Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria should unite into a Germanic federal state...

Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria should unite into a Germanic federal state. It would create a cultural, financial and scientifically superpower, with potential to reach the same at a military level. There are no bad sides in the long run. It would allow our cultures to survive against China, the US, Africa, the Arab world and more.

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think bigger

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You haven't taken a look at germany the past couple of years have you? The new germans are quite a different breed.

show flag, shitfuck
europeans are not one race, Germanics are

what flag are you hiding?

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>A "Swede or an Englishman, a Frenchman or Czech, a Pole or Italian" was considered to be related, that is, "Aryan".

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Worry about the kikes are shitskins before wanting to create a union you will have no control over.

Lies or incomplete, also not a Hitlerboo. Whites/aryans are - of course - way better than poos or nignogs or sandniggers or whatever, but I still don't feel any connection to slavic czechs or romance italians. Because there barely are any - apart from us all being European. It matters, but it is far from all.

The non-Germanic areas of Europe have bountiful resources and good fighting stock. They're clearly racially inferior, nobody denies this, but they're leagues and bounds ahead of the rest of the planet. The President of Romania is a German. The head of the Russian Central Bank is a German. Thanks to WWII and Communism these people are now willing to be led by competent and thoughtful Germanics.

Europe needs to unite and find common cause with the far-east. Canada has been a federal state for 150 years and the Quebecois language/ethnicity has never been safer from eradication. French is on the ascendancy in Canada. Our PM is French.

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Sure Im down, Nords unite

What lies? Aryan and Germanic are not the same thing. You can't produce one anti-Slav Hitler speech or propaganda poster, although he did call them inferior in Mein Kampf.

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desu that's a great idea
Do you want to establish something like a National Socialism or an aristocracy?

It's simply not tenable anymore. You need a united Europe, with a merit system Germanics will naturally rise to the top.

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Norway, Sweden, and Denmark yes, continentals no

Against a globalist word we wouldn't stand a chance alone, broder. Germans and dutch work the same way we do, their cultures, customs and ways of acting are the same. It would create a world power.

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Limited democracy, aka the EU. The same people that push for aristocracy/natsoc also claim the EU is anti-democratic (which it is), it's very ridiculous.

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Why would they unite? So they can replace their populations even faster

National Socialism was great, but it is dead. It will never be able to work again. This state needs to be built on other principles. Also NatSoc was heavily influenced by a Führerprinzip. Won't work nowadays, we need federalism and regional supremacy

Russia and America are completely controlled by jews. You need more than the Germanic countries, also these populations only vote 5-10% for the far-right. Central and Eastern Europe and prepared to accept and fight for what is necessary. You need them as much as they need you.

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Sweden and Norway have more in common with Finland than the continentals, you may be closer to Germany though

Well, what would you suggest? A european union? That won't work, you can't have portugese officials in Brussels dictating which rules applies for a farmer in Romania. The differences are too big.

In Canada we all work together. Our elite are overwhelmingly Germanic because they're the most competent and intelligent leaders in the country. Slavs and Celts are over represented in fire fighting, enlisted soldiers, police officers, etc. We have one Slav general so they're not locked out or anything.

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>may be closer to Germany than Sweden and Norway
you have no idea what you're talking about it seems. THe 19th century and the rise of nationalism/national romantisicm was all about anti-germans in Denmark. 100 years of fighting against a Germanisation. Whereas you have statues of the German emperor in your cities and the swedes are literally known as the Germans of the North.

In Canada we have Quebec milk farmers that dictate what old money Anglos do on the west coast. It's not perfect but it works. The French minority in Canada is under zero cultural/ethnic threat and we're used to hearing politicians speak through a translator.

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I mean that we up north are closer to finland than the continent, while denmark doesn't really have much of a connection to finland, just like how northern scandinavians don't have as close ties to germany

We're by and far the most "free" country in the commonwealth and I attribute this to our ~23% French ethnocultural minority. Trudeau may seem powerful but he has far less power than any European leader and arguably even Donald Trump. The leaders of Quebec and Ontario have more domestic power than Trudeau.

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I agree, the Führerprinzip won't work anymore.
Limiting democracy is important, tho.

No thank you. I'd prefer an ethno sweden.

The russian's will rape Gotland but sure, stay lonely.

He will protect us.

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LMAO it's called the EU

Democracy is one of many reasons for the horrible state we find ourselves in nowaday. I agree. Although I don't see a state like this running without regional representation because of muh german supremacy at the cost of nation x. I guess we need chaos and european wars for this to be able to happen.
Kind of makes sense although it doesn't.
>Bergen and the hansa
>literally all famous Norwegians having spent alot of time in Germany or at German universites
>Norwegian language and German language and their similarities
>Germany being like the second most important trade partner of Norway after Sweden
>Norwegian kings coming from Germany
>way more and that is just Norway, not Sweden
Northern Scandinavians have a enormous ties to Germany, just like Denmark has. Always has been. Our ''population'' ties to Germany got broken with the Slesvig-issues of the 19th century, yours because of the second world war.

Why exclude Frankreich?

The Anglos are just as Germanic as the Scandinavians.

Also, who would the Swedes associate with the swarthy barbarian Huns of Germany?
