We are all the same on the inside.
We are all the same on the inside
I doubt all of them were exactly 40 years old. But cool image still
You can see the cranial volume difference. Asian > White > Nigger > Abbo
The human skull is very cool looking
It's always these same four
You would think evolution would select for having the brain in a more secure location though.
>We are all the same on the inside
>posts pic showing various races having different bone structure
You can see the negro face takes more of skull height, leaving less for cranium.
Can we all finally agree that australoid is an entirely different species?
why doesnt the abo skull have a septum?
Probably just an unfortunate side effect of how the skull was obtained, nothing significant.
We rarely get to see the most striking purebreds any more, sadly...
That's racist goy-san
No they do.
Is that Abraham lincoln?
Can't be racist if they aren't even Human.
It's final proof that Abraham Lincoln was actually black. Schools don't teach this.
Who is that, an erectus?
That’s what the Irish use too look like
I wonder were the pig nose came from
Even at a glance the Abo one is immensely different
ape lincoln
abbers are so fuckin ugly
We are all humans user, we whites and pygmies are the same race
Mongoloid looks like it's wearing veneers
>use too
I see they passed many genes on to you, Hank
Probably the base form, from which ours grew out of.
The skull is pretty secure
>tfw there's a spoopy skeleton inside of you
One cut to the neck and it's all over.
Because the sensory organs should be close to the brain for fastest reaction time
Even at a glance the Abo one is immensely different
You can move that too
where would you put them ideally?
Somewhere on the upper part of the torso
Center mass. Also that way if you fall down you don't have a chance of dying.
what about mixed raced peoples skull? does anyone here have info on that?
No one tried to compare yet probably
Somewhat like this
I would rather die than look like that
Those noses don't look natural. Like they don't belong there.
Those noses don't look natural. Like they don't belong there.
A lizard or dog like that would have a hard time eating and looking around.
You mean badass?
Looks horribly impractical
>don't look natural
Artists' impressions often don't. But didn't you think the same the first time you ever saw a real Chinese up close?
Natural selection can only get to certain places based on what is already available. Designing an ideal being from scratch is left to artifical selectors in robotics, Frankenstein genefuckery, transhumanists and sci-fi writers.
>white skull looks the most normal and human, its the kind seen depicted practically everywhere from art to ads and academia
its ironic, we all know of a white skull, everything is based off a white skull, yet we pretend there are no differences in skull shapes when there are
my psychology or sociology teacher tried saying its all bullshit made up pseudoscience by racists
see? yeah, these fucking faggots. wow, another sociology teacher, what a surprise
Looks bad, okay?
Can anyone postulate as to why nignog noses are so big? Smelling danger or something?
>those chink chompers
Bucktooth-loving yellow-fever weeaboos btfo
Their nose is more like the original. Nothing to explain, unless you want to explain primates in general. Rather, you should be wondering why ours are so narrow and protruding.
Probably to heat the air before it enters the bronchial tubes. Whites lived in cooler climates than niggers.
Cheetah have big nostrils compared to other cats.
Clearly it evolved to help them get air for lots of sprinting.
Related to predator
Honestly the only skull that seems WAY different is the Indigenous Australian. WTF happened there?
lmao it's the political compass
By what standards; how they diverse phenotipically from le arbitrarily forced standard white?
Tell me and I'm gonna punch a redpill hard deeply into your tender heart, virg cuck. Just you wait.
Can an Abbo breed with a white?
Look clown, aboriginals or, how 19th century ethnologists called them, Dradivians are actually part of one of the most complex societies to have ever existed; Indus Valley civilisation.
This group is only found in Australia, where they were isolated, and in India. And it's from India that one of the biggest mathematicians in human history came from.
He wasn't Punjabi or Iranic. He was pure Dradivian, and his face looked like this. Any similarities with original Australians?
Time to swallow the abbo master race pill.
this, we should make it mandatory for all white women to breed with superior abbo males to improve the genepool.
You didn't answer the question. Can an Abbo breed with a white person successfully?
People should and will always have sex with whom they find hot, you clown. The more you try to force, the more cucked you're gonna be. Simple as.
>Dradivians are actually part of one of the most complex societies to have ever existed; Indus Valley civilisation.
Good Lord, what ignorance, and paraded as superior intelligence!
The Indus Valley Civilisation probably was Dravidian, but it is highly likely that Dravidian languages spread into India from the west, from the Middle East. Some see links with the Elamite language, for instance.
The anthropology of India prior to the Aryan invasion is far more complex than you realise. The Dravidians smothered earlier layers of people, whose languages are now mostly lost. In doing so, many of them absorbed much genetics from them. See the Weddids.
Subspecies sure, but interbreeding is possible, theybare closer to us than neanderthals and we could interbreed with then
very spoopy!
neat pic user
You think?
Kek at the abo gorilla cranium.
bestiality is illegal
Funny that Abos are closer to Europeans when it comes to genetics.
Yeah ... I think we should.
Science ...
bone marrow isn't white.
whatever you say nigger
it's light yellow ya dumb cunt
Same, but different...
Orwellian wisdom.
Yes. They make Indians. Pic related of a half abbo.
Oh yes, so that we would need rotating our entire body to look around rather than a quick turn of the head. Very ideal.
Drug interactions are different, health risk factors, diseases, bones, muscles, gestational periods, development periods, iq, just about everything is different between the races and it observable. All the while lefties are making fun of the strawman creationist while saying they have studied evolution, and at the very same time disregarding the theory of evolution when it comes to humans. Apart for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years? Doesn't matter, we are all human beans!
That's a really interesting looking person I don't think I'm familiar with them.
Yeah why didn't God or natural evolution make it out of titanium or ar500 steel?
Mother Nature runs on a shoestring budget. Every genetic resource costs resources. She can't spare any more than that fren. The vertebrate classification is an adaptation to consolidate thinking meat in one place while spreading command and sensory systems out.
It's not perfectly concrete, as there are support neural systems in other complex organ systems, such as the heart. The heart alone has about 40,000 neurons to regulate activity, adapt to new changes in activity and cardiovascular health, etc. In a way, the brain acts as a highly adaptable (and very energy hungry) FPGA and the support systems act as microcontrollers that control its own hardware, as well as receive and send data to a consolidated source.
With that said, there are organisms that have their thinking nervous system all around their bodies, and that would be some forms of invertebrates like octopi. If a limb is severed, it can still operate independently of the central body and brain.
If you've got a better way to distribute resources in a genetic blueprint, feel free to provide your input. We hardly understand the reasons of where, how, and why, so small changes may have a large effect on how said individual lives.
How does that exist?
India is a very weird case where they had a ton of potential to grow into their own, and then they fell apart and never recovered. Their histories and cultures are unusually complex but also corrupted by a seeming inability to get their act together. India somehow functions despite nothing going right in the grand scheme of things.
This is really cool. I like skulls. Knowing everyone has different ones gives me the happy.
I mean she looks like a Caucasian woman tattooed grayish black. She has black skin, but she doesn't have African skin. It's not simply the color.