How does it benefit us Jews to destroy the white race? Many Jews are white, so they would be destroyed

How does it benefit us Jews to destroy the white race? Many Jews are white, so they would be destroyed.

In fact, how did it benefit us Jews to do these things:
1. Kill Jesus
2. Kill James A. Garfield
3. Start Communism
4 Do 9/11
5. Start the SJW movement
6. Have Arabs mass migrate to Europe

Like seriously, are we such puppet masters?

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Who is James Garfield? Is some kind of american thing?

If communism is so jewish why did jewish oligarchs destroyed the soviet union?

Capitalism is the true jewish system

>us Jews
Do you see that stove?
That's for you to live in.

>How does it benefit us Jews to destroy the white race?
It doesn’t. You’re idiots. Have fun being slaughtered by the brown golem.

How subtle.

And true!

There are dumb Jews and there are smart Jews. Don’t generalize an entire religion.


How are we a race? Anyone can leave or join Judaism. Yes there are Hebrews but Hebrews are not inherently Jewish.

>fellow white

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Yeah, they are white... and Jewish...

Distinct and separate genes

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By that logic Tuvaluans are a race, Lichtensteinians are a race, Lebanoners are a race. Every nationality would be a race!

>Every nationality would be a race!
Only if their genes are distinct. In any case, Jews are more closely related to Middle-Eastern ancestry than European and, in fact, a threat to White people.

Every nationality does distinct genes.

How? How are we a threat to whites? I’m Jewish and white. There are white Jews, black Jews, Polynesian Jews, Arabic Jews, Hispanic Jews, Asian Jews etc.

everything changes after dec 20th 2020 when
jupiter conjuncts saturn.
shortly AFTER the last great conjunction there
was a declaration of war, i.e. 9/11

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Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are the only real problem.

>How are we a threat to whites?
Jews use their abundance of wealth to fund non-White immigration, spread degeneracy via the media, seek to widen the debt industry, etc. Read Mein Kampf if you’d like to know more, although Jews are only mentioned a few times.

Forgot to pay the brain bill dude?

>Kill Jesus
first to calling out the jew
>Kill James A. Garfield
>Do 9/11
burn the business, earn the insurance when it doesn't bring you enough money anymore. side effect: america is now pro fighting one of the biggest enemies of Jews
>Start the SJW movement
if no one can call out the Jew anymore because it's antisemetic jews are invincible
>Have Arabs mass migrate to Europe
if everyone is blonde and blue eyed a kike with dark hairs and eyes will be noticed, if there are only mixed raced people nobody notices the Jew.
also lower IQ = easier to control
>Many Jews are white
no Jew is white, you are either one or the other.

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If any group is responsible for Arab immigration, it would be Methodists. Why? After 9/11, George W. Bush, a Methodist, declared war on Muslim terrorism, and Arabs who were in danger because of that war left to Europe, a safe place compared to the Middle East. But you know what? I’m not going to blame Methodists, because most Methodists are fine people who aren’t responsible for the War on Terror.

What degeneracy? Homosexuality? Nothing wrong with that. Non-whites? Nothing wrong with them. Women? Nothing wrong with them.

I hope you get strung up soon kike

1. Jesus was Jewish.

2. James A. Garfield was an American president.

3. What are you even trying to say with your third point? G-d learn some fucking writing skills.

4. Calling out individual Jews on their actions is fine but acting as though all Jews are these evil degenerates is awful.

5. Jews can have blonde hair and blue eyes dude.

I’m already worried because you guys want to kill me because of my religion.

No, I want to kill you because your race wants to subvert and destroy my race.

I don’t want to kill all white people. I am white dude.

he was but also turned on them and build his own religion on top of it.
he wasn't a Jew anymore in the things he has done. and you believe the same, otherwise you would be a christian, it just doesn't fit your narrative.
>What are you even trying to say with your third point?
who owned the twin towers? most of the companies in there?
and besides that, as you mentioned, it kicked of the war on terror which translates to america fighting Muslims. that is what i was trying to say
>learn some fucking writing skills.
i am obviously not a native english speaker
>Jews can have blonde hair and blue eyes
yeah there could be a jew with blonde hair and blue eyes but it's unlikely.
Jews don't race mix that extensive and brown eyes and dark hair are more dominant than blonde hair and blue eyes
>acting as though all Jews are these evil degenerates is awful.
okay to make this clear, we are talking about Zionism, but that should be obvious on a political board in an political thread about political influence

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1. Jesus was heretical in the eyes of the judeans, real the fucking bible man.
2. Don't see how jews were invovled there desu
3. by eliminating the differences between everyone they can hide in plain sight without risk of persecution. easy.
4. they didn't they just obfuscated the intel that would've prevented it because mossad wanted to keep saudi on side vs iran.
5. That was the product of decades of leftist indoctrination in education spawned from the frankfurt school who were by and large jewish. Intentional or not it is the ideological brain-xhild of jewish people.
6. divide et impera you dumb fuck.

