socialists. It's the best optics, I think we should be adopting leftist policies on Israel, environmentalism, economics, etc. We can convince them on race then desu.

Take this test anyway post results

D'Souza was right! Fascists were the real socialists and thats a good thing

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basically dirigisme

Attached: (476x646, 71K)

based stuff

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Based nazbol gang unite

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>austrian school
>Chicago School
Ok I guess

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> globalist
fucking fag

Fuck off retard, international trade is the future, unless you want to remain as an isolated low IQ shithole like Venezuela

Attached: ecoresults.png (536x710, 63K)

>Fuck off retard, international trade is the future, unless you want to remain as an isolated low IQ shithole like Venezuela
Globalist scum

yikes department is all i can say to that desu. international trade promotes degeneracy, usury, materialism. I'd rather a conservative/homogeneous poor state over a wealthy degenerate empire that is going to collapse in a few years like rome/US

You think this is what getting a dose of "american democracy" in your kisser will give you? Those meme systems you're rubbing your hands about will turn into one big bar.. going outward at 99%.
Big-Oil will swoop in and jack your resources, so they can sell it to me and everyone else under this flag.. or to whoever gives them the best price per barrel

And you? You'll be left sitting there with your thumb up your ass. If you're unlucky you'll get some McDonald's out of it.. the price of a Big Mac of course will be EXACTLY the same as it costs in the US... oh you didn't know that? American fast food joints don't adjust their prices for the local economy, not for their product at least but they will adjust it for their employees who get paid pennies on the dollar.

Of course a spook like you already knows this, maybe I'm giving you too much credit, maybe you don't glow in the dark and are just plain old retarded

The state needs to regulate the market.

What the hell is all of this seething rant? The fuck?
>I'd rather a conservative/homogeneous poor state over a wealthy degenerate empire that is going to collapse in a few years like rome/US

Attached: Econ.png (491x669, 80K)

Are you unironically autist? High or low functioning? My nephew is autist and I don't know how to talk to him

>What the hell is all of this seething rant? The fuck?

I just get excited when I see such a stupid user.. it's bait.
Ever hear of a bait post? Well your entire life right now is bait, that's how stupid you are



post-scarcity anarchist.

Yes, as in: You're in for a rude awakening


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you know, I wonder how many anons end up accidentally posting nigger hate threads on the origami board

>paid pennies on the dollar.

Eh, let me rephrase that.. Pennies on the hour
or better yet: Dirt.

They just straight label us fascists? Who could be behind this?

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How’d I do?

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I know the guy who made it - trust me, he's not one of them.

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not just based, but redpilled too

not bad

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Careful user, you just stirred up a hornet’s nest of kike shills. There is nothing (((they))) fear more than right-wing socialism.

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I don't know shit about economy so whatever fits with that

>right-wing socialism.

USA>Everyone else

Attached: My economic position.png (497x601, 52K)

Unjewed economics (no magic money printing and disconnection from the real economy)

Mercantilism/ fascism, apparently.

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yeah im a jew, so what

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>right-wing anarchism

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I'm a Sargonist.
I obey the principles of Sargonism as implicitly laid out by his teachings and example. Specifically
>Sargon is always right
>Sargon should be Prime Minister
>The national output of Britain is to be directed at the propaganda effort against Andy Warski.

Papercraft isn't a legitimate political or economic view

I think I did pretty okay

Attached: AyyImaFascist.png (429x623, 48K)

Shalom FBI.

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