Why can't whyte people into high speed rail?

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people don't like public transportation because it means you have to deal with niggers, why is this so complicated to understand?

Trains are gay.

Because America's trains wouldn't be high speed with all the Burger on board.

I would rather die than sit next to a nigger
Ching chong

we don't want niggers to be able to reach our suburbs

it's really that simple

Wow, that’s a big train

If the good guys had won WW2 and the holocaust really happened, you know we would have had colonized Mars now let alone mastered HSR.

We lost now the Chinks are the masters

Personal transport for the win!

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frenchies make better trains but ok

well there are probably way less muds in china
we dont have hammer weilding super heroes to smite rule breakers


So that's 10 billion dead when their Chinese quality trains inevitably fails.

>really fast nigger transportation system
no thanks

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What's wrong with whitoids? Why do they need so much space?

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Cause niggers.

Too late. India beat you to it...

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Anywhere I can't drive to is too damn crowded and I don't wouldn't want to be there.
Why the fuck would I ride public transport? Its basically being in prison. Have to be around other people, can't leave until the train stops. Fuck that.

What the hell is wrong with that country?

Why don't they just build more train parts instead of that shit?
Hell, they just need a flat plate on two wheels at that point.
Just build lots of them.

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And assholes from the Middle East who need to sell oil.

A private highspeed train that would take your from point to point in a pivate car would cost billions. A private automobile is much cheaper.

>No time to take vacations
>dont want to live 300 miles from work
but dude we totally need HSR here

For u

Nobody needs high-speed rail unless you need to move around "low-wage workers" to areas they shouldn't be. Freight is a train's primary purpose in North-America, as it should be.

>public transportation

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But the train uses less oil.