State of civilization thread

state of civilization thread

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What's up with coloring Rwanda light green?

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STOP memeflagging

Greenland is Denmark?

safest black country

Why? The retards crying memeflag never want discussion they just want to dismiss facts and arguments with Jow Forums cookie-cutter shitposts.

When I prive them from this, they get mad.

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>argentinia light green
>civilized africa is yellow
>half-civilized africa is red
>russia yellow
>SE asia is all red

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I guess 'enlightened' is another word for 'cucked'?

Former soviet central Asian republics Savage? Go to Astana far more civilized then fucking Paris

Can't be, Britain is "civilized" instead of "enlightened".

better senpai?

Attached: civil_world.png (1357x617, 40K)

We are not civilized at all, with all the immigrants people being killed with sticks on the streets by immigrants gangs, massive amoun of them on the streets doing nothing and recieving welfare from the goverment.

how is northkorea savage ?

shlomo ?

eastern europeans civilized kek

Thank you yellow jacket, very cool

why the fuck not. Just cause they don't meet German's autistic ordnung standards doesn't make them uncivilised.

>Belarus is savage tier
What? One of the last European nations that keeps traditions alive

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They starve people fuckwit.


>anything above barbarous

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"civilized africa" LUL

they have the same king that is where similarities end

Canada - Enlightened

