Do all women have daddy issues?

>Be balls deep in cute girl I met at bar
>Starts saying “yes fuck me daddy”
>Ignore it and keep going. Realize that almost every girl I’ve ever been with has called me daddy before.
>Realize that one day I might have a daughter
>Realize that one day she’s gonna call another man daddy while getting plowed
>Become blackpilled mid fuck
Okay anons. I’m beginning to think that for women their fathers seem to have a massive impact on their sexuality and what they seem to like in men. Men don’t have that with their mothers beyond the memes and freaks. Do all women have daddy issues? I’m not sure how I feel about that when I have kids of my own. Any femanons care to explain?

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Who is that QT in picture op?

Im pretty sure thats Hildago

Well Viggo Mortensen is pretty good-looking but I think that's Lana del ray?

>Any femanons care to explain?
No. They are not real.

Lmao no thats not her shes much prettier from what i hear

You're kind of a dick arent you? Is there any point to trolling over something so frivolous ? You could be spamming blacked memes instead.

you guys are reading too deep into the psychology of it. I've had girls who come from extremely stable households call me daddy during sex. It's just a cultural meme that caught on. Girls like to denigrate themselves into submission during sex. "Daddy" has just become a codeword for that in the 21st century

Nah, Lana del rey looks like a nerd when she has no makeup.

This. An example would be how I can say "Hey baby, I'm gonna fuck you real good." Nobody thinks this sounds bad...but it literally means you're going to fuck a baby.

Also it’s fucking hot. Makes me cum quick but I really don’t need help with that.

no the daddy thing is just some dumb twitter reddit tranny thot meme, don't hook up with girls on the internet and this won't happen

Does anyone have that picture with a quote that says something like
"do not try to convert women politically, if you win they will follow you, if you fail they will go with the enemy"? Something of that nature

Causation vs Correlation

Just because you attract, and have perfected the approach to bag girls with Daddy issues, thereby giving you a higher percentage of experience with that type of Girl, I can say that in my own experience most girls do not have Daddy issues Because never once I have been called daddy mid bang.

Maybe it's a culture thing that Americans have more than Brits.

Or maybe you should stop dredging the bottom of the barrel and make a meaningful relationship, instead of bouncing around from whore to cum-dumpster and back again.

That's why ball gags exist user, that's a safe word for me it will instantly kill my mood

it's a nymphomaniac music "artist " who pushes music videos of herself and black men to millions of idolising young white girls. Should be stomped to death

I had one girl have a flashback and told me I was built like her dad down there as I plowed her.
I had another tell me about how her dad would have her fuck her brother as he watched, all the while my cock in her ass.

And they say hillbilly redneck's are a just a meme.

lol, one was from Mississippi and the other from Oklahoma

>daddy issues

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that's what you get when you pay for cheap crack whores. because vast majority of people Like 95% + don't fuck their dads

The solution is to fuck your daughter yourself


Shit is weird and everywhere it seems now

What if the guy tells the girl to call him daddy?
just asking for a friend

>21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

>23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

>24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

>12And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 13And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

>16Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

Women are property of their father until they are married off, then they are property of their husband.

Then that guy wants to fuck his daughter which makes him a freak

I have stopped girls in the middle of sex to tell them not to call me "daddy" while I'm fucking them.

they don't all have daddy issues, but they all want to submit and be/feel dominated. the ultimate authority figure for them is their father, or at least he was during their childhood, so the "daddy" represents the ultimate authoritative/secure/dominant figure in a relationship.

>you guys are reading too deep into the psychology of it.
And you're filling up opinions in a Israeli datamining shill thread

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>Become blackedpilled mid fuck

Hidalgo is a horse user. She doesn't look like a horse to me.

>Or maybe you should stop dredging the bottom of the barrel and make a meaningful relationship, instead of bouncing around from whore to cum-dumpster and back again.
How about no, grandad

This is why I tape their mouths shut.

Fuck your daughter first. Problem solved.

This. 4 chan is dead. Jews took over this forum because free speech was here - or at least partially was here...

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I was with this cute little Chinese girl about 22 but looked 14 honestly. I made her call me daddy and spit on my face when she was riding me. But then I realized I wasn't into being spat in the face but the daddy thing was OK. Meh it's mostly just trashy sluts who say it as a taboo because they're already too desensitized to normal sex.

this, a daughter either become your second wife or you become the ultimate cuck

I really don't ever want to have a daughter. Not worth the stress in clown world. As if you're already imagining yours getting fucked

Trust the Frenchman to promote fucking and enslaving his own daughter

>girl talks during sex
>you didn't slap her and tell her to stfu

>asking to be called daddy
That's the "please clap" of dirty talk

>their fathers seem to have a massive impact on their sexuality and what they seem to like in men
No shit, Sherlock

this is not complicated at all.
Dopamine is released when women think about the idea of a father. Probably because a father is a physically large and strong being that is supposed to protect them.

It's not a bad thing. Men call girlfriend. baby all the time. People from happy homes also naturally look for a partner who is similar to their parent of opposits gender. Your daughter will look for a partner who can compare to you. That's a good thing man.

I don’t like it

> I fuck bar sluts
> pol why do bar sluts have daddy issues
Because, little noggy, women who give up the puss after 25 minutes lack father figures.

Lana Del Rey (made up industry name, probably an anglo-kike irl)

Shes a babe though

>that's what you get when you pay for cheap crack whores
I'll take your word for it

Femanon on Jow Forums

To answer that question, you'd need to also correlate this behavior and know whether or not the girls had a father in their lives and what the relationship was like, i.e. did they respect him or not. Sounds like a good study that will never happen.

The "daddy" thing could also just be a girl thinking that's what a guy wants to hear. You have to understand that a lot of women at not sexual, don't like sex, and are doing it for a reason other then sex.

>Nobody thinks this sounds bad...but it literally means you're going to fuck a baby.
there's no need to be anti-Semitic

Fathers are male authority figures. Women are attracted to authority figures. Sex with family is also naughty so its fun to fantasize about for some people if that family member is very attractive to you. if you mom was incredibly physically attractive you would probably entertain the idea of sexing her once or twice.

Underrated post. Same for me. Women calling me daddy deflates my boner faster than anything I can think of. Same for the little girl act some women think is cute.

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You can be submissive without alluding to incest.