You have asked why these things benefited jews. Then when people answer your questions sincereely or not you claim jews aren't a monolith despite having referred to them in that sense in your question. This is why people don't trust you as your argumentative tactics are deceptive and you ALWAYS have an ulterior motive.

>t. 1/8th ashkenaz

1. All he did was say he was the savior. The Pharisees took this as blasphemy, but three out of the four gospels say that the law at the time was that a Jew can’t punish another Jew for blasphemy.

2. You just proved my point.

3. The only Communist leader who tried to destroy Communism was Pol Pot. While all Communism is bad, it doesn’t necessarily try to eliminate individuality.

4. MoSsAd Is BeHiNd EvErYtHiNg I dOn’T lIkE.

5. The Frankfurt School was a good thing dude. It helped eliminate racism against black people.

6. You guys seem to divide people a lot too.

1. Claiming you are the King of the jews will piss people off Pharisees wasn't alone. The gospels would obviously support christ they were baptised ffs.
2. StRaW mEn ArE pRoOf I'm RiGhT
3. what the fuck does pol pot have to do with anything? The communist manifesto was an economic prescription for violent revolution in victorian england. The social mentality of equality above all and political correctness erases difference, allowing persecuted groups to thrive, I shouldn't have to explain how that benefits european jews in the 19th and 20th Cs.
4. Israel directly benefits from a strong oil rich arab neighbour, Saudi hates Iran and Israel is threatened with annihilation by Iran. Does it not make sense to withhold information to the Americans if it keeps Saudi on your team?
5. Regardless of any potential benefit it ahs a direct ideological link to today's leftist fruitcakes who are a destabilising force. This is incidental to jews, any claim otherwise without proof is straw-clutching anti-semitism.
6. Not an answer. Divide and conquer is a universal and whataboutism will get you nowhere. Jews are absolutely capable of it and jewish individuals have profited from mass migration through the debt economy of the west.

Tikkun Olam

Why does this race of highly inbred schizophrenics not think forward to the total long term end result of this? Who knows. We just know that they did engineer the immigration, and do promote racemixing and create anti-white race law and policy. We have all of the evidence of jews doing these things.

Anyone up for a little Jewish genocide again

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You tell me Shlomo.

1. You’re really good at completely missing the point of the argument my dude.
2. JoKeS aNd StRaWmEn ArE tHe SaMe ThInG.
3. Pol Pot was the only type of a Communist you were talking about, he’s one of the most infamous Communist leaders, yeah he has a lot to do with this.
5. Violence is bad, why the Hell can’t you get that through your thick skull?
6. I’m just saying that you have no right to call Jews dividers. Also we don’t divide people based on gender, religion, race, and sexuality like you do.

You know what, since you guys can’t seem to grasp that Jews aren’t evil puppet masters who hate everyone who isn’t them when I logically tell you why, I guess I need to do it in musical form:

> Pol Nazis: The holocaust didn't happen
> Also Pol Nazis: Get in the Stove, Jew

What's it gonna be Adolf ? Did the Holocaust happen or not .

Bring it on, we are going to fight back this time.

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Fucking lmao run out of BS to reply with?

1. Not an arugment, pls retort and explain why I'm wrong.
2. i'M aGrEeInG wITh YoU fElLA
3. Dodged the response and focusing on an irrelevant example, address my points.
4. pls respond.
5. what part of my response endorsed violence exactly?
6. I have every right to call everyone a divider if I so please. Whether that is true for all is up for debate, in the case of Jews I would argue they are as guilty as any other successful ethnic group. Jews don't tend to divide by race, or other categories so much as Jew/non-jew and that is enough to have an impact.

Don't be a fgt and give me an actual response this time mate.

Thanks for sticking up for me dude.

Being a Jew means following the 613 commandments of the Torah. Jesus took a stand that the jewish religious establishment was NOT following God's commandments that were given. Jesus coming to Earth was not to invalidate the Old testament, it was to bring the Jews back to the true word of God.

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obvious slide is obvious

Are you honestly suggesting that you did not kill Jesus and start communism? Because you did. These are verifiable, historical, facts.

What are you talking about? Please prove your idiocy. Thanks.

still not an answer pal

The whole core of Jewish culture is education, intelligence and to question things. these people on Jow Forums just are emotional hateful beasts that don't use their brain. Then they wonder why the o power elite control their lives.

Did you even copy and paste the link into your search engine?

reminder to dilate

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It's not about benefit. It's just what you do. Subverting and destroying civilization in a slow spiral of degeneracy is just in your nature. Ever heard of the scorpion and the frog? You're the scorpion. You drown too.

Also don't forget pic related

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I wouldn’t necessarily say that. Judaism is about knowing that G-d loves you and wants the best for you, and thanking G-d back.

