Why don't the Germans here move to south Brazil? Isn't it supposed to be some kind of Nazi utopia?
Honest question
Is very white, but only Santa Catarina is German majority, but compared to the rest of Brazil is really a utopia. But there is nowhere left to flee to, Santa Catarina used to be 95% white and nowadays is 85% and declining. If you want to know any specific thing you can ask me.
you are delusional
south brazil is full of non whites from all sorts, even many "whites" there are mixed with amerindians..
t. kike
We try fleeing to Liechtenstein or Switzerland
Do many Germans still immigrate there or are most of them just from already established communities?
Season 5 never
Stop running, Anglo.
You betrayed your race twice and ran from all over the world until only your tiny island was left.
Now you have nowhere else to run.
most of them are descendants from immigrants of the early 20th century
why? because i've said the reality?
Cheers for the blackpill, mate.
Fight or flight is a false dichotomy.
It's fight or die.
I'd suggest you pick up a hobby of hunting or sports shooting.
Well seems to me that some emigration from Europe still exist but it is smaller than the Haitian one, and impacts little to the demographics, most of the whites are from established communities, but the ones that are immigrants are mostly northwestern European tho (At least where a live).
Argentina and Mexico, user. Latter is unfortunately why spic music sounds like it does.
>Not joking
I don't think fleeing is optimal tho, see I'm sure you could have a much more comfy life here, but for how much longer this will be the case ? If whites just run for ever and never face their enemies we are fucked.
I know someone who moved to Brazil.
He told everything there is organized via Mafia.
He is now part of the German Mafia.
how big is it?
what are the gun rights?
is it enough to speak English and German?
are there big spiders?
am i allowed to shoot someone on my property?
how much are the living costs?
You see, I know this is probably the right thing to do, but I just can't look outside and think to myself "Yeah, this degeneracy is going to end."
It just gets bigger and bigger by each passing day, user. And with all of my loved ones conditioned to be so indifferent to all of this, I cannot help but feel utter pointlessness.
pls help thx
NEVER COME HERE, the so called white south is a DELUSION, RS is at very best some 25% white, SC is a little better some 50%, but it doesn't even matter, these people are white only on phenotype, the culture of this shithole of a country is degeneracy times infinitum, all of the people will deny and fight you that race doesn't exist, everyone racemix without much of a second thought, they said they hate bandits here, but all of the blackest bandits have lines of aryan women waiting to fuck them, the average inteligence here must be lower than Nigeria, don't come here, is a dead end, try to save your country
Not the guy but...
Restricted but we are getting there
Only in a former german neighborhood
Yes, but not Australia tier
Not yet
not to say that the majority of the so called whites here are the reason the country sucks so much, they are all corrupt, greedy, selfish people who will put you down if that means they get their own profit, white niggers, stay away
Brazil is hard mode, faggots need not apply.
Need stones to make it here.
Imagine being such a faggot that you have to flee to other Countries you don't belong in
nordestino pride
i would rather move with my family to a save haven than see my grandchildren wearing a burka
Argentina not Brasil ... is a bit closer to Newschwabia
Go to the american midwest or some other place where there's really white's, wipe this shithole of your list if you don't want your grandchildren going to parties and fucking blacks, indians, animals, aliens at 12 and your son doing drug dealing or stealing openly on the streets
already did, but thaks based brazil
I can understand user, most people just want to have a calm and good life.
SC is 95 733 km2 the south is 576 774,31 km2 (Germany is 357 386 km2 for comparison), the rural area is very cosy, at the same time it is and it isn't dense (hard to explain, but a lot of cities are like German medieval-ish architecture), the gun rights are worse than in the US and Switzerland, but if you live in a middle sized town or smaller you will never need a gun (The South is safe, seriously, take that from someone that already lived in other areas of Brazil that have worse murder hate than Syria).
You will rarely find anybody speaking English outside big and middle sized towns (200.000+ people). There are a lot of people that speak German and Italian in smaller towns, but is kind a of dying out, so is rare to young people to speak it in most places, but I think that if you do search you can find German speaking towns (at least in SC and RS).
The fauna is okay, the countryside is really beautiful, you can fine a lot of forested hills that are really cosy to trek on.
>pic related is in SC
The living costs are kinda of meh, especially in big cities, our taxes are mostly on service and goods so they come a little more pricey than in the exterior, but you always can buy cheap shit in Paraguay next door, and is not really that big of a deal, you can live pretty good, imo the living costs are better than most bi European and American cities.
More and more white middle and upper class from the southwest are immigrating to here, so the demographics are not falling that fast than in Europe or US, but they are mostly Southern Europeans like most of white Brazilians, so the big cities are not that German anymore (some never were anyways but some areas is really German.
My ancestors commited the mistake, just helping other's not to
Corretor imobiliario safado enganando os gringo aqui e destruindo a raça deles
Santa Catarina IS NOT German majority. It has a lot of German majority areas, but the state itself isn't majority germanic at all, although its true that most of its people is white.
Of work for the government so I think I'm kinda of worse than that to be honest jkkjjk, but I'm not saying he should move, he sholdn't, I'm just trying to give a honest answers to the questions, I'm my opinions SC is the best state in Brazil and I say that after experiencing living in a lot of places here in this shithole.
Yes it is, I talking about the state and not of Floripa, Chapeco or Tubarão man, stay away from the big cities bro.
Yes, it is the best state in Brazil, but is not a white land, it was infected by brazilian culture a long time ago just a every place in this country, and at end of the day, whites exist only on phenotype here, maybe at some cities on the interior, but generally everyone here is nigger with a white skin only
mutts and negros complain about the south racists and move there first chance they get, the big cities are full of negros already
please tell him to take over the country and burn this fucking place to the ground
is the most southern state (Rio Grande do Sul) also pretty good?
I get what you are saying the whites in big cities act like niggers, welcome to the modern reality, this is like that in the entire west. What I'm saying is that the interior of SC and the entire South to a degree is still very white and conservative, and you can disagree with me in this but that is my opinion, only that.
Lived in Porto Alegre for some time, burn that shit to the ground, cannot tell you that much from the interior, only have been in cities close to the border of SC and they are pretty good imo, but the whites there are mostly Northern Italians (Veneto, Lombardia and shit like that), not Germanics.
coutryside is great, major cities are shitholes, full of druggies
That's pretty much the worst, since I live here, here goes some realistic stats from here, Porto Alegre, largest city and capital of the state, some 5-10% white at best, is one of the most violent cities in the whole country, and when I say violence in Brazil I guess everyone knows what it means, Canoas, 5-15% white, almost as violent, less killing though, more mugging, Caxias do Sul, more on the interior near SC though, 35-45% white, not as violent, quite normal, but normal in Brazil is probably 5 years worth of crime in Iceland, Pelotas, almost on the border with Urgay, 15-20% white, after canoas on violence, Novo Hamburgo, near Porto alegre, 25-30% white, violent but not as much as canoas, Santa maria, near Paraguay border and SC too, 15-30% white, not so violent too, this are the biggest cities, people talk about going into the interior and shit, but there's neither enough population or jobs to make a living, though they tend to be a little more white
I actually agree that the interior is quite fine, the problem is that there's too little people and too spread, my grandpa lives in a small town with only 2000 people here on RS, and all this micro towns have literally nothing to live off, the lands all belong to older families who hardly sell and if they do is quite expensive, or to large companies who are not even from Brazil, and even if you get some land you will still risk losing all cause the competition and the prices are ridiculous, if you are retiring, have lot's of money, don't care much about internet or other stuff is fine, but even this places are getting slowly invaded by quotas on civil service and young people returning from university with a black or mistery meat partner
>Yes it is
Bullshit. The west is also not German majority, its mostly Italian.
You can live pretty good in the interior man, a lot of towns in the 10 thousands have internet, is the 21 century there are a lot of way to get money, but in my view the best life is a simple rural life, it's hard to get one nowadays, true, but South Brazil is pretty much one of the last places were you can experience a simple rural white life in the world, and that is something. Don't matter what people say, if we wuz white and shit, but parts of the south are legit some of the best places to live a simple and fulfilling life in the west.
If you say so...
There is no debating over different opinions
For us maybe, but for people coming from western europe who never lived away from excelent public services, very low criminality, surronded by well educated people and very advanced technology, it may be rough, and would be really better if not the same to go to a rural area in its own country who is guaranted to be 100% the same ethnics
I agree, I was never making the point that he should move to here, I was just giving my honest views on the region.
Germans are not welcome here.
t. nationalist
me too
t.pardo monarquista from facebook pages
monarchism in brazil = kike faggotry
>in brazil
you mean anywhere
why would germans move to a non white shithole
Because Germany is a muslim non white shithole
I'm dutch with a brazillian passport and seriously considering living in Brazil... dont know if I should do it though.. but I seriously like forro and tapioca's
You gonna get robbed and shot.
Brazil is lost, dudes. I live here in the Center-South countryside of Paraná - the Slavic front - and the degeneracy is far too high. 20% trve slavs, 30% random Europeans with various combinations of mixing between them (slavs, baltiks, germanics, romans, iberians, et cetera), which in our current situation isn't the biggest of the problems and the rest is total zucas (brazimutts); and my town is supposedly one of the most white of Paraná; imagine the rest. The only hope for us here would be make something like Orania in SA... Otherwise, it's better to return to Mother Europe before die by the chaos that is emerging on this cursed soil. Our little traditional villages won't protect us for long...
brazil is a shithole
*black shithole
Btw, those %s that I wrote doesn't count much, after all, those are genetic %s. What really counts is the genetics + traditions, which is very low.