But yeah, the monsters on Jow Forums are just low-IQ dumbasses who only care about themselves. That’s why I stopped arguing and just started linking them to a Billy Joel song.

I am more interested in how you could possibly think that Jews did not kill Jesus or start communism when these are facts. What nonsense are the rabbis teaching you yids?

>the virus cares not for the health of the host

You filthy rats are NOT white and you know it shlomo you fucking desert rat

>camps will make them lamps

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The link is embedded... I can see what it is without even opening it.
Are you ok?

Well, the Roman government sentenced Jesus to death, not a synagogue. Secondly, Victor d’Hupay, the guy behind Communism, was not Jewish.

1. there is no such thing as a white Jew, that is from years of kidnapping and eugenics at play for infiltrating
2.See the gas chamber over there? That is for you if you do not get the fuck out of my country.
3.Go back to Israel you long nosed mother fucker.

Combining the two makes an oxymoron, shlomo. You're not tricking anybody.

>Many Jews are white
No you aren't

23andMe is literally owned by likes, what did you expect?

Yeah that is true, religiously that is what being a Jew is all aobut. Culturally growing up is what i mean when i say that Judaism really stresses education.

jews do not consider themselves white. OKAY?!!

Okay. Now go read the New Testament and come back to tell us how you were wrong.

dam you got out jewed hard shlomo

Well listen to the song and tell me why you think I sent it to you.

So you are finally admitting that the Germans had gas chambers to massacre innocent humans.

No the Kikes were asked to choose between Jesus and Barabas and they made a choice to kill Christ they knew what they were doing

Jews consider themselves white. I am Jewish. I am white. Every jew that I know is white and considers themselves white.

Have you read the New Testament? Jesus was a Jew.

I'm in the "the holocaust never happened, but should have" part of the expanding brain meme.

your parents should of hid their sexuality from (you).

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I know the song and it is still not a valid retort to my arguments. Songs aren't arguments, strawmen aren't arguments, moralising BS and memes aren't arguments. Address my points you slimy bugger.

Not true memeflaggot.

So the holocaust was a white genocide?

> monsters

Nice projection:

I’m not gay but I’m supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Here's one from a goy's perspective
>1. Kill Jesus
It was a religious problem. Jesus radicalized your religion at the time so it is bound that there was protest from reactionary religious leaders over that.
>2. Kill James A. Garfield
You did that? I did a quick wiki search and it appeared to be someone of French Hugonaut background.
>3. Start Communism
I'm guessing you thought that it would be better to be under Communism than monarchism during the time
>4 Do 9/11
One of you got a huge insurance payout for that
>5. Start the SJW movement
I don't know why desu. Maybe it's in your people's genes to do shit like that.
>6. Have Arabs mass migrate to Europe
Making space for greater Israel

Listen, I didn’t start the fire. You did by leaving your Spaghetti-Os in the microwave too long.

Yes it was a white genocide as well. So many cripples, gays, jews, political opponents, anyone that the nazis didnt like would just get executed.

Well, most if not all of the Jews who died in the Holocaust were white.

Parasites kill the host

1. Jesus did a lot of bad things to the jews, like that case he kicked out the jews out of the temple, converted people to the good way of the christianity

3. Jews wants the global domination, with the idea of communism, they could oppress anyone who wasnt aligned with their goals, kill them, arrest people, everyone should live within their feud.

4. they wanted the nations support to make their moves even further in the orient, with the us military and some allies, they could kill enemies and stablish governments from their preferences.

5. It's to weaken the peoples mind and nation.

6. Overload first world countries with third world people, it's not the country that is first world by itself, but the manners of its people.

Than why aren’t all Gentiles dead yet? Dude, Judaism was founded in -3,500 B.C., if it’s gonna take over 5,500 years to kill off all Gentiles, than we Jews are awful parasites.

billy joel is jewish

Address my arguments

We still didn’t start the fire. The goal of Lag b’Omer is not to start a wildfire.

Good goy, you know your stuff.

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Can you just call the fire department now? It’s spreading to the backyard now.

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Can you call Tel Aviv and find a new script so you don't look like a drooling JIDF retard?

Dude, the cat just died in the fire.

And yet you still killed him. This isn't a subject of debate to anyone sane.

Yes. The fire rises

Killing all gentiles is not the goal of the average Jew. There is no "conspiracy." You are just an extremely self-centered, short-sighted, decadent demographic. Most Jews want nothing more than to line their own pockets with gold while they beat their dicks to nine-year-old boys in drag twerking. They simply don't care about the damage this does to the society around them or to their own people or future generations as long as they get their material wealth and their sick sexual pleasures.

Killing the Romanovs was always a good thing.

You are right, their goal is not to kill, but to enslave, one way or another.

So Jews are all pedophiles now? What about nine year old Jews?

Dude, the forest behind the house is now burning. CALL THE DAMN FIRE DEPARTMENT!

Hey I'm still here fella are you going to respond or not?